The document lists muscles involved in various actions of the ankle and toes, including plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion, flexion and extension of toes, and abduction and adduction of toes. For each muscle listed, it provides the origin, insertion, and nerve supply information.
The document lists muscles involved in various actions of the ankle and toes, including plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion, flexion and extension of toes, and abduction and adduction of toes. For each muscle listed, it provides the origin, insertion, and nerve supply information.
The document lists muscles involved in various actions of the ankle and toes, including plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion, flexion and extension of toes, and abduction and adduction of toes. For each muscle listed, it provides the origin, insertion, and nerve supply information.
The document lists muscles involved in various actions of the ankle and toes, including plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, eversion, flexion and extension of toes, and abduction and adduction of toes. For each muscle listed, it provides the origin, insertion, and nerve supply information.
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Plantar flexion 1. Gastrocnemius 1. Medial and lateral Tibial
(flexion) of ankle 2. Soleus epycondile of Tibial 3. Plantaris femur and Tibial 4. Flexor digitorum calcaneus via Tibial longus achilles tendon Superficial peroneal 5. Peroneus longus 2. Posterior tibia and Superficial peroneal 6. Peroneus brevis fibula and Tibial 7. Flexor hallucis calcaneus via Tibial longus achilles tendon 8. Tibialis posterior 3. O : permukaan plantar ossa metatarsi III-V, Lig. PLANTARE LONGUM, Insersio : sisi medial pangkal phalanx proximalis jari 3-5 4. Anterior radius, interrosseus membrane and distal phalanx of ACTION MUSCLE ATTACHMENT NERVE SUPPLY
Dorsiflexion 1. Tibialis 1. Lateral condyle and lateral shaft Deep peroneal
(extension) of anterior of tibia, interosseus membrane Deep peroneal ankle 2. Extensor and base of first metatarsal Deep peroneal digitorum (plantar surface), first medial Deep peroneal longus cuneiform (plantar surface) 3. Extensor 2. Lateral condyle of tibia, proximal hallucis two-thirds of anterior shaft of longus fibula and middle and distal 4. Peroneus phalanges of the four lateral toes tellius 3. Anterior shaft of fibula and interrosseus membrane 4. Anterior distal fibula and base of fifth metatarsal ACTION MUSCLE ATTACHMENT NERVE SUPPLY
Inversion 1. Tibialis 1. Posterior tibia, fibula and Tibial
posterior navicular, adjacent tarsals, and Tibial 2. Flexor metarsals on plantar surface Tibial digitorum 2. Posterior tibia and distal Deep peroneal longus phalanges of the four lateral Deep peroneal 3. Flexor toes (plantar surface) hallucis 3. Posterior fibula and distal longus phalanx of big toe-plantar 4. Tibialis surface anterior 4. Lateral condyle and lateral 5. Extensor shaft of tibia, interosseus hallucis membrane and base of first longus metatarsal (plantar surface), first medial cuneiform (plantar surface) 5. Anterior shaft of fibula and interrosseus membrane ACTION MUSCLE ATTACHMENT NERVE SUPPLY
Eversion 1. Peroneus 1. Head and upper two thirds of Superficial peroneal
longus lateral shaft of fibula and base of Superficial peroneal 2. Peroneus first metatarsal, first cuneiform Deep peroneal brevis (plantar) Deep peroneal 3. Peroneus 2. Lower two thirds of shaft of tertius fibula and base of fifth metarsal 4. Extensor 3. Anterior distal fibula and base digitorum of fifth metatarsal longus 4. Lateral condyle of tibia, proximal two-thirds of anterior shaft of fibula and middle and distal phalanges of the four lateral toes ACTION MUSCLE ATTACHMENT NERVE SUPPLY
Flexion of 1. Flexor 1. Anterior radius, interrosseus Tibial
toes digitorum membrane and distal phalanx of Tibial longus thumb Tibial (medial 2. Flexor 2. Posterior fibula and distal phalanx plantar branch) hallucis of big toe-plantar surface Tibial (medial longus 3. O : Permukaan plantar Tuber plantar branch) 3. Flexor calcanei, Aponeurosis plantaris Tibial ( lateral digitorum I : Phanalanx media jari 2-5 plantar branch) brevis 4. Posterior fibula and distal phalanx Tibial ( lateral 4. Flexor of big toe-plantar surface plantar branch) hallucis brevis 5. O : Permukaan plantar calcaneus, Tibial ( lateral 5. Flexor Lig. Plantare longum plantar branch) accessolius I : Tepi lateral tendo M. Flexor Tibial (1st by medial 6. Interossel digitorum longus plantar) 7. Flexor digiti 6. O : Ossa metatarsi, lig . Plantare Branch ; 2nd-4th by minimi brevis longum lateral plantar 8. Lumbricais I : Phalanx proximalis branch ) (metalarsoph 7. O : Basis ossis matatarsi V, Lig. alangeal Plantare longum joints) I : Phalanx proximalis jari 5 4. 8. O : M . Lumbricalis pedis ; tendo M. Flexor digitorum longus ACTION MUSCLE ATTACHMENT NERVE SUPPLY
Extension of 1. Extensor 1. Lateral condyle of tibia, Deep peroneal
toes digitorum proximal two-thirds of anterior Deep peroneal longus shaft of fibula and middle and Deep peroneal ( 2. Extensor distal phalanges of the four lateral terminal hallucis lateral toes branch ) longus 2. Anterior shaft of fibula and Tibial (1st by medial 3. Extensor interrosseus membrane plantar branch ; 2nd- digitorum 3. O : Permukaan dorsal 4th by lateral plantar brevis calcaneus branch) 4. Lumbricals ( I : Aponeurosis dorsalis jari interphalang 2-4 eal joints ) 4. O : M . Lumbricalis pedis ; tendo M. Flexor digitorum longus I : Bercaput 1 II-IV : Berkaput dua Insersio : Sisi medial phalanx proximalis jari 2-5 ACTION MUSCLE ATTACHMENT NERVE SUPPLY
Abduction of 1. Abductor 1. O : Proc. Medialis tuberis Tibial (medial plantar
toes hallucis calcanei, aponeurosis branch) 2. Abductor plantaris, retinaculum Tibial (lateral plantar digiti minimi musculorum flexorum branch) 3. Dorsal I : Os sesamoideum Tibial (lateral plantar interosssel mediale pada sendi branch) metatarsophalangea ibu jari, phalanx proximalis ibu jari 2. O: Proc. Lateralis pada tuber calcanei, Aponeurosis plantaris I : Tuberositas ossis metatarsi V. Phalanx proximalis jari 5 3. O : Sisi-sisi ossa metatarsi I- V yang berhadapan, Lig. Plantare longum I : Phlanx proximalis jari 2- 4 ( jari 2 bilateral, jari 3 dan 4 dari lateral ) I : Phalanx proximalis jari ACTION MUSCLE ATTACHMENT NERVE SUPPLY
Adduction of 1. Adductor 1. O : Tibial (lateral
toes hallucis Caput obliquum : Os cuboideum, Os plantar branch) 2. Plantar cuneiforme lateral, Lig. Plantare Tibial (lateral intorossel longum, Lig. Calcaneocuboideum plantar branch) plantare Caput transversum : Kapsul sendi- sendi metatarsophalangea jari III- V, lig. Metatarsale transversum profundum I : Os sesamoideum laterale dan kapsul sendi metatrsophalangea ibu jari kaki, Phalanx proximalis hallucis 2. O : Permukaan plantar ossa metatarsi IIII-V, Lig. Plantare longum I : Sisi medial pangkal phalanx proximalis jari 3-5