Finite Element Analysis Lecture

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Basic Step in Finite Element Method

Preprocessing Phase
1. Create and discretize the solution domain into finite
elements; that is, subdivide the problem into nodes and
2. Assume a shape function to represent the physical
behavior of an element; that is, a continuous function is
assumed to represent the approximate behavior (solution)
of an element.
3. Develop equations for an element.
4. Assemble the elements to present the entire problem.
Construct the global stiffness matrix.
5. Apply boundary conditions, initial conditions, and loading.
Solution Phase
6. Solve a set of linear or nonlinear algebraic
equations simultaneously to obtain nodal
results, such as displacement values at different
nodes or temperature values at different nodes
in a heat transfer problem.
Postprocessing Phase
7. Obtain other important information. At this
point, you may be interested in values of
principal stresses, heat fluxes, and so on.
Problem 1
Problem 2
Discretization of Solution Domain into
Finite Elements
Stiffness Matrix for Element 1
Stiffness Matrix for Element 2
Stiffness Matrix for Element 3
Stiffness Matrix for Element 4
Global Stiffness Matrix
Application of Boundary Conditions
and Loads
Solution Phase
Variation of cross-sectional area of the bar in y-direction
Postprocessing Phase
Calculation of Average Stress in Each Element
Problem 3
A thin steel plate with the profile shown in the accompanying
figure is subjected to an axial load. Approximate the deflection
and the average normal stresses along the plate using the model
shown in the figure. The plate has a thickness of 0. I 25 inch and a
modulus of elasticity E = 28 X 103 ksi.
For the spring system shown in the accompanying figure,
determine the displacement of each node. Start by
identifying the size of the global matrix. Write down
elemental stiffness matrices, and show the position of each
elemental matrix in the global matrix. Apply the boundary
conditions and loads. Solve the set of linear equations. Also
compute the reaction forces.
• A steel plate is subjected to an axial load, as shown in
figure. Approximate the deflections and average
stresses along the plate. The plate is 1/16 in thick
and has a modulus of elasticity E = 29 X 106 lb/in2
• We may model this problem using four nodes and
four elements.
A shaft that is made of two parts, as shown in Figure. Part AB is made of
material with a shear modulus of elasticity of GAB = 3.9 X 106 lb/in2 and has
a diameter of 1.5 in. Segment BC is made of slightly different material with
a shear modulus of elasticity of GBC = 4.0 X 106 Ib/in2 and with a diameter
of 1 in. The shaft is fixed at both ends. A torque of 200 lb· ft is applied at D.
Using three elements, determine the angle of twist at D and B, and the
torsional reactions at the boundaries.

We will represent this problem by a model that has four nodes at A , B, C,

and D,respectively, and three elements (AD, DB, BC).
For an element comprising two nodes, the stiffness
matrix, the angle of twists, and the torques are
related according to the equation:
Consider a plate with a
variable cross section
supporting a load of 1500 Ib,
as shown in the accompanying
figure. Using direct
formulation , determine the
deflection of the bar at
locations y = 2.5 in, y = 7.5 in,
and y = 10 in. The plate is
made of a material with a
modulus of elasticity E = 10.6 X
103 ksi.
• The concrete table column-support in Problem 2 is
reinforced with three 1/2-in steel rods, as shown in
figure. Determine the deflection and average normal
stresses along the column under a load of 1000 lb.
Divide the column into five elements. E(concrete) =
3.27 X 103 ksi;
E(steel)= 29 X 10; ksi)
• For the spring assemblage with arbitrarily numbered nodes
shown in figure, obtain (a) the global stiffness matrix, (b) the
displacements of nodes 3 and 4, (c) the reaction forces at
nodes 1 and 2. A force of 5000 lb is applied at node 4 in the x
direction. The spring constants are given in the figure. Nodes
1 and 2 are fixed.
• For the spring assemblage shown in figure
determine the nodal displacements and the
reactions. Use the direct stiffness method.

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