Harrah's Entertainment Inc: Submitted To: Prof. Shubhamoy Dey

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Harrah’s Entertainment Inc

Submitted to: Prof. Shubhamoy Dey

Submitted by: group 10 (Section-F)
Abhinav Utkarsh (2018PGP013)
Bhavana H (2018PGP096)
Kanupriya Phalke (2018PGP171)
Rishabh Sancheti (2015IPM087)
Romika Setia (2018PGP304)
Sakthi Samyukta S (2018PGPH020)
Tapis Gangwar (2018PGP398)
Q1. What are the objectives of various data base
marketing program? Are they working?
• Data base marketing program’s objective was to enhance the Harrah’s performance on each key performance indicator-
Customer Acquisition, Building Customer Loyalty and Customer retention.
• Gary Loveman along with his team developed quantitative models to predict customer worth accurately which was
radically different from the previous model of operational CRM that analyses past usage patterns of customers. CRM at
Harrah’s consists of two elements: Database Marketing (DBM) and the Total Gold Program. This new DBM was
implemented by following programs:
1. New Business Program
• Designed to enhance the effectiveness at converting new Total Gold members into loyal customers. Predicted customer
worth (theoretical wins) was used to make more effective investment decisions at the customer level which allowed the
specific offer to be relatively competitive with respect to the customer’s existing scenario of choice.
2. Loyalty Program—Frequency Upside
• Designed to identify customers who were giving Harrah's, a smaller share of their total expenditure in a particular market.
In order to make customers visit Harrah's properties frequently programs were developed by property marketers to offer
incentives, aided by Harrah’s capabilities. The profitability of these programs was computed by comparing the incremental
theoretical wins to the incremental cost of the program.
3. Loyalty Program—Budget Upside
• Customers with a small share of their gaming budget were identified and encouraged to visit Harrah's first in order to
capture more no of single casino trip as mostly customer’s budget allocation was based on the order in which they visit
4. Retention Program
• In order to regain the loyalty of customer segments who had shown some signs of attrition Harrah's Retention Program
tested a variety of offers. Harrah’s realized to implement these capabilities at the local property level for their full
utilization. Hence, they educated the local property managers along with their marketing teams about the effective and
potential use of Data Base Marketing capabilities.
Q1. Cont…
Result from DBM:
• Net income of Harrah’s increased by 100% from 1998 to 1999 as per
Exhibit 1 but gaming industry’s revenue rose by only 12 % that shows
Harrah’s remarkable growth in a stagnant industry.
• Harrah’s action and strategy are sustainable in long run as its
competitors are unable to predict the behavior of the customers as
Harrah’s has done.
• Harrah’s customer centric approach helped them to achieve
profitability while its competitors were busy in providing enriching
experience to their customers.
Q2. What are the core strength of Harrah’s IT
• IT infrastructure enabled Harrah’s to provide a common platform consisting a
single database linking different casino properties for analyzing customer
• IT system had made it simple and easy for the consumers to redeem the rewards
across the different properties
• Customer preferences playing habits and other information accumulated over the
time rather than depending upon a single observation as other casinos were
• Harrah’s developed a mathematical model that predicted the future worth of the
customers, based on the data
• By using such available information Harrah’s found population, which it could
target using direct marketing strategy
• They conducted market experiments to decide which incentive programs were
there that produced increment in returns
Q3. Are Harrah’s action and strategy sustainable in
the long run?
• Harrah’s noticed that strategy will be sustainable in the long run only when they
will be customer centric and any other tool could only help the process.
Implementation of IT and operational efficiency are the modes for keeping
customers engaged so that they can come back to Harrah’s property
• Harrah’s always tried to know their customer’s well at personal level by reaching
them and this knowledge of customer led the company to serve its client in
better way
• For example:
1. Customer’s loss of money while gambling makes them frustrated and at this
particular time good customer service will handle the issue more gently and ensure
have a good time
2. Harrah’s hotel managers hold rooms in reserve for the guest who are willing to
pay big Dollars and they book their rooms just before the event like New year eve
or Christmas
Q4. How does integration of various elements of its
marketing strategy help Harrah’s?
• Harrah’s focus marketing strategy on three aspects:
building new business
customer retention
customer loyalty
• These aspects play a significant role in satisfying customers and therefore help Harrah’s
to achieve their marketing goal. Moreover, the Total Reward Program collect customer’s
behaviour and data used to find out the best way to encourage customers to spend more
money in casino in order to gain incentive from the program
• For example, customers who lost their money can enjoy free dinner or upgrade the
room. It forces customers to believe that their particular needs are taken care of by
• Therefore, these programs ensure Harrah’s to retain more customers, maintain a sound
and loyal relationship with them, hence generate more revenue and also build up a
strong brand image

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