Beating The Odds When You Launch A New Venture by Clark G. Gilbert and Matthew J. Eyrin
Beating The Odds When You Launch A New Venture by Clark G. Gilbert and Matthew J. Eyrin
Beating The Odds When You Launch A New Venture by Clark G. Gilbert and Matthew J. Eyrin
Clark G. Gilbert and Matthew J. Eyrin
Deal-Killer Risks
As the name implies, these are uncertainties that, if left
unresolved, could undermine the entire venture. Such risks
may be less obvious in the moment that they appear in
hindsight, after catastrophe has stuck.
All other things being equal, a large corporation's deep pockets should give it
an advantage over bootstrap entrepreneurs, when it comes to financing a
new venture. But in practice, a parent company's funding procedures are
often a major responsibility. Corporations typially allocate money for a new
venture all at once, hoping for a large payoff fairly soon.
Integrated Experiments
These are designed to test how various experiments - the actual business model and
operations - work together. In essence, they involve launching the business, or some part of it,
in miniature. Although pilot programs are nothing new, our experience suggests that
entepreneurs rarely give them sufficient time to play out.