Branding: Jyoti, Maha, Rida, Ushna

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Jyoti, Maha, Rida,Ushna

#KhanaWithParosi campaign
Personal Narrative
• Shan Food Masala
• The Ad talks about the cultural importance of food. The ad shows a
newly moved Chinese couple in a Lahori neighborhood struggling to
make friends due to multiple barriers: language and food. However, in
a stroke of genius, the wife decides to make biryani and introduce
herself to her Pakistani neighbors.
• The ad’s representation of gender roles and cultural appropriation in
Pakistani society caught our attention.

Product Placement. Shan subtly becomes the focus of attention

displaying the variety of their products
Shan Colors

Shan has used a certain scheme of colors found on its

packaging to create association with the emotional aura of the
ad. People make purchasing decisions based on what they
expect from the colors they see and whether they feel the
colors are doing what they are supposed to do.
Gender Stereotypes

Representation of women in gender-stereotypical roles but also

portraying men as the smart ones who are not there to
participate in household chores.
Subtle cues can thus, affect people’s perceptions about gender
norms by sending signals to people, thereby activating
stereotypes. The content that they use play a role in how we
treat men and women in our society.
Rhetorical Analysis
• The campaign touched upon the insight of building and nurturing
relationships by encouraging a habit of sharing. Very Traditional
• Hospitality & inclusiveness of our society with our geographical
neighbor China.
• The core values of Shan Foods are very well mirrored in the ad. The
ad is very traditional, in terms of how society is shown.

A warm wholesome experience for the viewers exactly the way

consumers use their products.

Language Sports Colors Music

Critical Reflection
• On the surface level, difficulties of moving, race relations, identity
crises and the longing to belong are apparent.

It was one of those ads that we remembered because connects

through culture and emotions.
• In terms of Context, the campaign coincided with the onset of the
CPEC arrangement involving the development of an economic
corridor with China in Pakistan. Capitalizing over ‘Pak-China Dosti’
Similarity And Differences of Perception
• On Speculation, the ad is very
• It celebrates Pak China
friendship because of CPEC
• The Loss of self, embracing a
culture, just to feel accepted
and part of society.
• Defining the public and private
sphere through unnecessary
clichés, street cricket, female
cooking food, the covering of
the head.
• Cultural Appropriation and
Gender Stereotyping.

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