What Happens When Air Is Heated
What Happens When Air Is Heated
What Happens When Air Is Heated
Materials needed: stick, paper bags, candles, lighter
What happens when air is
But what will happen if the sun is gone?.
The land and sea will both cool down.
The land will cool faster than the sea
which means the water will stay warm
Sea Breeze
When the air from the sea
moves to the land.
Land Breeze
When the air from the land
moves to the sea.
Land Breeze and Sea Breeze
is important because it helps us monitor
the weather phenomena associated
specially in coastal regions.
Now, do this…
Trace the direction of the wind by drawing a line and arrows
corresponds to where it moves.
So let’s During daytime,
make it we experienced
sea breeze
clear… because air from
the sea moves
towards the
land where the
air is warmer
and at
nighttime, we
encounter land
breeze because
air from the land
moves towards
the sea where
the air is
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. When the air gets warm, it moves…
A. Downward B. Upward C. Sideward d. any direction
2. Moving air is also called?
A.wind B. whirlwind C. gust D. current
3. During daytime, air from the sea moves to the land, therefore it is?
A. Sea breeze B. Land breeze C. Day breeze D. Night breeze
4. When the land is cooled down, the air above it moves towards the
sea, it is?
A. Sea breeze B. Land breeze C. Day breeze D. Night breeze
5. Why do you think land and sea breezes are important?
A. Because it relaxes us. B. It tells us the possible weather
C. Because it helps us monitor the weather phenomena in coast.
D. It tells the temperature of the sea.