Sample Questions
Sample Questions
Sample Questions
1. Among the invertebrates, only
insects have this character
a. segmentation c. antenna
b. wings d. 3 pairs of legs
2. From which character was the
name “arthropoda” derived?
a. segmentation c. antenna
b. wings d. jointed legs
3. Which of these is important in
distinguishing beetles from earwigs
a. wings c. eyes
b. cerci d. antenna
4. In insects, where are the cerci
a. head c. abdomen
b. thorax d. legs
5. In insects, where are the wings
a. head c. abdomen
b. thorax d. thigh
6. In insects, where are the genitalia
a. head c. abdomen
b. thorax d. hind leg
7. In caterpillars, where are the
prolegs/ pseudolegs located?
a. head c. abdomen
b. thorax d. pseudothorax
8. Which of the following is used to
enclose the stylets in insects with
piercing-sucking mouthparts ?
a. labium c. labrum
b. hypopharynx d. epipharynx
9.Where would you least likely find
a. radial symmetry
b. exoskeleton
c. jointed legs
d. segmented body
11. Which of the following pests is
not an arthropod?
a. mouthpart c. chelicera
b. antenna d. eye
15. The first segment of the insect
a. scape c. flagellum
b. pedicel d. clavola
16. The second segment of the
insect antennae
a. scape c. flagellum
b. pedicel d. clavola
17. In the piercing –sucking type of
mouthparts, this component cannot
be inserted into the host plant,
hence it bends when the insect is
a. labrum c. maxilla
b. mandible d. labium
18. In the chewing type of
mouthparts, this component cuts
and grinds the food
a. labrum c. maxilla
b. mandible d. labium
19. In the chewing type of
mouthparts, this component is
immediately behind the mandible,
and it holds and pushes the food
into the mouth
a. labrum c. maxilla
b. mandible d. labium
20. This body regions bears the
legs and the wings of an insect
a. head c. abdomen
b. thorax d. cephalothorax
21. The basal segment of an insect
a. trochanter c. tarsus
b. tibia d. coxa
22. The opening to the respiratory
system of an insect
a. tympanum c. spiracle
b. cerci d. hypopharynx
23. This body region bears the
genitalia and visceral organ of the
a. head c. abdomen
b. thorax d. cephalothorax
24. The two pairs of insect wings when
present are located in
a. geniculate c. filiform
b. moniliform d. lamellate
26.This type of antennae is found on
scarabaeid beetles
a. bipectinate c. filiform
b. clavate d. lamellate
27. The setaceous type of antennae
is found among
a. butterflies c. dragonflies
b. grasshoppers d. moths
28. The aristate type of antennae is
found among
a. butterflies c. dragonflies
b. grasshoppers d. houseflies
29. This elbow-like type of
antenna is found among ants
a. geniculate c. lamellate
b. clavate d. plumose
30. This type of antennae is found
among mosquitoes
a. geniculate c. lamellate
b. clavate d. plumose
31. Preying mantis uses this type of
forelegs to catch their prey
a. grasping c. walking
b. clinging d. digging
32. Headlice use this type of legs to
anchor themselves on the host
a. grasping c. walking
b. clinging d. digging
33. What type of insect development is
the young stage known as a naiad?
a. ametabolous c. paurometabolous
b. hemimetabolous d. holometabolous
34. What type of insect development has
larval and pupal stages?
a. ametabolous c. paurometabolous
b. hemimetabolous d. holometabolous
35. The pest population density where
the cost of control is much higher than
the expected cost of harvest of the
protected crop
a.pest c. weed
b. insect d. pathogen
39. A serious pest species that
occurs perennially and regularly
limits crop productivity
a. occasional pest
b. key pest
c. chronic pest
d. potential pest
40. A pest that occurs at infrequent
intervals and causes economic
damage only at a certain and place
a. occasional pest
b. key pest
c. chronic pest
d. potential pest
41. A kind of pest that has no
significant damage under prevailing
agro-ecosystem but might bring about
damage with a change in crop and
cultural practices
a. occasional pest
b. key pest
c. potential pest
d.chronic pest
42. The relative amount of heritable
qualities in plants that influences the
ultimate degree of damage by the pest
a. mechanical control
b. cultural control
c. biological control
d. autocidal control
44. A control method that utilizes
suitable agronomic practices to
reduce pest population
a. mechanical control
b. cultural control
c. biological control
d. genetic control
45. The term given for crop
destruction, injury or loss of value
caused by the feeding activity of
different pests
a. characteristic damage
b. pest infestation
c. threshold
d. damage indicator
46. A kind of damage caused by
the feeding of an insect through the
removal of plant sap or plant parts
in contrast with the damage cause
by the disease-transmitting insects
a. indirect damage
b. direct damage
c. damage indicator
d. action threshold
47. The pest density at which artificial
control measures should be applied to
prevent pest population increase or
pest outbreak
a. predator c. vector
b. parasite d. symbiosis
49.A toxic substance which is
readily available and kills pests
a. insecticide c. rodenticide
b. pesticide d. weedicide
50. An insect that feeds on a
number of unrelated species of
a. polyphagous insect
b. monophagous insect
c. phytophagous insect
d. entomophagous insect
51. A biological control agent that
consumes many preys in its lifetime
a. parasite c. predator
b. vector d. symbionts
52. The collective term for
parasitic and predatory insects
a. phytophagous insects
b. polyphagous insects
c. entomophagous insects
d. saprophagous insects
53. A biological control organism
that usually lives inside the body
of its host and consumes only
one host to complete its life
a. parasite c. vector
b. predator d. pathogen
54. The symptom of stemborer
damage during the reproductive
stage of the rice plant characterized
by the appearance of whole panicles
with unfilled grains
a. deadheart c. wilting
b. whitehead d. mosaic
55. The symptom of yellowing and
wilting of the youngest leaf as a
result of feeding by the stemborer
larva during the vegetative stage of
the rice plant
a. deadheart c. leafrolling
b. whitehead d. rotting
56. The growth stage/s of the rice
plant that is/are most preferred by
the rice bug
a. negative stage
b. soft dough stage
c. milk stage
d. both b and c
57. A serious pest of corn that attacks
all parts of the plant except the roots
a. cutworm
b. corn stalk-borer
c. corn semilooper
d. corn borer
58. Homopteran insect pest that
transmits the tungro virus
a. brown planthopper
b. whitebacked planthopper
c. green leafhopper
d. zigzag leafhopper
59. Substances such as sex
pheromones, that lure insects and
can be used as a means of control
a. anti-feedants
b. repellants
c. attractants
d. chemosterilants
60. The ability of population of
pests to survive doses of an
insecticide which are normally
a. insecticide resistance
b. insecticide threshold level
c. overdose
d. insecticide mismanagement
61. Synchronous planting is an
example of
a. mechanical control
b. chemical control
c. biological control
d. cultural control
62. The physical removal of insect
pests from the infested plants is a
a. mechanical control
b. chemical control
c. biological control
d. cultural control
63. The ability of plant variety to
withstand infestation and to support
insect populations that would
otherwise severely damage
susceptible plants
a. antibiosis
b. host evasion
c. tolerance
d. non-preference
64. Includes all adverse effects
exerted by the plant on the insect
survival, development and
a. antibiosis
b. host evasion
c. tolerance
d. non-preference
65. The toxic component of a
b. inert ingredient
c. active ingredient
d. surfactant
66. An insecticide that is absorbed
by and translocated in the plant
and the insect acquire the poison
through feeding insecticide
b. systemic insecticide
c. stomach insecticide
d. surfactant
67. A solid pesticide formulation
applied undiluted where the active
ingredients combined with inert
ingredients such as clay to form
particles about the size of coarse
a. dust
b. granule
c. wettable powder
d. water soluble powder
68. Pesticide category symbolized
by a red band, a skull and
a. trade name
b. common name
c. proprietary name
d. brand name
70. Tiny hooks on the hind wings of the
bees that hold the front and hind
wings together
a. Hamuli
b. Frenulum
c. Haltere
d. Fringe
71. The first recognizable account a
Philippine insect was written by
a. Pigaffeta
b. Magallona
c. Uichanco
d. Cendana
72. Airplane was utilized in the
control of migratory locust in the
Philippines in the year
a. 1925
b. 1926
c. 1931
d. 1928
73. She is considered as the Mother
of Philippine Entomology
a. Claire R. Baltazar
b. Clare R. Baltazar
c. Leonila A. Corpuz-Raros
d. Venus Cristina J.Calilung
74. When was the National Crop
Protection Center established?
a. 1976
b. 1980
c. 1986
d. 1990
75. The earliest recorded account of
locust swarm in the Philippines is in
the island of
a. Luzon
b. Panay
c. Palawan
d. Mindanao
76. The uppermost sclerite of the
insect’s head capsule is called
a. vertex
b. gena
c. clypeus
d. frons
77. Lateral sclerites on the head of
the insect lying behind the frontal
a. vertex
b. gena
a. clypeus
b. frons
78. Triangular sclerite lying between
the frontal sutures
a. vertex
b. gena
c. clypeus
d. frons
79. A suture lying along the midline
of the vertex
a. Coronal suture
b. Frontal suture
c. Epistomal suture
d. Occipital suture
80. The dorsal sclerite of the
prothorax is referred to as
a. pronotum
b. mesonotum
c. metanotum
d. alinotum