IGD IAN 30.7.18 Fin
IGD IAN 30.7.18 Fin
IGD IAN 30.7.18 Fin
Resident on Duty:
Dr. Aprian Ilhami
Supervisor :
Dr. H. Iskandar Zulqarnain, SpOG(K)
Friday, July 20th 2018 until Thursday, July 26th 2018
GYNECOLOGY 2 patients
Total 5 - 5
Friday, July 27th 2018
Stabilization 1 – 3 hours
Inj MgSO4 according to
G2P1A0 38 weeks of gestational age in labor 1st protocols
Mrs. PUT
1 /29/UA
stage active phase + severe preeclampsia SLF O14.03 Antihypertension 650
Intrauterine Consult Internal Medicine,
Plan Vaginal delivery
G2P1A0 38 weeks of gestational age not in labor + Obs.Vital sign,contraction,fetal heart rate
Mrs. MAR
2 /26/RA
cephalopelvic disproportion was suspected SLF O42.013 Plan for LSCS 669.7
cephalic presentation
G2P1A0 32 weeks of gestational age not in labor
Obs.Vital sign,contraction,fetal heart rate
with PPROM 22 hours + prior cs 1x SLF cephalic
3 Mrs. RIS/31/UA
O42.013 Lung maturation 650
Identity Mrs. PUT /29/UA
27-7-2017 at 08.00 PM In Labor with high blood pressure
Chief complain
History 6 hours before admitted to the hospital patient complained about abdominal contraction often and harder (+),
bloody show (+), amniotic leakaged (-), hypertension before pregnancy (-), hypertension in prior pregnancy (-),
hypertension in this pregnancy (-), family had hypertension (+) her mother, blur vision (-), epigstrial pain (-),
nausea vomit (-), headache (-).
Patient admitted that her pregnancy was aterm and she can still felt the movement of the fetus
Laboratory Hb: 13.0 g/dl, wbc 17.000/ mm3, trombosit 202.000/mm3, Ht 40 %, Proteinuria +3, LDH 531 U/L, Uric acid
Examination 5.03 mg/dL
Diagnosis G2P1A0 38 weeks of gestational age in labor 1st stage active phase + severe preeclampsia SLF cephalic
Therapy • Stabilization 1-3 hours
• IVFD RL gtt xx/m
• Catheter
• MgSO4 protocol IM
• Nifedipine 10 mg/8 hours PO
• Assessment of Internal Department, Opthalmology Department Evaluation with gestosis task
• P/ Abdominal termination
Assessment of A/ Gestational hypertension
Internal Department P/ Metildopa 500 mg/8 hours PO
Operative report At 19.20 PM male life baby was born with LSCS, BW 3500 g, BL 50 cm A/S 8/9 FTAGA.
At 19.25 PM placenta was delivered completely, PW 550 g, UCL 49 cm, diameter 20 x 19 cm
Therapy • Conservative
• Observed vital sign, contractions, FHR
• IVFD RL xx drops/min
• Ampicilline inj 1gr/8 hours IV
• Lung maturation with dexamethasone 12 mg / 24 hours
• Nipedifine 10 mg / 6 hours
Follow up S/Preterm pregnancy with amniotic leakage
28/07/2018 0/ sense : cm
BP 120/80 mmhg
Pulse : 80 x/m
RR: 20 x/m
T: 36.9
A/ G2P1A0 32 weeks of gestational age not in labor with PPROM 23 hours + prior cs 1x SLF cephalic presentation
+ IUGR was suspected
• Conservative
• Observed vital sign, contractions, FHR
• IVFD RL xx drops/min
• Ampicilline inj 1gr/8 hours IV
• Lung maturation with dexamethasone 12 mg / 24 hours
• Nipedifine 10 mg / 6 hours
Follow up
29/07/2018 Patient was stable inward