Perception: Submitted To: Dr. Laxmi Malodia Submitted By: Akankshaverma Roll No. 3
Perception: Submitted To: Dr. Laxmi Malodia Submitted By: Akankshaverma Roll No. 3
Perception: Submitted To: Dr. Laxmi Malodia Submitted By: Akankshaverma Roll No. 3
so much to learn about how
human mind assembles , organises and
categorises information.
•Ambiguous Figures
Figure background
• It states the relationship of a target to its
background influences perception.
•Perceptual Grouping
• Perceptual grouping refers to the process of
determining which regions and parts of the
visual scene belong together as parts of higher
order perceptual units such as objects or
Principles of Perceptual Grouping
• Principle of proximity
Principle of similarity
• Principle of continuity
4. Interpreting process
• After the data has been grouped, analysed
and organised there arises the process of
## “Understanding Data is crucial as any
mis-step would have negative consequences.”
After the data have been received and
interpreted, the perceiver tends to check
whether his interpretations are right or
One way of checking is introspecting
oneself as it will confirm that whether
his/her perception about an individual or
object is correct or not.
6. The process of reacting
• The last step in the process of perception is
reaction. The perceiver will indulge in some
action in relation to his or her perception.
• The action depends upon whether the
perception is favourable or unfavourable: it is
positive or negative.