Fossils Defined Types of Fossils Fossilization Mass Extinctions Fossils and Time

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Fossils defined

Types of fossils


Mass extinctions

Fossils and Time

Fossil: any evidence of ancient life that is preserved in an

unconsolidated sediment or sedimentary rock.

Paleontology: the branch of geology that focuses on the study of


Paleobiology: The study of the organisms that are preserved as


Taxonomy: The classification of fossils (species, genera, taxa).

Paleoecology: The study of the relationship between fossil organisms

and their environment.

Taphonomy: The study of changes to fossils after the death of the

Types of fossils

Body Fossil: a fossil preserving all or part of the body of an

Soft parts are not normally preserved, body fossils
normally preserve the skeleton (internal or external).
Mallotus villosus (capelin), about 12,000 years old.
Museum of Natural History
Princeton University
Teeth are often particularly resistant to breakdown after death and
in many cases we only know of an ancient organisms existence is due
to its fossil teeth.

Albertosaurus tooth.

Mammal Teeth
A tooth from a large
mammal named
Brontops which roamed
the prairies during the
Oligocene Epoch.

Found in the Cypress

Hills Formation of
southern Saskatchewan.
A volcanic ashfall 10 million years ago killed these rhinos that are
preserved at Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historic Park, Nebraska.

Death was not by burial but by lung failure due to inhaling the ash.
Trace fossil: fossil evidence of some behavioural activity of an
organism (e.g., Burrows, footprints, dwelling structures).

The study of trace fossils is called Ichnology.

Planolites a grazing trace.

Cruziana: produced by a
trilobite “plowing” along the
sediment surface.

Diplichnites: produced by a
trilobite walking over the
sediment surface.
Diplocraterion: a dwelling
structure that was formed by an
organism that moved up and
down in the sediment in response
to sedimentation and erosion,
Dinosaur tracks
Some footprints display fine
details of the skin imprint of the
Rusophycus is a resting trace produced by trilobites: a shallow
burrow dug by the trilobite into which it rested on the sea bottom.
Coprolite: the fossil remains of the excrement of an organism.

The world’s largest coprolite;

15 cm long and found in
Gastroliths: smooth, rounded and polished rocks that were used to
aid in the breaking down of food by an organism.
Fossil dinosaur gastroliths

Modern crocodile gastroliths


Fossilization: the process by which the remains of an organism are

turned into a fossil.

Important factors that enhance the likelihood of fossilization:

Hard parts: internal or external skeleton (e.g., shells; termed


Rapid burial: removes remains from the surface where they can be
destroyed by scavengers or currents.

Abundant individuals: the more organisms the more likely that one
of them will be fossilized.
Water, moving through a sediment, plays an important role in

Causes skeletal material to dissolve.

Carries minerals in solution that may

precipitate into the skeleton.

Original tissue and shell material is not normally preserved with

Time 1. Time 2. Time 3. Time 4.
Organism in life Dead organism Shells are slowly Complete burial.
position. on the sea floor. buried by sediment.

When an organism dies its soft parts decay leaving only the skeletal
In shelled organisms, the shells typically open up.

In many cases the shells separate (disarticulate) as the organic hinge

Over time, sediment, depositing on the surface, buries the remains of
the organism.
Fossilization in a nutshell.
The three most common ways in which fossils are preserved include:

Petrification: infilling of voids in the organic material by minerals in

solution in fluids passing through the enclosing sediment (e.g.,
petrified wood).

Replacement: original hard organic material is dissolved and

replaced by new minerals from solution in fluids passing through
the sediment.

As casts and molds when the fossil is entirely dissolved by fluids,

leaving only the imprint of the organism.
Time 1. Time 2. Time 3. Time 4.
Organism in life Dead organism Shells are slowly Complete burial.
position. on the sea floor. buried by sediment.
Petrification: fossilization by the
precipitation of minerals into the void
spaces of the skeletal structure.

Petrification means "to turn to stone".

Time 5.
Infilling of voids
Original organic material is commonly preserved by precipitate.
but spaces within the skeletal structure become
filled with minerals that are precipitated from
waters flowing through the sediment.

Common minerals include calcite and

quartz that precipitate out from the pore Time 6
waters passing through the sediment.
Replacement: fossilization by the solution of
original skeletal material and simultaneous
precipitation of new minerals from solution.

Time 5.
Common minerals include calcite and Replacement
Replacement ofof
quartz that precipitate out from the pore original material
by precipitate.
waters passing through the sediment.

Time 6
Replacement can commonly preserve
the delicate original skeletal
Molds and casts: complete removal of original
shell material leaves only the impression of the
outer surface.

When the encasing sediment is turned into a Time 5.

Original shell
rock (by cementation) only the impression of material dissolved
the fossil remains. by pore waters.

The surface passing through the fossil

includes the positive relief of the cast and
the negative relief of the mold. Time 6

The details of surface textures on the fossil Cast

may be preserved. Mold
Time 1. Time 2. Time 3. Time 4.
Organism in life Dead organism Shells are slowly Complete burial.
position. on the sea floor. buried by sediment.

Petrification Replacement Mold/cast

Time 5. Time 5. Time 5.

Infilling of voids Replacement of Original shell
by precipitate. original material material dissolved
by precipitate. by pore waters.

Time 6 Time 6 Time 6

Carbonization: the preservation of a thin layer of carbon as the only
remains of organic material.

Common preservation of soft tissue such as leaves and wood.

Coal is an extreme example of


Under the pressure of the weight

of rock overlying the tissue,
liquids and gases are squeezed
out, a carbon film is all that
Encasement: the isolation of the dead organism from the
environment by a protective encasement.

Tree resin (sap) can cover small insects entirely and harden to
protect the insect from destruction.

Amber is fossil tree resin and can preserve insect fossils intact.
Ice can also encase fossils.

Cold temperatures also keep soft tissue preserved in its original state
(no decay).

Mammoth elephants that lived during

the last glaciation have been discovered
frozen in permafrost (and their flesh
has been edible!).
Imprints: like molds and casts but produced by soft-bodied
organisms or other organic material that simply presses into soft
sediment and decays shortly afterwards.
Soft-bodied organisms are known from the past from their imprints.
Oldest life on Earth

Guy Narbonne in
Namibia, searching for
the oldest fossils of
complex life in

Guy studies Ediacaran

fauna; the oldest
complex life; first
discovered in

Soft-bodied organisms

that are saved as
Ediacaria flindersi The largest
of the disk-fossils.

Cyclomedusa fossils.

Jellyfish? Cup-shaped Animals?

Jelly fish on a modern beach.
A relatively young Ediacaran fossil from Namibia with its reconstruction.
Charnia wardi: the oldest fossil of complex life found to date:
Mistaken Point, Nfld; 565 – 595 million years old.

Image © G.M. Narbonne 2003

Divisions on the scale bar are 1cm
Fossils and the history of life on Earth

The fossil record provides evidence for evolution and how evolution
However, the fossil record is incomplete.
Fossils are commonly poorly preserved and must be pieced together.

Fossils represent only a small fraction of all organisms that have

lived over geologic time.

Over 1.4 million species of plants and animals have been identified to
live on Earth today.

A reasonable estimate is that when all have been identified the total
number of species will be about 20 million.

(e.g.,10,000 new insects are identified each year!)

The total number of fossil species that have been identified is
approximately 250,000.

This is 8.5% of known organisms today and about 1.25% of the

likely total number of modern organisms.

Most fossils are found in rocks spanning a period of 600 million


If fossil preservation were good, there would be many more fossil

species than living species today.

The vast majority of organisms that ever lived on Earth are not
represented in the fossil record.
Mass extinction involves the loss of many groups of organisms over a
relatively short period of time.

Many mass extinctions have taken place over geologic time.

The extinction
event that wiped
out the dinosaurs
(65 million years
ago) also wiped out
70% of all species
on Earth.
The most dramatic extinction took place approximately 240 million
years ago.

Approximately 150 families, including more than 90% of all species

became extinct.
Mass extinction events are normally followed by a period of rapid
evolution of new groups (termed adaptive radiation).
The extinct organisms are no longer available to compete in the
environment so groups that continue through the extinction
When trilobites first evolved they had little competition (adaptive

Numbers of trilobite
genera (groups of
species) increased
rapidly and then
diminished as other
organisms evolved
competed for resources.

Trilobites dwindled and

became extinct
approximately 200
million years ago.
Mass extinctions take place in response to global shock.

Some are attributed to lowering of sea level which leads to a great

reduction in habitat due to the recession of the ocean from the
continental shelf.

The 210 and 65

million year old
extinctions of the
dinosaurs are
attributed to
asteroid impacts.
Modern thinking is that the demise of the dinosaurs was due to the
effects of a large number of significant impacts over the span of
several hundred thousands of years.

The vast amount of dust and debris that was sent up into the
atmosphere is thought to have caused a prolonged period of cold

Recent literature suggests that smoke and ash from global forest
fires that followed the impact may have contributed significantly to
cooling the Earth.

Dinosaurs and many other groups of organisms could not adapt to

the cold temperatures and became extinct.

Without the dinosaurs to compete with Mammals underwent an

adaptive radiation and eventually evolved humans.
Extinctions of marine fossil families by Dave Raup and Jack Sepkoski.

26 my intervals

Sepkoski’s additional data:
Sepkoski’s additional data:
Range of time that dinosaurs existed
Why the 25 to 30 million year periodicity for the extinctions?

It has been suggested that it may be due to the existence of a companion

star to the sun that has been named“Nemesis”.

With an orbit about the sun of 2.8 light years across, Nemesis is
postulated to be a dwarf star; 1/3 the size of the sun and 1/1000 as
Its orbit about the sun takes about 26 million years.

Its orbit brings it close to the Oort

Cloud (a vast area with billions of icy
bodies that become comets in orbit
about the sun).

Nemesis’s gravity disturbs the bodies,

sending them towards the sun where
they have a likelihood of colliding
with Earth.
This results in a “comet shower” that lasts for a few million years.

The liklihood of impacts with Earth are greatly increased every 26

million years, or so.

The Nemesis Hypothesis has yet to be substantiated…..

The Nemesis Star has not been discovered.

Fossils and Time

The fossils of the changing groups of organisms on Earth provide a

"clock" by which we can determine the relative age of the rocks in
which they are found.

e.g., if fish fossils

are present, the
rocks are 430
million years old
or less.
On a smaller scale, evolution of groups of organisms give better
resolution or relative time.

Dinosaurs: many different

species covering the span from
220 to 65 million years ago.
Two major groups:

Saurishian dinosaurs (lizard-

hipped). Both plant and meat

Ornithiscian dinosaurs (bird-

hipped). All plant eaters.
The Ornithiscians evolved a
variety of forms with protective
armour and horns.

The many dinosaur species had

distinct morphologies and each
existed for a limited period of

The presence of a given species

indicates the age of the rocks in
which their fossils are found.
Invertebrates are even more common all through geologic history
and they provide even better "clocks".
The Burgess Shale, exposed at Yoho National Park in BC preserves
many fossils of soft-bodied organisms that evolved just as complex
life was beginning on Earth, over 500 million years ago.
Walcott Quarry has been mined since 1909 for fossils.
Waptia fieldensis

Marrella splendens

Aysheaia pedunculata
Anomalocaris canadensis

Amiskwia sagittiformis
Such diversity of complex life 500 million years ago was surprising
to geologists and biologists.

Rocks just 100 million years older are almost devoid of fossils.

Suggests a very rapid increase in diversity of


Possibly following the near elimination of life through the period of

Snowball Earth 600 to 700 million years ago.

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