Project Report On "Comparative Analysis On Television Regarding The Brand Preference of Consumers and Dealers"
Project Report On "Comparative Analysis On Television Regarding The Brand Preference of Consumers and Dealers"
Project Report On "Comparative Analysis On Television Regarding The Brand Preference of Consumers and Dealers"
“Comparative Analysis On Television
Regarding The Brand Preference Of
Consumers And Dealers”
Submitted By:
Rohit Chandra
Company Profile
• The Videocon group emerges as a USD 2.5
Billion global conglomerate.
• Videocon is an Indian company. The
company's principal activity is to manufacture
consumer electronics and home appliances.
The company is dealing in Oil & Gas, Thomson
CPT, Glass, and Consumer Electronics. It has
an employee base of around 11,054.
• Videocon's Extensions
Videocon has acquired Electrolux brand in India. Also, with the
acquisition of Thomson Displays by Videocon in Poland, China,
and Mexico, the company is marking its international presence.
• Videocon Group now comprises of the following:
• To analyze the growth of the videocon products in the
• To analyze the demand of the videocon products
amongst the dealers and retailers.
• To make comparitive analysis of different products
with their respective competitors.
• To analyse the company’s performance during pre sale
and post sale activities.
• To suggest various measures of growth to the
• T o have an overview of Videocon.
• T o know t he reputation of Videocon T.V . in the
• How the consumer preference towards the
brand Videocon.
• The main objective how to increase the
reputation of Videocon brand in the market.
• To understand its competitors in business.
• How Videocon will create a good image in the
Research Methodology
These issues are addressed as the following
1.Descriptive Research
2.Data Type:
• Primary and Secondary data
3.Research Tools
• SoftwareMS-Excel
4.Sampling Designing Method:
• Random Sampling Method
5.Sample Size
• Customer (100) , Dealers/Retailers (50)
6.Sample drawn fromLucknow
Data Analysis
(Customer Oriented)
• Demographic profile
• Gender profile
• Male 28%
• Female 72%
Awareness about Videocon, SAMSUNG & LG to
Customers( Given in percentage form)
Why Videocon, SAMSUN G or LG?
(Given in percentage form)
From where you prefer buying consumer
You prefer to buy from the same as you have
mentioned in above question. Because of
following reasons
Do you prefer any financial scheme to purchase
consumer durable?
Would you wait for festive season for available
discounts to purchase a Television?
Up to how much money are you willing to
spend on a televison?
How do you feel after using the Videocon
Dealer/Retailer Oriented
• Which are the brands you are dealing with?
What is the counter size of the showroom?
How do you perceive the Videocon television as
product for value for money?
How do you rate Videocon television in terms of
quality as compared to other competitors?
On the technical basis, how will you rate
Videocon television in comparisons to others?
The number of Videocon televisions sold by your
store in one month.
(Dealer Survey)
• By calculating the display share we found that
in most of store VIDEOCON has third highest
display in almost all categories.