2.02 MM Agarwal
2.02 MM Agarwal
2.02 MM Agarwal
* IR are going ahead in a big way to introduce semi high speed trains which
should be cost effective & can be done expediously. On the same track,
the Railway are also planning to run heavy axle load trains to improve its
economy & make Railway self reliant.
* The authors have made a detailed study of track standards required for
high speed trains/semi high speed trains as well as trains with heavy axle
loads on Indian Railways as well as of other developed railway system of
world such as Japan, Germany, France, USA etc.
A study has been made of few high speed routes viz SNCF, Japanese
Railways, German Railways (DB), Spanish Railways Belgium Railways.
From study of these railways it is observed that most of the leading railways
operating at High speed use conventional track consisting rails fastened on
sleepers with elastic fastenings. The average Track structure being adopted
on High speed Railways is given in subsequently table.
* Turnout : Flatter switch entry; for reduction of lateral forces & increased passenger comfort .
Design Movable Nose Crossing for reduction of gap at crossing
2 Bridges : Bridges as well as bridge approaches are the vulnerable points, Strengthen the
existing bridge network with minimum disruption to traffic and cost effectiveness.
3. Tunnels : Tunnel cross sections on high speed lines will be guided by the aerodynamic
Phenomena in the tunnel; * To reduce this effect, tunnel hoods are specially
designed with pressure release shafts.
4. Grade Separation/ : Grade separation/Level Crossings:
Level Crossing Normally level crossing is not suitable for
high speed train operation
* Constraints to be renewed for introducing semi high speed trains faster than
160 kmph. for (i) Sharp Curves (ii) Turnouts (iii)Improvement of track
geometry: 7
5. Heavy Axle load trains
The phrase ‘Heavy Haul operation’ came into prominence with the first Heavy Haul
Conference held in Perth in Western Australia in 1978. A large number of heavy
haul trains are being operated in America, Australia, Africa, Europe, Brazil,
Scandinavia and UK for last 3 to 4 decades.
In order to cater for heavy axle load traffic, Indian Railways have taken an
ambitious project of dedicated freight corridor, where only heavy axle load
freight trains will run at a speed of 100 kmph
* Details of approved DFC Projects
Two projects approved as DFC projects are Western Corridor from Delhi to
Mumbai (Dadri-Rewari-Vadodara-Mumbai) and Eastern Corridor from Delhi
to Howrah (Khurja- Kanpur-Sonnagar-Howrah).
* Type of traffic &axle load: 25 tonne double stack container movement with
15000 tonne trailing loads: 30 tonne for bridges. (Completion Date: October
6. Appropriate Track technology for mixed traffic regime of
Semi high speed & heavy axle load
The studies of Track requirements to run High speed railways, semi high speed
railways as well as heavy axle load trains on IR and also for developed global
Railways viz Japan, Germany, France, & USA etc as well as UIC standards have
given certain ideas to adopt track standards/ specifications & other requirement
of track technology for mixed traffic
Studies Undertaken
The studies are basically for 3 types of traffic requirement
* High speed traffic: (This is done as there is very little global experience
of semi- high speed traffic)
* Semi high speed traffic mostly on IR.
* Heavy axle load traffic on world railways.
* Heavy axle load traffic on IR (Dedicated Freight Corridor)
Based on close analysis of studies undertaken for 4 types of traffic and taking an
overall practical, view Appropriate Track standards are suggested as given in
next Table
Track structure for Track structure for Track structure for Track structure for Recommended track structure for
high speed Railways Semi high speed heavy axle load trains of DFC IR
of World Railways. world
1. Rail About 60 kg/m 71 kg & 90 UTS 60to 68 km routes 60 kg 110 UTS 60 kg UIC rails
2. Sleepers Concrete sleepers Mono block PRC Mostly PSC Sleepers PSC Sleepers PSC sleepers
or Glass fibre sleepers Some places wooden
glasses sleepers
3. Sleeper Density 1660 to 1724 1660 nos per km. 1660 to 1800 nos. PSC 1660 Nos. 1660 sleeper per km
sleepers per km per km per km.
4. Fastenings- Double Leaf spring/TGV ERC clips mark III Special type of --- Double Elastic fastening
Elastic fastenings noble/Vossloh with rubber pad 6mm fastening
type with rubber pads thick
5. Ballast * Ballasted track 250/300 mm depth Hard stone ballast Machine Hard stone ballast having
with 30 to 40 mm with 150 mm sub with 300 mm crushed ballast cushion of 250-300 mm
ballast cusion or ballast cysguib iver 150 mm with 300 mm with 150 mm sub-ballast.
ballastless track syv-ballast ballast cushion
6. Minimum radius varying from 7250 m 6000 to 10000 m 1750 m 1750 mm
of curve 4000 m to 6500
7. Max. superelevation varying from 150 140 mm 180 mm -- 165 mm
(Cant) mm to 180 mm
60 kg UIC rails having 90 UTS are recommended which can be suitable for semi high speed (160 to 200
2. Rail kmph) as well as high axle load traffic up to 25 tonne axle load.
3. Sleeper Prestressed concrete (PSC) sleepers are recommended. The sleeper density should be 1660 sleeper per km.
Ballasted track is recommended with hard stone ballast having full ballast cushion of 250 mm to 300 mm
4. Ballast with 150 mm sub ballast. IF necessary, work hardening to be done to improve quality of ballast.
To be modernised to cater for higher speed of atleast 50 kmph & preferably 75 kmph to 100 kmph.
6. Points & Crossing Indian Railways have already designed a new high speed turnout of 1:12 type which have potential of 50
7. Maximum Curvature For comfort & safety it should not be sharper than 1° (1750 m)
8.Maximum In order to provide proper comfort to traveling public as well as to provide safety to passengers/goods,
superelevation maximum superelevation of 150 mm is recommended.
A very smooth vertical curve is necessary for semi high speed railway to provide maximum comfort to
9. Vertical Curve passengers. The minimum vertical radius recommended is 4000 m for safe & smooth ride.
Considering comfort of passengers & safety of passenger/goods, max. gradient recommended is 1 in 400.
10. Ruling Gradient 13
6.3 Recommended Maintenance & Other Features
Track Maintenance:
* Track has to be maintained mechanically by a fleet of modern track machines.
* Regular monitoring of track is required by sophisticated/modern track recording car
* Isolated track defects should be attended by off-track tampers.
Rail Grinding: Due to heavy loads rail develops defect like Rapid rail wear & excessive
wear of rail on curves. Reprofiling should be done by Rail Grinding machine for
prolonging rail life as well to prevent defects in rail head.
Track Transition areas (Bridge approaches, Level crossings & special track works)
* Due to differential settlement, extra track stiffness and differential damping track
Components gets damaged quite early.
* Extra track maintenance is required of these difficult locations
Bridges: Bridges should be designed for heavier loading. Quality of bridge construction
and maintenance requires to be improved.
Level Crossings:
- No Unmanned level crossing
- Manned level crossing should be avoided. However, in unavoidable circumstances, it
must be interlocked with signals. 14
Fencing: For speed higher than 160 kmph fencing of the entire section may
become necessary. For speed upto 160 kmph, fencing can be need based in the
vicinity of the habilitation and in approach of major bridges, level crossings etc.
Improvement in Rolling Stock
LHB coaches are cleared for regular operation upto a maximum speed of 160
kmph. However for higher speed all the coaches will have to be air conditioned
to avoid dust ingress and air blast.
TALGO Coaches : Trains on conventional rail-
roads have been the fore-runners for Higher-Speed
Trains” in Spain, France, Switzerland and Russia.,
* Talgo coaches with their lower weight generate
lower centrifugal forces and can run faster.
* Talgo coaches trains are one of the possible
alternatives for running semi-high trains on IR.
Tilting trains: To overcome the limitation of speed
on account of tight curves vehicles with tilting Figure 4: Talgo Coaches Train
suspension system can be used.
- For mixed traffic requirement, tilting trains are not recommended for IR due to
practical problems based on Global experience.
7. Summarising