Wave Analyzers: Prepared by K.Kalpana Assistant Professor ECE Department Bec, Bapatla
Wave Analyzers: Prepared by K.Kalpana Assistant Professor ECE Department Bec, Bapatla
Wave Analyzers: Prepared by K.Kalpana Assistant Professor ECE Department Bec, Bapatla
Prepared by
Assistant Professor
ECE Department
• A wave analyzer is an instrument designed to measure
relative amplitudes of single frequency components in a
complex waveform or distorted waveform.
• It act as frequency selective voltmeter (20 Hz to 20
• Determination of amplitude, frequency and phase
angle of the harmonic components is done.
• Types of wave analyzer.
• 1)Frequency selective wave analyzer.
• 2) Heterodyne wave analyzer
Frequency selective wave analyzer
• The waveform to be analyzed is passed through an adjustable attenuator.
• This acts as a range multiplier.
• The driver amplifier feeds the waveform to a high Q filter.
• This filter consists of cascade arrangement of RC resonant sections and
filter amplifiers.
• The capacitors are used for range changing.
• The potentiometer is used to change frequency within the selected pass
• The final amplifier stage supplies the selected signal to the meter circuit
and to an untuned buffer amplifier.
• The function of buffer amplifier is to drive the output devices, such as the
recorders, electronic counters etc.
• The analyzer input must have low input distortion.
• The meter has several voltage ranges as well as decibel scale marked on it.
It is driven by an average reading rectifier type detector.
• The bandwidth of the instrument is very narrow typically about 1 percent
of the selected frequency.
Heterodyne wave analyzer
• Measurements in the megahertz range are usually done with another wave
analyzer that is particularly suited to higher frequencies.
• The input signal to be analyzed is heterodyned to a higher IF by an internal
local oscillator
• Tuning the local oscillator shifts the various signal frequency components
into the pass band of the IF amplifier.
• The output of the IF amplifier is then rectified and applied to the metering
• An instrument that uses heterodyning principle is called heterodyning tuned
Block Diagram
• The input is applied first to the attenuator section. This gives the output
frequency in the range of 0 to 18 MHz The untuned amplifier amplifies this
signal and gives it to the first mixer.
• The bandwidth is controlled by an active filter and can be selected as
200,1000,3000 etc.
• The input signal enters the instrument through a probe connector that
contains a unity gain isolation amplifier.
• After appropriate attenuation ,the input signal is heterodyned in the mixer
stage with LO signal.
• The output of the first mixer forms an IF that is uniformly amplified by 30
MHz IF amplifier.
• The amplified IF signal is mixed with 30 MHz frequency crystal oscillator
• Thus at the output of second mixer the zero difference frequency is
• The active filter having controlled bandwidth and symmetrical slopes of 72
dB per octave, then passes the selected component to the meter amplifier
and detector.
• The output from the meter detector is then used to obtain final indication on
the output meter which is having a decibel calibrated scale.
• The output from detector may be applied to a recording device.
Applications of wave Analyzer
• To measure the harmonic distortion of an amplifier
• To carry out complete harmonic analysis
• To measure the signal energy with the well defined bandwidth.
• Is applied industrially in the field of reduction of sound and vibration
generated by machines and selected.
• The source of the noise vibration generated by a machine must be first
identified before it can be reduced or eliminated