Meam 608 Report No.3
Meam 608 Report No.3
Meam 608 Report No.3
Report title :
+ Airport requirement and site selection
standard process for International and
process in the Philippines.
+ Airport layout and land use plan.
Report outline
- General overview of the requirements and process of site selection
- Film viewing : Designing the perfect Airport runway
- Requirements needed in constructing an Airport
- Introduction to FAA’s Advisory Circular 150/5370 - 10H
- Section 50 : Control of Work
- Section 60 : Control of Materials
- Introduction to the Philippines’ process of Airport construction
The emphasis in airport planning is normally on the expansion and improvement
of existing airports. However if an existing airport cannot be expanded to meet the
future demand or the need for a new airport is identified in an airport system plan,
a process to select a new airport site may be required. The scope of the site
selection process will vary with size, complexity, the role of the new airport, but
there are basically three steps— identification, screening, and selection.
Criteria is developed that will be used to evaluate different sites and determine if a
site can function as an airport and meets the needs of the community and users.
One criterion will be to identify the land area and basic facility requirements for the
new airport. Part of this analysis will be a definition of airport roles if more than two
airports serve the region. Other criteria might be that sites are within a certain
radius or distance from the existing airport or community, or that sites should be
relatively flat. Several potential sites that meet the criteria are identified.
Once sites are identified, a screening process can be applied to each site. An
evaluation of all potential sites that meet the initial criteria should be conducted,
screening out those with the most obvious shortcomings. Screening factors might
include topography, natural and man-made obstructions, airspace, access,
environmental impacts and development costs. if many sites are eliminated from
the further consideration, thorough documentation of the reasons for that decision
is recommended. The remaining potential sites should then undergo a detached
comparison using comprehensive evaluation criteria.
● Operational capability : airspace considerations, obstructions, weather
● Capacity potential : available land, suitability for construction, weather
● Ground access : distance from the demand for aviation services, regional
highway infrastructure, available public transportation modes
● Development costs : terrain, land costs, land values, soil conditions,
availability of utilities
● Environmental consequences : aircraft noise, air quality, ground-water
runoff, impact on floura and fauna, existence of endangered species or
cultural artifacts, historical features, changes in local land use, relocation of
families and businesses, changes in socioeconomic characteristics
● Compatibility with area-wide planning : impact on land use, effect on
comprehensive land-use plans and transportation plans at the local and
regional levels.
The final step is selecting and recommending a preferred site. While a weighting
of the evaluation criteria and weighted ratings or ranking of the alternative sites is
often used in selecting a site, caution must be used in applying this technique
since it introduces an element of sensitivity into the analysis. The process should
focus on providing decision makers with information on the various sites in a
manner that is understandable and unbiased.
An airport master plan is a concept of the ultimate development of a specific
airport. The term development includes the entire airport area, both for aviation
and non aviation uses, and the use of land adjacent to the airport. It presents the
development concept graphically and contains the data and rationale upon which
the plan is based. Master plans are prepared to support expansion and
modernisation of existing airports and guide the development of new airports.
The overall objective of the airport master plan is to provide guidelines for future
development which will satisfy aviation demand in a financially feasible manner
and be compatible with the environment, community development, and other
modes of transportation.
More specifically it is guide for
- Developing the physical facilities of an airport
- Developing land on and adjacent to the airport
- Determining the environmental effects of airport
construction and operations
- Establishing access requirements
- Establishing the technical, economic and financial feasibility of
proposed developments through investigation of alternative concepts
- Establishing a schedule of priorities and phasing for the
improvements proposed in the plan
- Establishing an achievable financial plan to support the
implementation schedule
- Establishing a continuing planning process which will monitor
conditions and adjust plan recommendations as circumstances
Master plan vision, goals, and objectives
Establishes the vision and overarching goals for the master
plan as well as objectives that will guide the planning process
and help ensure that the goals are achieved and the vision is
Inventory of existing conditions
Provides an overview of the airport’s history, role in the region
and nation, growth and development over time, description of
its physical assets (airfield and airspace, terminal, ground
access, and support facilities), and key industry trends
Forecast of aviation demand
Future levels of aircraft operations, number of passengers,
and volume of cargo are forecasted for short, intermediate
and long-range time periods. Typically forecasts are made for
5,10, and 20 years on both annual as we'll daily and busiest
hours of the day.
Demand/capacity analysis and facility
(iv) lighting;
D.If CAAP decides to issue a pro subject to a condition, CAAP gives the
applicant a written notice stating the reasons for the decision