Transformer Intenship
Transformer Intenship
Transformer Intenship
Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
• Our client list includes electrical home appliances manufacturing industries, small and medium scale
industries for backup power support system.
• Committed to highest level of services and excellence, the company started as a Proprietorship firm. We at
Adithya Technologies are passionate for excellent future.
Adithya Technologies
•Safety in the Company
Adithya Technologies is an ethically responsible company operating with transparency. The company is committed to
their employees for providing all kinds of services related to their health and safety from all hazardous/accidental
events that may occur at the plant.
The employees are given training for safe working practices followed by the safety rules.
By adopting human and earth friendly technology for the manufacturing of products. ADITHYA
TECHNOLOGIES has adopted OHSAS system and has been accredited by OHSAS-18001:2007.
Adithya Technologies
• List of Equipment
1. CNC Machine
2. Welding Machine
3. Drilling Machine
5. Auto Transformer
6. Mustimeters
7. Tool Kit
What is Transformer?
• Faraday’s Law:
• Faraday's law of induction discovered in 1831 described the induced voltage effect in any coil due to changing
magnetic flux encircled by the coil.
• Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction explains the relationship between electric circuit and magnetic
field. This law is the basic working principle of the most of the electrical motors, generators, transformers,
inductors etc.
What is Transformer?
Electromagnetic Induction
What is Transformer?
• Faraday's First Law:
Whenever a conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field an EMF gets induced across the conductor (called as
induced emf), and if the conductor is a closed circuit then induced current flows through it. Magnetic field can be
varied by various methods -
1. By moving magnet
Power Transformers
Mobile Transformers
Distribution Transformers
Furnace Transformers
o Induction Furnace Duty
o Arc Furnace Duty
Testing Transformer
3. Reactors
2. Winding
3. Core Assembly
4. Clamp Fixing
5. Termination
6. Testing
7. Varnishing
8. Painting
Bobbin Preparation
• Electrical transformers, inductors and relay coils use bobbins as permanent container for the wire to form and
retain shape, and to ease assembly of the windings into or onto the magnetic core. The bobbin may be made of
thermoplastic or thermosetting (for example, phenolic) materials. This plastic often has to have a TÜV, UL or other
regulatory agency flammability rating for safety reasons.
Winding Construction
• Conducting material is used in the windings of the transformer. Usually the windings are in concentrically to
minimize the flux leakages. There are two types of windings:
1. Core Type
2. Shell Type
Winding Construction
Types of Windings
Helical Winding
Layer Winding
Disc Winding
Interleaved Winding
Layer Winding
The winding, which is being used at Adithya Technologies is: Layer Winding.
Layer windings are most suitable for low voltage windings of large power transformers to mitigate high current
design requirement. For High voltage windings the disc coils with excellent mechanical strength are used to take the
stresses due to voltage level.
Core Assembly
Transformer Lamination
• primary and secondary windings are wound around laminated iron or steel cores.
• The coils are firstly wound on a former which has a cylindrical, rectangular or oval type cross section to suit the
construction of the laminated core.
• In both the shell and core type transformer constructions, in order to mount the coil windings, the individual
laminations are stamped or punched out from larger steel sheets and formed into strips of thin steel resembling
the letters “E”s, “L”s, “U”s and “I”s as shown below.
Transformer Lamination
Clamp Fixing & Termination
• These clamps are easy for installing and fitting, • The transformer is supplied with rating and
and are widely known for their strength and terminal marking plate made out of non-corrosive
durability. These transformer clamps are zinc plated metal. The plate contains information concerning the
rectangular clamps that provide enough strength to rating, voltage ratio, weights, oil quantity, vector
mount horizontally standing transformers. group, etc. The plate also includes unit Sr. no. and
year of manufacturing.
For testing a 230 Volt transformer, the primary side of the transformer is connected to the autotransformer and the
secondary is connected to multi-meter.
In autotransformer the voltage is varied from 0 to 230 volt and threated outpour voltage and current is checked in
the multi-meter.
Varnishing & Painting
• Varnishing: It protects the wire from movement and possible • Painting: Metal which has been
mechanical damage. Second, it prevents the entrance of moisture pre-treated by means of shot blasting to
and foreign matter which might corrode the wire or cause remove rust and welding scale is
insulation deterioration. Third, it increases the dielectric strength thoroughly cleaned, and then a coat of
of fibrous insulating materials. Fourth, it assists in heat dissipation epoxy zinc chromate primer paint is
from the coil. immediately applied to all external
surfaces. This anticorrosive primer has
rust inhibitive properties and excellent
chemical resistance. Two coats of Epoxy
or PU paint, which is highly resistant to
chemicals and oil, are then applied.
Inside surface of the tank is applied with
HOR paint.
• Compared to most electrical equipment’s transformer requires relatively less maintenance. However in order to
obtain a long and trouble-free service from the transformer. It must be properly maintained.
• Maintenance of transformer includes:
1. Care of Winding.
2. Prevention Maintenance of Transformer.
3. Over Heating.
4. Mechanical Damages.
Frequency of Maintenance: It is necessary to check the various parts at comparatively short intervals
• The training of manufacturing of transformer in which, the company was very help full to me. It has improved
my theoretical concept of transformer.
• I learned the steps of manufacturing transformers, Quality checking process, Drying process.
Thank You