Gold Movie PPT Final
Gold Movie PPT Final
Gold Movie PPT Final
• As a manager, you probably fulfill many different roles
everyday. For instance, as well as leading your team,
you might find yourself resolving a conflict, negotiating
new contracts, representing your department at a board
meeting, or approving a request for a new computer
• But simply, you're constantly switching roles as tasks,
situations, and expectations change. Management
expert and Professor Henry Mintzberg recognized this,
and he argued that there are ten primary roles or
behaviors that can be used to categorize a manager's
different functions.
• Leadership involves establishing a clear vision,
sharing that vision with others so that they will
follow willingly, providing
the information, knowledge and methods to
realize that vision, and coordinating and
balancing the conflicting interests of all
members and stakeholders.
• A leader steps up in times of crisis, and
is able to think and act creatively in difficult
• Motivation is the reason for people's action,
desires and need. Motivation is also one's
direction to behavior or what causes a person to
want to repeat a behavior.
• An individual's motivation may be inspired by
others or events or it may come from within the
• Motivation has been considered as one of the
most important reasons that inspire a person to
move forward.
• Team spirit is the feeling of pride and loyalty that
exists among the members of a team and that makes
them want their team to do well or to be the best.
• Another way to think of team spirit is the FEELING
OF BELONGINGNESS . In many offices today,
employees might sit in cubicles and communicate
only briefly with each other for necessary tasks.
• Developing a sense of team spirit in your workplace
increases employee happiness, satisfaction,
motivation, and even productivity.
• The dynamics of strategy and performance concerns
the ‘content’ of strategy – initiatives, choices, policies
and decisions adopted in an attempt to improve
performance and the results that arise from these
managerial behaviors.
• The dynamic model of the strategy process is a way of
understanding how strategic actions occur.
• It recognizes that strategic planning is dynamic, that is,
strategy-making involves a complex pattern of actions
and reactions. It is partially planned and partially
In this movie they shown that Tapan das is fraud and drunk
man and how hockey team federation gave all
responsibilities to Tapan das.