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Guidelines On The Formulation of Barangay Development Plan: August 15, 2019

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August 15, 2019


Section 106 of the Local Government Code (RA 7160) mandates that each local
government unit shall have a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to
be initiated by its development council and approved by its sanggunian. At the
barangay level, it is the Barangay Development Council (BDC) that shall assist the
Sangguniang Barangay in setting the direction of economic and social
development and coordinating the development efforts within its territorial
The Barangay Development Council (BDC) is essential in ensuring that barangay
budget is translated into programs, programs and activities that address the
aspirations of constituents. It is also the central barangay-based institution that
mobilizes people’s participation in the planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of development initiatives of the barangay.

To assist BDCs in the performance of their functions, DILG Memorandum

Circular 2009-109 with subject GUIDELINES IN MONITORING THE
FUNCTIONALITY OF THE BDCs was issued to assess the functionality of Barangay
Development Councils and ensure compliance to the requirements set forth in RA
Subsequently, amendment and addendum to DILG MC 2009-109 were issued
through DILG MC 2019-69 and DILG MC 2019-112, respectively, expounding on
the functionality indicators and institutional arrangements among offices
responsible in the assessment process and providing technical guide notes for
objective, standard and clear comprehension of the required means of
verification, among others.

To ensure the adherence of Barangays and Barangay Development Councils to

the parameters of BDC functionality particularly in the formulation of their
respective Barangay Development Plans, this guidelines is hereby issued
This Circular is issued to prescribe the following:

a. Statutory Requirements in the formulation of Barangay Development Plans

b. Standard template of the whole Barangay Development Plan document
c. Approval and adoption of the Barangay Development Plan
Organizational requirements
 There shall be a Barangay Executive Order (the Barangay Executive Order
is attached as Annex A) constituting the barangay development council with
the following composition pursuant to Section 107 of RA 7160:
a. Punong Barangay
b. Eight (8) Sangguniang Barangay Members including the SK Chairperson
c. Four CSO/NGO representatives
d. Representative of the District Representative
The Barangay Executive Order shall include the constitution of BDC Executive Committee and BDC Secretariat with
the following composition:

BDC Executive Committee

a. Punong Barangay
b. Sangguniang Barangay Member
c. CSO/NGO Representative
BDC Secretariat
a. Barangay Secretary
b. Any other members that may be identified by the barangay

 CSO/NGO representatives in the Barangay Development Council shall be

accredited by the Sangguniang Barangay pursuant to DILG-MC 2018-146.
 At least 40 percent or 6 of the BDC members shall be composed of women
pursuant to Section 11 of RA 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women.
Identification of development gaps and establishment of relevant baseline data
 The Barangay Development Council shall identify local development requirements
pursuant to Section 109 of RA 7160 through consultation with various sectors,
survey or other methods necessary to establish the concrete condition of the
barangay. The BDC may form sectoral or functional committees as stipulated in
Section 112 of RA 7160 to assist them in this endeavor.
 The BDC shall be able to determine development gaps and establish relevant data,
as may be possible, on the following development sectors:.
a. Social
b. Economic
c. Environment and Resilience
d. Infrastructure
e. Institutional
1. Preliminary Pages
a. Cover page
b. Resolution adopting the BDP
c. Message of the Punong Barangay
d. Acknowledgement
2. Socio-economic profile of the barangay
a. Brief historical background
b. Geo-physical characteristics DEVELOPMENT PLAN
i. Location and total land area 2019-2022
c. Population and demographic profile
i. Total population
ii. Population of male and female
iii. Population of students, labor force, children, PWDs, poor,
informal settlers and other relevant sectors
iv. Religion
v. Language/dialect
vi. Ethnicity
vii. Poverty incidence
d. Social services
i. Number and names of schools, hospitals, day care centers etc.
ii. Discussion of development conditions and gaps
1. Education
2. Health and nutrition
3. Social Welfare
4. Housing
5. Peace and Order
6. Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture
7. Gender and Development
8. Etc.
e. Economy
i. Major economic activities
ii. Business establishments by industry sectors
iii.Discussion of development conditions and gaps
1. Livelihood
2. Employment
f. Infrastructure
i. Transportation system, water and electricity
ii. National government offices situated and
operating in the barangay
iii.Parks, tourism and historical sites
iv.Discussion of development conditions and gaps
1. Flood control and drainage
2. Day Care Centers
3. Hospitals and Barangay Health Centers
4. Roads, waterworks and sewerage systems
5. Parks and public assembly areas
6. Etc.
g. Environment
i. Waste management
ii.Conditions of waterways
iii.Air quality
iv.Trees and greenery
v.Discussion of development conditions and
1.Environment protection
2.Hazards and vulnerability
h. Institutional machinery
i. Organizational structure
ii. Barangay-based institutions
iii.Lupong Tagapamayapa
v. Discussion of performance conditions and gaps
1. Barangay Administration
2. Collaboration with CSOs
3. Fiscal management
4. Barangay legislation
5. Etc.
Barangay Development Plan
a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Sectoral Development Plans
i. Social Development Plan
This contains proposed programs, projects and activities designed to deal with
the identified issues and concerns relative to improving the state of wellbeing of
the local population and upgrading the quality of social services such as health,
education, welfare, housing and the like. Questions of equity and social justice
and gender sensitivity are also addressed by this sectoral plan. Many programs
and projects in this sector are of the “soft” non-capital type but they are as
important as the capital investment or “hard” projects.
ii. Economic Development Plan
This embodies what the local government intends to do to create a favorable climate for
private investments through a combination of policies and public investments to enable
business and industry to flourish and, ultimately, assure the residents of a steady supply
of goods and services and of jobs and household income. A very significant component of
this sectoral plan is the LGU’s support to food production activities and the promotion of
tourism programs.

iii. Infrastructure and Physical Development Plan

This deals with the infrastructure building program and the land acquisition required as
right-of-way or easements of public facilities. The physical development plan may
include proposals for the redevelopment of old and declining sections of the locality,
opening up new settlement areas or development of new growth centers in conformity
with the chosen spatial strategy.
iv. Environmental Management Plan
This consolidates the environmental implications of all development proposals within
the municipality and provides mitigating and preventive measures for their anticipated
impacts. It embodies programs for maintaining cleanliness of air, water and land
resources and rehabilitating or preserving the quality of natural resources to enable
them to support the requirements of economic development and ecological balance
across generations. A major component of this sectoral plan will also include measures
to minimize the vulnerability of the local residents to natural hazards and disasters.
v. Institutional Development Plan
This focuses on strengthening the capability of the barangay as well as elected officials to
plan and manage the development of the barangay. Manpower development, fiscal
management and program/project management are the vital components of this sectoral
plan. This sectoral plan likewise promotes the involvement of voluntary groups or civil
society organizations in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
the different sectoral programs, projects and activities.
The Barangay Development Plan shall incorporate the barangay statutory
programs and allocations to their respective sectoral category:

a. Gender and Development (5% of the General Fund) – Social

b. Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (1% of IRA) – Social
c. Barangay Development Fund (20% of IRA) – Applicable to all sectors
d. BDRRM (5% of the General Fund) - Environmental Management
e. Sangguniang Kabataan (10% of the General Fund) – Applicable to all
Barangay Development Council shall also include in its barangay development plan the programs, projects
and activities that will improve the provision of basic services and facilities as provided in Section 17 of
RA 7160 such as, but not limited to:

a. Agricultural support services which include planting materials distribution system and operation
of farm produce collection and buying stations
b. Health and social welfare services which include maintenance of Barangay health center and day-
care center;
c. Services and facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation, beautification, and solid waste
d. Maintenance of Katarungang Pambarangay
e. Maintenance of Barangay roads and bridges and water supply systems
f. Infrastructure facilities such as multi- purpose hall, multipurpose pavement, plaza, sports center,
and other similar facilities
g. Information and reading center
h. Satellite or public market, where viable
Republic of the Philippines
City of Manila
Barangay_______, Zone_______, District_______

Barangay Development Plan


Sector: Write here the development sector which the programs/projects/activities attempt to address, e.g. Social, Economic, Environmental,
Infrastructure, Institutional

Timeframe (specifies
Location/ Performance
Programs/projects Source the year and month
Issues/concerns Objectives Target indicator/desir Cost
/activities (PPAs) of fund of implementation of
beneficiaries ed result
the program)
st nd rd
These are the This briefly presents This contains the States where the Contains what States States how 1 2 3
programs, projects the issue or objectives the PPAs aim to PPPA will be development where much year year year
and activities that development gap that achieve implemented change or the should be
the BDC intends to the PPAs aim to and/or who will impact will fund appropriat
implement address based on the benefit from it result from the will be ed for the
consultations with implementation taken implement
various community of the PPA from ation
members and sectors.
Timeframe (specifies
Location/ Performance
Programs/projects Source the year and month of
Issues/concerns Objectives Target indicator/desir Cost
/activities (PPAs) of fund implementation of the
beneficiaries ed result
st nd rd
Example: 1 2 3
Year year year
Health Program
Construction of High number of poor To establish a barangay clinic The barangay Presence of 20% Novem
barangay clinic families afflicted that will cater the medical clinic will be barangay- barang ber
with various kinds of needs of poor families. constructed operated ay
diseases along clinic develo
To establish a barangay clinic Maharlika pment
which shall serve as center Street and will fund
for community-based health benefit all the Improved
education on nutrition, constituents of health
sanitation and other the barangay condition of
measures to prevent disease. poor
4. Barangay Annual Investment Program

The Barangay Annual Investment Program (BAIP) is the principal instrument for implementing the BDP.
It contains the specific programs, projects and activities with corresponding project costs including the
necessary fund flows to approximate the reasonable timing in the release of funds in an annual basis.
Below is the template for the BAIP:

The Barangay Development Plan shall be approved by the Sangguniang Barangay concerned pursuant to
Section 114 of RA 7160. (The template of the resolution is attached as Annex B)


The approved Barangay Development Plan shall be submitted to the City Local Development Council, copy
furnished DILG-Manila Field Office, pursuant to Section 114 (b) of RA 7160 for possible inclusion of the
identified programs under the BDP in the City Development Plan.

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