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Defensive Driving

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Defensive Driving is essentially driving in a manner that utilizes

safe driving strategies to enables motorists to address

identified hazards in a predictable manner. These strategies go
well beyond instruction on basic traffic laws and procedures.

With defensive driving classes, students learn to improve their

driving skills by reducing their driving risks by anticipating
situations and making safe well-informed decisions. Such
decisions are implemented based on road and environmental
conditions present when completing a safe driving maneuver
Losses from traffic crashes have both social and personal impacts. Approximately
41,000 die annually as a result of traffic collisions, with an additional 3,236,000
injuries. About 38% of all fatal car crashes are alcohol related with another 30%
attributed to speeding.

The goal of good defensive driving is to reduce the risk of these accidents by
properly educating people to exercise caution and good judgment while driving.
On the roadways, drivers have to deal with several factors that can affect their
driving. Though some of them are beyond the control of the driver, psychological
factors can be controlled by the driver if he knows what to look for and how to
handle it.

Defensive driving courses tend to focus on how drivers can overcome negative
psychological factors such as unneeded stress, fatigue, emotional distress and road
rage. They also offer instructions for developing a positive attitude behind the wheel
and increasing your focus on the driving task.
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol continues to impact thousands of
Filipino drivers each year. While the specific effect of each drug on your body takes
place in differing stages, the effect of drivers operating a vehicle while under the
influence is disastrous.

A very common component of all defensive driving courses is education about the
role that drugs and alcohol play on Philippine’s roadways. Topics tend to include the
state’s limits as to blood-alcohol level, how your judgment, inhibitions, motor skills
and senses are affected by drugs and alcohol and the consequences of being found
guilty of driving under the influence
Vehicle crashes are almost always a preventable result of a series of events. The combination of
speed, place of impact and size of object being impacted can determine the severity of the
crash. In every accident, however, the act of one vehicle hitting another vehicle or other object is
not the only collision that can occur.

The concept of the second collision, in which the driver and other passengers collides with the
windshield, seat or other object within the car when not wearing a seat belt can be just as
dangerous as the initial collision.

Approximately half of all deaths that are result of an automobile crash could have been avoided
if the victim were wearing a safety belt properly. Of course safety belts are only the most
commonly thought of vehicle safety equipment. Items such as air bags, child safety seats and
head rests all serve to protect drivers and passengers and reduce the risk of injury or death in
the event of a crash.
The key to any good defensive driving strategy is knowing how to avoid traffic
crashes and recognize potential hazards before it’s too late. That’s why defensive
driving courses tend to present a lot of information on crash prevention techniques
that includes:

 Scanning the roadway and adapting to surroundings

 Employing the two-second rule for following distances
 Knowing your vehicle’s stopping distance
 Being aware of reaction distance
 Environment hazards
 Vehicle emergencies
 Sharing the road
 Passing and necessary clear distance
 Right of way
 Speed adjustments in railroad crossings
Is capable of giving you a better, brighter and farther
vision ahead on the road. However one must dip
headlights to low beam when an approaching vehicle
is within 200m or wait to have the other vehicle
headlights dipped whichever is sooner.
Throws just a little dimmer light ahead at a safe
enough to drive, and also safe for a driver
approaching you from the opposite direction.
Are used when parking in a situation where it may be
difficult for others to see you. It increase the visibility of a
car in a variety of situation.
Is understood as an attempt to get a pass overtake
and it also means driving at low beam.
Drive slowly and you will be able to react better. At
higher speeds, the stopping distance exceeds the
seeing distance thereby causing accidents. The high
beam is useful for extra seeing distance and avoiding
deadly collisions.
The high beam is useful for extra seeing distance.
However, one must dip headlights to low beam when
an approaching vehicle within 200m, or wait to have
the other vehicles headlights dipped, whichever is
If oncoming traffic does not dip its high beam, look to
the left side of the road and drive towards the left of
your lane.
Also dip your headlights when driving 200m or lass
behind another vehicle.
Remember not to use high beam in foggy conditions
as your reflects back, reducing light visibility.
On a two-way road to allow from the opposite
direction to pass on your left and on one way to allow
vehicles behind you to overtake from your left.
Keep to the left-side of the road when you are leaving
as well as the one you are entering.

When turning right,

move to the center of the road you are leaving and
arrive near the right side of road you are entering.
At road junctions, intersections, pedestrian crossing
and road corners and wait until you are sure of a
clear passage ahead. If you are entering a main road
where traffic is not being regulated, give way to
vehicles passing on your right.
Better use directions indicators instead of hand
signals and both in case of any emergency.
Is a statutory requirement. The helmet must conform to
the DTI standards and should bear the DTI mark. Helmet
works as a shield for your head in case of a mishap. It is
designed for your individual safety and not as a cover to
avoid legal prosecution. For complete safe tie the strap
properly otherwise the helmet may slip from your head in
case of an accident head injury.
At or near a road crossing or on top of a hill or on a footpath, too
near a traffic light or pedestrian crossing, on a main road or a road
with heavy traffic, in front of or opposite another parked vehicle to
cause obstruction, on roads that have a white line, near a bus-stop,
school or hospital entrance, right next to a traffic sign thereby
blocking it for others, at the entrance of a building, near a fire
hydrant thereby blocking access to it, where parking is specifically
Of the vehicle should be clear, legible and visible at
all times, Do not load the motor vehicle so as to
obstruct the tail lights or any other lights or marks
required on the vehicle for its safety.
On a one way toad except in the direction permitted.
Reversing into a one way street in the wrong
direction, is also prohibited.
Dividing the road even while overtaking. On roads
with defined lanes use appropriate indicator signal
before changing lanes.
Painted on the road when you stop at a road junction
or intersection or a pedestrian crossing. In no case
should your stationary position project, beyond this
Only when essential and do not use it in a silence
zone. Do not fit loud, multi-toned or harsh and shrill
sounding horns or alarms in your vehicle. Vehicle with
altered silencers are also prohibited on the road.
Either through police officer regulating traffic or
through road signs or traffic signals should be
followed at all times. Violation of these is an offense.
From the vehicle ahead of you to avoid collision if that
vehicle suddenly slows down or stops.
Except for safety reasons.
The vehicle driving uphill must be given the right of
way by vehicles coming downhill. If the road is not
sufficiently wide, pull your vehicle to a stop on the
side of the road and allow the driver going uphill to
proceed first.
Is going on, slow down and drive at a speed not
exceeding twenty five kilometers per hour.
Vehicles are prohibited from carrying passengers for
hire or reward. In a tractor, the driver should not carry
any other person and in a goods vehicle, he should
not exceed the number of persons permitted in the
drivers cabin.
On a motor vehicle in a manner that may cause danger to
any person, or load it thus that the goods extend laterally
beyond the side, front or to the rear of the vehicle.
Carrying of explosives, inflammable or dangerous
substances by any public service vehicle is also
On the road if you are unwell or after taking
medications that is likely to impair you driving
abilities including tonics that may have an alcohol
content in them.
If there is danger to their safety. Take extra care if they
are children or elderly people. These are some obvious
places and times where you should take care like
shopping centers, busy intersections, schools, parks and
residential areas where children and others have a
greater need of crossing the road.
Another vehicle that has stopped at a pedestrian
school crossing. That driver may have stopped, or
may be stopping, for a pedestrian you cannot see.
Have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers of larger
vehicles. When overtaking cyclists, leave at least one meter
clearance. Don’t try to share the lane with them. Cycle riders
are entitled to ride two abreast. Also, when you are about to
alight from your car, check for bicycle riders or scooterists to
avoid opening your door in their path. Children on cycles can
also be unpredictable. Take extra care of them.
Do so from right of the vehicles you are passing. If the
driver of the vehicle in front of you indicates that he is
turning right, you may pass from his left. Remember
not to cut onto heavy vehicles. They need more room
to slow down and stop.
When you think it might endanger other traffic on the
road; if the road ahead is not clearly visible, for example,
near a bend or a hill. If you know that the vehicle behind
you has begun to overtake you; if the driver ahead of you
has not yet signalled his agreement that you may pass
Do not increase the speed of your own vehicle. This
creates confusion for the driver trying to overtake
These are fewer cars on the road at night. This does not
increase your safety in any manner. This is because
speeds are higher, people and bicycles are difficult to see
and other motorists or pedestrian may have been
drinking. Drive slowly and you will be able to react better.
At higher speeds, the stopping distance exceeds the
seeing distance thereby causing accidents..
The best way to stop quickly is to drive slowly.
Sometimes, unexpected things happen quickly.
At some crossroads there are no traffic lights or
signs. When you come to one of these intersections
you must give way to vehicles travelling in the
intersection on your right.
Is an intersection with a central traffic island. Give
way to vehicles already on the road. If you are turning
as you approach or exit the roundabout, you must use
your indicator to show where you are going. Always
slowdown and prepare to give way at a roundabout.
When taking a u-turn signal by hand the way you
would for a right turn, observing the traffic behind you
in your rear view mirror at the same time. Do not take
a U-Turn where it is specifically prohibited.

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