Industrial Internship Report
Industrial Internship Report
Industrial Internship Report
Internship Report
taken under
Caparo Engineering Pvt Lmt. Pithampur.
Submitted by : Submitted to :
Shubham Aaske Vivek Mishra (H.O.D)
Roll No. 0818ME171012
ME (5th Sem.)
Caparo Group
Caparo History
Caparo Companies
Pithampur’s Manufacturing Plant
Caparo Products
Product Info
I express my deep sense of gratitude to Caparo Engineering
India Lmt. for providing me an oportunity to have my
Internship Training in their company in Engineering
Department (NPD). I am highly thankful to Mr. Nitesh Singh
kelwa who was kind enough to familiarize me to the Design
And I am also very
much thankful from bottom of my heart to My Parents.Without
there kindness it could have never ever be possible.
Caparo Group
“Caparo is more than a successful business enterprise - it is a
story of people, of values and human effort.”
- Lord Paul, Chairmen and Founder.
1. Blanking
2. Drawing
3. Forming
4. Machining
5. Piercing
Blanking is cutting up a large sheet of stock into smaller
pieces suitable for the next operation in stamping, such
as drawing and forming. Often this is combined with
Piercing of all the holes is best done together to ensure good hole-to-
hole tolerance and part repeatability. However if the material distorts,
the method described below can be done.
When there are large numbers of holes, in a tight pitch, there could be
distortions, due to the high amount of tension on the upper surface due
to stretching and compression on the bottom surface. This causes the
material not to lay flat. This can be avoided/lessened by staggering the
piercing of the holes. Holes are punched in a staggered pattern; then
the other holes are punched in the alternate staggered pattern.
Summary :
I can honestly say that my time spent interning with Caparo
Engineering India LTD resulted in one of the best summers of my life.
Not only did I gain practical skills but I also had the opportunity to meet
many fantastic people. The atmosphere at the company was always
welcoming which made me feel right at home.
Additionally, I felt like I was
able to contribute to the company by assisting and working on projects
throughout the Internship. For example, I assisted one of the employ
with several Project development for clients of the company. Also, I
helped to organize all production information by utilizing Production
Quality Report (PQR).
In addition to these projects, I also helped many of the
EDAs with document organization, NPD reviews, and many
other day-to-day works.Overall, my internship at Herbein
has been a success. I was able to gain practical skills, work
in a fantastic environment, and make connections that will
last a lifetime and i am very thankful for that.