Their Effects On The Environment and Community
Their Effects On The Environment and Community
Their Effects On The Environment and Community
the environment
and community
A natural hazard is a natural phenomenon
that might have a negative effect on
humans or the environment. Natural hazard
events can be classified into two broad
categories: geophysical and biological.
Geophysical hazards encompass geological
and meteorological phenomena such as
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires,
cyclonic storms, floods, droughts, and
landslides. Biological hazards can refer to a
diverse array of disease, infection, and
A typhoon is a mature tropical cyclone that
develops between180°and100°Ein the
Northern Hemisphere. For organizational
purposes, the northern Pacific Ocean is
divided into three regions: the eastern (North
America to140°W), central (140°to 180°W),
and western (180°to 100°E). The Regional
Specialized Meteorological Center(RSMC)
for tropical cyclone forecasts is in Japan,
with other tropical cyclone warning centers
for the northwest Pacific in Hawaii (the Joint
Typhoon Warning Center), the Philippines
and Hong Kong.
Buildings and Other Infrastructure
Wind and water account for the two most destructive
forces associated with typhoons. Typhoons affect
buildings and other structures in two ways: through direct
force and through projectiles. Direct force occurs when
a wind gust slams directly into a building or structure and
causes physical damage, such as when wind blows the
roof off a home.