What Is Poverty
What Is Poverty
What Is Poverty
Some people
have a culture
that keeps them
People find it
difficult to
escape poverty
• It is the fault of individuals because • Poor people are the victims of the
they have a different set of unequal distribution of wealth.
cultural values.
• The poor do not have enough
• Immediate Gratification, when education to deal with money
people want pleasures now and do problems.
not work for the future
• Some people who live in poverty
• Fatalism, when people think, ‘what come from harsh backgrounds
will be’ and assume they cannot (domestic violence).
escape from a bad situation
• Many people do not possess the
• Poor people do not have a good skills to get out of poverty.
work ethic and expect bad jobs
Poverty and Education
Bad nourishment
Early parenthood
Criminal record
Few qualifications
Criminality for money
Charles Murray says poor people form an underclass and are a threat to society.
What do you think?
Women do not have Women and Poverty They are more likely
access to the money “The Feminisation of to be lone mothers
in the home. When Poverty”. and therefore poor.
relationships break
up, they lose out
Do your own personal research and develop your ideas with reference to studies
and to research.
The end