Unit IV, Lesson 2.2.1a
Unit IV, Lesson 2.2.1a
Unit IV, Lesson 2.2.1a
Essential Questions:
1.What was Oersted’s
2.What was the discovery of
Faraday and Henry?
In 1820 Hans Christian
Oersted a Danish Physicist
discovered that a current
carrying wire produces a
magnetic field.
An electromagnet is a type of
magnet in which the magnetic
field is produced by the flow of
electric current.
Michael Faraday is generally
credited with the discovery of
induction in 1831 though it may
have been anticipated by the
work of Francesco
Zantedeschi in 1829.
Around 1830 to 1832, Joseph
Henry made a similar
discovery, but did not publish
his findings until later.
induction is the production
of a potential
difference (voltage) across
a conductor when it is
exposed to a varying
magnetic field.
Electric Motor is the
device that converts
electrical energy to
mechanical energy.
Generator is the device
that converts mechanical
energy to electrical energy.
A dynamo is called a DC
Armature Magnet
Whenever there is a change in
the number of magnetic field lines
passing through a loop of wire a
voltage (or emf) is generated (or
induced) in the loop of wire. This is
how an electric generator works.
The phenomenon is known as
electromagnetic induction and is
explained by Faraday's law of
A magnetic field is defined as a
region in which a magnetic force
is present. In a magnetic field,
the magnetic dipole (two equal
and oppositely charged or
magnetized poles separated by a
distance) experiences a turning
force, which tends to align it
parallel to the direction of the
Right Hand Rule # 1/Grip Rule
Grip the wire with the right
hand, with the thumb pointing
along the direction of the
current. The other fingers give
the direction of the magnetic
field around the wire.
According to Faraday's law, if
there is no change (with time)
in the number of lines of B field,
or magnetic flux, through a
closed loop(s) there will be no
induced, or generated, voltage
set up in the loop(s).
Lesson 1 Discovery of Magnetism
Have you ever used a compass to
find a direction? If you have, you are
doing something that was first done
by the Chinese in the twelfth century.
Historians believe that the Chinese
were the first to build compasses to
help them navigate.
They made use of a property of
certain materials that had been
discovered centuries before –
Magnetism is the natural force
that causes magnets to function
as they do, became known to
people many centuries ago.
They knew that the black
metallic ore are called
lodestone. It has the property of
drawing particles of iron to it.
The Greek philosopher
named Thales, who lived
during the sixth century
B.C., is said to have been
the first to observe this
property. After his time, the
lodestone was often
mentioned in ancient
It was given the name “magnet”
after Magnesia, a district in the
Asia Minor where large magnetic
deposits are found. Years later,
they found out that the thing
they called magnet does not
only attract iron rings but also
attract other rings suspended
from one another forming a
long chain.
Pins, needles and nails
are attracted to the
The Roman Lucretius,
who lived in the first
century B.B., tried to
explain magnetism in terms
of his atomic theory.
There are many legendary
accounts of the properties of
magnet. The Arabian Nights
contains the story of ship that
approached an island made of
magnetic rock. The ship fell
completely to pieces because
all the iron nails were pulled
out of it through the attraction
of the rock.
Another tale was based on the
story of a shepherd named
Magnes. One day when he was
tending his flock of sheep on the
slopes of Mount Ida in Asia Minor,
he noticed that the iron tip of his
staff was being pulled toward the
ground. He dug up the ground
and found out that the large
deposit of lodestone was
attracting his staff.
Thereafter the lodestone was
called magnet in honor of the
shepherd who had
discovered it, and later was
called magnetite. Scholars
have pointed out that this
story originated long after the
word “magnet” was
commonly used.
Test your understanding by
completing the blanks.
1.The black metallic ore that
has the property of
attracting pieces of iron are
called _____________.
2.The natural force of
attracting pieces of iron is
called ___________.
3. The word magnet was believed
to have been derived from the
name of a shepherd named
4. Lodestone was later called
____________ for its magnetic
5. _________ was a Greek
philosopher who first discovered
the magnetic property of
6. Historians believe that the
_______ were the first to build
compasses to help them
7. A __________is the space
around a magnet in which its
force affects objects.
8. A magnet has _____ poles.
9. The _________ contains the
story of ship that
approached an island made
of magnetic rock.
10. ________ is a district in
Asia Minor where large
magnetic deposits are
9. From the
figure the
10. From the thumb points
figure the the direction
fingers points of the
the direction ________
of the
Magnets and Magnetic Fields
In the course of the centuries,
much of the mystery that once
surrounded magnetism has
been dispelled. Today, the
lodestone or the natural magnet
is no longer familiar in the
study of magnetism because
practically all magnets
nowadays are artificial.
A. Magnetic Substances
A substance that possesses
magnetic properties is a magnet. It
attracts iron and faces the same
direction when moving freely.
Substances like iron and steel are
strongly attracted to magnets. These
substances are called ferromagnetic.
Nickel and cobalt are also
ferromagnetic. These materials are
often called magnetic materials.
Some substances, such as wood,
aluminum, platinum and oxygen,
are just slightly attracted by strong
magnets. These substances are
called paramagnetic. Substances
that are slightly repelled by
magnets are diamagnetic. Table
salt, mercury, zinc and gold are
diamagnetic substances.
Substances that are already
magnetized are called magnetite.
These are called natural or permanent
magnets. Lodestones are permanent
magnets. Materials that can be made
into magnets are called artificial
magnets. Artificial magnets are made
by induced magnetism. This is done by
stroking ferromagnetic materials in the
same direction several times with a
magnet. This process is called
magnetization. ALNICO magnet is
permanent magnet containing
aluminum, nickel and cobalt.
Temporary magnets are those
of soft iron that are easy to
magnetize and loses their
magnetic property very easily.
Electromagnet is an example
of temporary magnet. It is a
magnet that can be switched
on and off.
It is used to lift heavy objects
in industrial sites and
forwarding businesses.
Permanent magnets are used
in radio speakers, audio-video
devices and other electrical
The areas of greatest
magnetic force are called
magnetic poles. Every magnet
has two poles. You cannot
produce a magnet with only one
pole. The end of the magnet that
points north is called the north
magnetic pole, (N pole), and the
end that points south is the
south magnetic pole, (S pole).
Rules about magnet
Magnetic Domains, Magnetic Fields
and Magnetic Lines of Force
Most materials cannot be
magnetized. Iron and a few other
materials such as steel, nickel and
cobalt can be magnetized. These
materials have regions called
magnetic domains. Magnetic
domains, which are clusters of
many atoms, can be thought of as
tiny magnets.
Substances that can be
magnetized can be thought of
as consisting of many tiny
magnets. How does the
arrangement of the “tiny
magnets” differ between the
unmagnetized and
magnetized substances?
BEFORE: When the material
is unmagnetized, the
domains are not lined up in
a definite way. They are
randomly arranged.
AFTER: When the material is
magnetized, the domains line
up in a definite pattern. All
the north poles point in one
direction, and the south
poles in the other.
Arrange the jumbled letters to
form the word(s), that best fits
the statement.
1. Natural magnets
2.Clusters of many atoms
that act as tiny magnets in a
material MAINODS
3. A region around a magnet
4. Imaginary lines that
represent magnetic field
5. Materials that are strongly
attracted to magnet
6. Materials that are repelled
by magnet
7. Materials that are slightly
attracted by magnet
8. A substance that possesses
magnetic properties
9. Iron and other elements can
become strongly magnetized
10. A magnet has two
What is a transformer?
The alternating current
through power lines is at an
extremely high voltage. Before
alternating current from the
power plant can enter your home,
its voltage must be decreased.
The current must flow through
a device called a transformer to
decrease the voltage.
The transformer regulates
the voltage that enters the
system. The operation of a
transformer operates on the
principle of both
electromagnetism and
electromagnetic induction.
A simple transformer is
made of two coils of wire
called the primary and the
secondary coils. These coils
are wrapped around an iron
core. As an alternating current
passes through the primary
coil, the iron core becomes an
Because the current
changes direction many
times each second, the
magnetic field also
changes its direction and
induces an alternating
current in the secondary
Schematic Diagram of the Parts
of a Transformer
What you will do
Activity 3.3 Diagram Analysis
Examine the pictures of the two
types of transformers, the step up
and the step down transformers.
Differentiate a step-up
transformer and the step-down
transformer in terms of the
number of turns in the coil.
The number of turns in the iron core
determines the type of transformer.
In a step-up transformer, the number
of turns in the primary core is less than
in the secondary coil, while in the step-
down transformer, the number of turns in
the primary core is greater than in the
secondary coil.
A step-up transformer increases the
voltage while a step-down transformer
decreases the voltage.
Electronics means
the control of flow of
The small, tube-like
elements with strips of
different colors are called
resistors. In a circuit, a
resistor’s function is to limit
the amount of current
passing through different
points in the circuit.
Diodes let electrons flow
through them in one
direction. In diodes, electron
flows from cathode to
anode. The cathode side is
marked with a band around
There are three different
types of diodes: the ordinary
rectifier diodes, Zener diodes
and Light-emitting diodes
(LED). Zener diodes operate in
the reverse bias mode and are
used in voltage regulators.
LEDS are the diodes that give
off light when electrons pass
through them.
Capacitors store electrical
energy in a circuit. They can be
thought of as tiny rechargeable
batteries – capacitors can be
charged and discharged!
Capacitors that look like small
tin cans are electrolytic
capacitors, which are widely
used now.