Supw Science

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 Science generates solutions for everyday life and helps us

to answer the great mysteries of the universe. In other

words, science is one of the most important channels of

 It has a specific role, as well as a variety of functions for

the benefit of our society: creating new knowledge,
improving education, and increasing the quality of our

 Science must respond to societal needs and global

challenges. Public understanding and engagement with
science, and citizen participation including through the
popularization of science are essential to equip citizens to
make informed personal and professional choices.

 National governments need to understand the science

How does science helps society
Science influences society through its knowledge and world view.
Scientific knowledge and the procedures used by scientists influence
the way many individuals in society think about themselves, others,
and the environment. The effect of science on society is neither
entirely beneficial nor entirely detrimental. Some ways in which science
helps us are:

Science in agriculture
Science in medicine
Science in education
Science in daily life

It is valued by society because the application of scientific

knowledge helps to satisfy many basic human needs and improve
living standards. Finding a cure and prevention for disease. Science
has shaped the world and human civilization.
 Use of machines on farms. Now a farmer can cultivate on more than 2 acres
of land with less labor, and can cut costs even more when they are looking
for a used tractor and other harvesting technology, versus new equipment.

 Genetically produced plants like potatoes, can resist diseases and pests,
which rewards the farmer with good yields and saves them time. These crops
grow very fast they produce healthy yields.

 Development of animal feeds. This has solved the problem of hunting for
grass to feed animals, now these feeds can be manufactured and
consumed by animals. The price of these feed is fair so that a low income
farmer can afford them. Most of these manufactured animal feeds have
extra nutrition which improve on the animals health and the out put of these
animals will also increase.

 Breeding of animals which are resistant to diseases. Most of these genetically

produced animals will produce more milk or fur compared to normal
animals. This benefits the farmer because their production will be high. Cross
breeding is very good in animal grazing, cross breed animals are more strong
and productive.
 Medicine is the science and practice of
establishing the diagnosis, prognosis,
treatment, and prevention of disease.
Medicine encompasses a variety of health
care practices evolved to maintain and restore
health by the prevention and treatment of
illness. Contemporary medicine applies
biomedical sciences, biomedical research,
genetics, and medical technology to
diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and
disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or
surgery, but also through therapies as diverse
as psychotherapy, external splints and traction,
medical devices, biologics, and ionizing
radiation, amongst others.
 Medicine has been around for thousands
of years, during most of which it was an art
(an area of skill and knowledge)
frequently having connections to the
religious and philosophical beliefs of local
 stitching technique for sutures is an art
learned through practice, the knowledge
of what happens at the cellular and
molecular level in the tissues being
stitched arises through science.
 Prescientific forms of medicine are now
known as traditional medicine and folk
medicine. They remain commonly used
with or instead of scientific medicine and
are thus called alternative medicine

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