Micromeretics and Powder Rheology
Micromeretics and Powder Rheology
Micromeretics and Powder Rheology
• METHOD: Sieves are arranged in a nest with the coarsest at the top.
• A sample (50 g) of the powder is placed on the top sieve.
• This sieves set is fixed to the mechanical shaker apparatus and
shaken for a certain period of time (20 minutes).
• The powder retained on each sieve is weighed.
• Data are analyzed for normal, log-normal, cumulative percent
frequency distribution and probability curves.
• Inexpensive. • Lower limit of particle size is 50
• Simple and rapid method. µm.
• If the powder is not dry,
apertures become clogged with
particles, leading to improper
• During shaking, attrition occurs
causing size reduction of
• Sedimentation method may be used over a size range of 1 -200µm.
• In this method, size is expressed as Stoke’s diameter, dst, which describes
the diameter of an equivalent sphere having the same rate of
sedimentation as that of the asymmetric particles.
• Methods:
Andreason Pipette Method
• Formulation and evaluation of suspensions, emulsions
• Determination of mol. wt of polymers
• PRINCIPLE: The rate of settling of particles in a suspension or emulsion may be
obtained by Stokes law.
This equation holds good for spheres falling freely at a constant rate without
This can be extended to largely particles of various shapes.
When the powder is suspended in a vehicle, initially the particles of large diameter
settle due to heavy weight. After some time, particles of intermediate diameter will
settle. Finally, particles of smaller size settle. Hence, the study involves the sampling
during sedimentation at different time intervals.
1.The suspension should be dilute
2.Flow should be laminar: i.e rate of sedimentation of particles must not be
too rapid to create turbulence.
Any turbulent flow will affect the sedimentation of other particles there
by causing error in estimation
The type of flow is indicated by Reynolds number.
If the Reynolds number is greater than 0.2,the flow is turbulent.
Sedimentation method predicts the exact particle size, if the Reynolds
number does not exceed 0.2
Reynolds’ Number
Reynolds’ number is a dimensionless quantity that is used to determine the type of flow
pattern as laminar or turbulent while flowing through a pipe. Reynolds’s number is defined
by the ratio of inertial forces to that of viscous forces.
Reynolds Number=Inertial Force/Viscous Force
Re = ρVD/μ
If the Reynolds’s number calculated is high (greater than 2000), then the flow through the
pipe is said to be turbulent. If Reynolds’s number is low (less than 2000), the flow is said to
be laminar. Numerically, these are acceptable values, although in general the laminar and
turbulent flows are classified according to a range. Laminar flow falls below Reynolds’s
number of 1100 and turbulent falls in a range greater than 2200.
Laminar flow is the type of flow in which the fluid travels smoothly in regular paths.
Conversely, turbulent flow isn’t smooth and follows an irregular math's with lots of mixing.
Method: Andreasen • It usually consists of a 500 ml cylindrical
apparatus for vessel containing a 10 ml pipette sealed to
determining particle size a ground glass stopper. When the pipette is
placed in the cylinder, its lower tip is 20 cm
below the surface of the suspension.
• Procedure: Prepare 1 or 2 % suspension of
the powder in a suitable medium. A
deflocculating agent will help in uniform
dispersion of the suspension. Transfer the
suspension into the Andreasen vessel. Place
the stopper and shake the vessel to
distribute the suspension uniformly.
Remove the stopper and place the two way
pipette and securely suspend the vessel in a
constant temp water bath.
• At different time intervals, 10 ml samples
are withdrawn using two way stopcock and
collected in a watch-glass. Samples are
evaporated and weighed. The weight or the
amount of particles obtained in each time
interval is referred to as weight undersize.
The weights are converted into cumulative
weight undersize.
• Particle size ranging from 0.5 to 500 µm is measured by this method.
• This method gives number distribution.
• In fact, particle volume is measured and converted into particle
• Coulter counter is used to measure the particle volume.
• In this method, size is expressed as volume diameter (dv)which describes
the diameter of the sphere having the same volume as that of the
asymmetric particle.
• This is quick and accurate method, but the instrument is expensive.
• Study of particle growth in suspensions and solutions.
• Dissolution of drugs
• Effect of antibacterial agents on the growth of micro organisms.
Particles are suspended in a conductivity electrolyte (sodium
chloride). This dispersion is filled in a sample cell, that has an orifice and
maintains contact with the external medium. Electrolytes are placed in
the solution (inside the cell) and suspension (outside).
defined as the Surface
area per unit weight (Sw)
or unit volume (Sv) of the
• Sw= surface area/weight
• n= no. of particles
• αs= surface area factor
• αv= Volume factor
• Where, dvs is Volume
surface diameter
• The above method of estimation is based on particle diameter data.
This method can estimate the specific surface accurately for non-porous
• Normally, porous solids have high specific surface. These materials have
irregular surfaces and contain pores or crevices. Hence, above method
can not account for the powder directly.
1.Adsorption method
2.Air permeability method
Adsorption method
• Particles having large specific surfaces are good adsorbents of gases
and solutes from solution.
• Amount of gas that is adsorbed to form a monomolecular layer on
the adsorbent is a function of surface area of the powder. This
principle is used to estimate the specific surface.(also to estimate
surface diameter). Quantasorb instrument is utilized to study this.
• Powder whose surface area is to be determined is introduced into
the cell. Nitrogen as adsorbate gas and helium as inert gas is passed
over it. A thermal conductivity detector measures the amount of
nitrogen adsorbed at equilibrium pressure and a bell-shaped curve is
obtained in the recorder. The signal height gives the rate of
adsorption of nitrogen gas and area under the curve gives the
amount of gas adsorbed.
• The volume of nitrogen gas Vm in cm3 adsorbed by 1 gm of powder in
monolayer is given by BET equation:
• Bulk volume: The volume per unit mass of a dry material plus the
volume of the air between its particles.
• True volume: It is the space occupied by the powder/particles
Packaging Arrangements
• There are basically two types of packaging arrangements possible.
a) Cubical Packing: It is the loosest type of packing arrangement.
b) Rhombohedral Packing: It is the closest packing possible in a heap
of powder
• It is the measure of the empty spaces or voids in a material.
• Most pharmaceutical solids are porous, thus the bulk volume is
greater than the true volume.
• The volume of the space, i.e. void volume is given by:
• Vb Bulk Volume
• Vp True Volume
• Porosity is defined as the ratio of the void volume to the bulk
volume of the powder packing.
E=void volume/bulk volume E=Vb-Vp/Vb
Bulk density (ρb) : It is the ratio of the mass of powder and its bulk
• Bulk Density = mass of the powder/bulk volume
• For its determination, a weighed quantity of powder is introduced
into a graduated measuring cylinder. It is then tapped mechanically
or manually till a constant volume is attained. This volume is known
as bulk volume. It includes the true volume plus volume occupied by
interparticle and intraparticle spaces.
• Bulk density depends upon particle size distribution, particle shape
and packing arrangement.
• Eintraparticle = 1-Granule density/True density = 1- ρg /ρ
• Einterparticle = 1-Bulk density/Granule density = 1- ρb /ρg
• ETotal = 1- ρb /ρ = 1- Bulk density/True density