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Workbench - Simulation Basics: Workshop 2

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Workshop 2

Workbench - Simulation
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Notes on Workshop 2 Workshop Supplement

• The first workshop is extensively documented. As this

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

course progresses, students will become more familiar with
basic Workbench Simulation functionality (menu locations
etc.), thus subsequent workshops will contain less details.
• Throughout these workshops menu paths are documented
as: “First pick > Second pick > etc.”.
• Workshops begin with a goals section followed by an
assumptions section.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Goals Workshop Supplement

• Using the Stress Wizard, set up

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

and solve a structural model for
stress, deflection and safety
• Problem statement:
– The model consists of a Parasolid
file representing a control box
cover (see figure). The cover is
intended to be used in an external
pressure application (1 Mpa/145
– The cover is to be made from
aluminum alloy.
– Our goal is to verify that the part
will function in its intended

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Assumptions Workshop Supplement

• We will represent the constrains on

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

the counter bores, bottom contact
area and inner sides using
frictionless supports.
– Frictionless supports place a normal
constraint on an entire surface.
Translational displacement is
allowed in all directions except into
and out of the supported plane.
Since we would expect frictional
forces to at contact areas this is a
conservative approach.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Start Page Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

From the launcher start Simulation.

• Choose “Geometry > From File . . . “ and

browse to the file “Cap_fillets.x_t”.

• When Workbench - Simulation starts choose

“Structural Branch” under Outline Branch
Macros, “Ductile Materials” under “New
Structural Simulation” and click Run.
August 26, 2005
Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Environment Workshop Supplement

• Loads: the load consists of a 1 MPa pressure applied to the

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

17 exterior surfaces of the cover.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Environment Workshop Supplement

• Supports: As described earlier frictionless supports are

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

applied on 3 different regions of the model.
– Note: the use of all frictionless surfaces will trigger the
message shown here:

– Workbench Simulation automatically places weak springs on

structural models where the potential of rigid body motion
exists. An inspection of the boundary conditions on this
model should confirm that rigid body motion is prevented. In
this case the weak springs have no effect on the results.
• This is an informational warning that the model should be
inspected. It does NOT indicate the solution is invalid.
– The weak spring feature can be configured on/off by the user.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Preprocessing Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Setup working unit system:
1. From the main menu go to “Units > Metric (mm, Kg, N, °C, s).

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Preprocessing Workshop Supplement

2. From the Simulation Wizard choose “Verify Material”.

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Locate the “Material” detail field and choose to “Import…”
> “Aluminum Alloy”.

• Notice that verifying and

changing material
automatically highlighted the
part branch in the tree.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Preprocessing Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Loads: Select the 17 exterior surfaces of the cover. To simplify
3. Select 1 surface (choice is arbitrary).
4. Click “Extend to Limits” to select the remaining 16

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Preprocessing Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Loads Continued:
5. Choose “Insert Loads” from the SimWiz.
6. Structural > Pressure.
7. Enter a Magnitude of 1 Mpa in the Details

5 6

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Preprocessing Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Supports (counter bores):
8. Select the 4 counter bore surfaces (figure below shows 1).
9. Choose “Insert Supports” from the SimWiz.
10. Structural > Frictionless Support


8 9

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Preprocessing Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Supports (inner sides):
11. Select one of the inside surfaces of the
bottom recess. Click the “Extend to
Limits” button to add the remaining 7
surfaces to the selection set (8 total).
12. Choose “Insert Supports” from the 11
13. Structural > Frictionless Support

August 26, 2005
Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Preprocessing Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Supports (bottom):
14. Select the surface at the bottom of the recess.
15. Choose “Insert Supports” from the SimWiz.
16. Structural > Frictionless Support

14 15 16

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Solution Workshop Supplement

17. From the SimWiz choose “Solve”.

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

The callout will direct you to the solve icon
at the top of the GUI. Alternately you could
right click on any branch in the tree and
choose “solve”.


August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Results Workshop Supplement

18. From the SimWiz choose “View Results”. The call out will

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

direct you to the Solution branch. Selecting various
results branches will cause that result to be plotted (see
next page).


August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Results Workshop Supplement

• Plotting a model’s deformation often provides a “reality

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

check” in structural analysis. Verifying the general nature
(direction and amount) of deflection can help avoid obvious
mistakes in model setup. Animations are often used as well.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Results Workshop Supplement

• After reviewing stress results expand the safety tools and

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

plot safety factors and margins. Notice both failure
theories predict a minimum safety factor of < 1.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
Workshop 2 - Report Workshop Supplement

• To create an html

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

report first click the
“Report Preview” tab.
The customization
page allows you to
set up the report.

• At this point simply

choose “Generate
Report” to review the
default setup.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Report Workshop Supplement

• When the report

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

generation is complete
scroll through the
report and review its
• Notice at this point
there are no graphic
images. Return to the
“Geometry” tab to
insert figures.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Report Workshop Supplement

• Choose the graphical items you wish to include in your

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

report by first highlighting the branch and orienting the
• Next right click and insert a figure.
• The next time the report is generated the figures will be

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266
Workshop 2 – Workbench - Simulation Basics
. . . Workshop 2 - Report Workshop Supplement

ANSYS Workbench - Simulation

Notes on Figures:
• Figures are not limited to results items. Adding a plot of
the environment branch, for example, will include an image
of model boundary conditions in the Report.
• Figures are independent. You may set up individual figures
and have their orientation, zoom level, etc. retained
regardless of the active model orientation or other figures.
• Individual branches can have multiple figures associated
with them.

August 26, 2005

Inventory #002266

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