Guidelines On The Formulation of Barangay Development Plan: August 15, 2019
Guidelines On The Formulation of Barangay Development Plan: August 15, 2019
Guidelines On The Formulation of Barangay Development Plan: August 15, 2019
Section 106 of the Local Government Code (RA 7160) mandates that each local
government unit shall have a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to
be initiated by its development council and approved by its sanggunian. At the
barangay level, it is the Barangay Development Council (BDC) that shall assist the
Sangguniang Barangay in setting the direction of economic and social
development and coordinating the development efforts within its territorial
The Barangay Development Council (BDC) is essential in ensuring that barangay
budget is translated into programs, programs and activities that address the
aspirations of constituents. It is also the central barangay-based institution that
mobilizes people’s participation in the planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of development initiatives of the barangay.
a. Agricultural support services which include planting materials distribution system and operation
of farm produce collection and buying stations
b. Health and social welfare services which include maintenance of Barangay health center and day-
care center;
c. Services and facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation, beautification, and solid waste
d. Maintenance of Katarungang Pambarangay
e. Maintenance of Barangay roads and bridges and water supply systems
f. Infrastructure facilities such as multi- purpose hall, multipurpose pavement, plaza, sports center,
and other similar facilities
g. Information and reading center
h. Satellite or public market, where viable
Republic of the Philippines
City of Manila
Barangay_______, Zone_______, District_______
Sector: Write here the development sector which the programs/projects/activities attempt to address, e.g. Social, Economic, Environmental,
Infrastructure, Institutional
Timeframe (specifies
Location/ Performance
Programs/projects Source the year and month
Issues/concerns Objectives Target indicator/desir Cost
/activities (PPAs) of fund of implementation of
beneficiaries ed result
the program)
st nd rd
These are the This briefly presents This contains the States where the Contains what States States how 1 2 3
programs, projects the issue or objectives the PPAs aim to PPPA will be development where much year year year
and activities that development gap that achieve implemented change or the should be
the BDC intends to the PPAs aim to and/or who will impact will fund appropriat
implement address based on the benefit from it result from the will be ed for the
consultations with implementation taken implement
various community of the PPA from ation
members and sectors.
Timeframe (specifies
Location/ Performance
Programs/projects Source the year and month of
Issues/concerns Objectives Target indicator/desir Cost
/activities (PPAs) of fund implementation of the
beneficiaries ed result
st nd rd
Example: 1 2 3
Year year year
Health Program
Construction of High number of poor To establish a barangay clinic The barangay Presence of 20% Novem
barangay clinic families afflicted that will cater the medical clinic will be barangay- barang ber
with various kinds of needs of poor families. constructed operated ay
diseases along clinic develo
To establish a barangay clinic Maharlika pment
which shall serve as center Street and will fund
for community-based health benefit all the Improved
education on nutrition, constituents of health
sanitation and other the barangay condition of
measures to prevent disease. poor
4. Barangay Annual Investment Program
The Barangay Annual Investment Program (BAIP) is the principal instrument for implementing the BDP.
It contains the specific programs, projects and activities with corresponding project costs including the
necessary fund flows to approximate the reasonable timing in the release of funds in an annual basis.
Below is the template for the BAIP:
The Barangay Development Plan shall be approved by the Sangguniang Barangay concerned pursuant to
Section 114 of RA 7160. (The template of the resolution is attached as Annex B)
The approved Barangay Development Plan shall be submitted to the City Local Development Council, copy
furnished DILG-Manila Field Office, pursuant to Section 114 (b) of RA 7160 for possible inclusion of the
identified programs under the BDP in the City Development Plan.