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Issues in Child abuse & Neglect

Types of Abuse
Stop Child Abuse!!
Factors Affecting
Factors Affecting Child
Child Abuse
• The child’s age and developmental
• The child’s age and developmental
status when the abuse or neglect
status when the abuse or neglect
• The type of abuse (neglect, physical,
• The type of abuse (neglect, physical,
sexual, or abandonment)
sexual, or abandonment)
• The frequency, duration, and severity
• The frequency, duration, and severity of
of abuse
• The relationship between the victim
• The relationship between the victim and
and his or her abuser
his or her abuser
Physical Abuse

• Knowingly inflicts cruel and

inhuman punishment upon a

• But “discipline including

spanking, administered in a
reasonable manner, shall not be
construed to be abuse.
Sexual Abuse

• Fondling a child's genitals,

intercourse, incest, rape,
sodomy, exhibitionism, and
commercial exploitation
through prostitution or the
production of pornographic

• Primary issues are ones of

Emotional Abuse

• Acts or omissions by the

parents or other caregivers
that have caused, or could
cause, serious behavioral,
cognitive, emotional, or mental

• Line-drawing and causation

are primary issues
Neglect: Physical Neglect

• Refusal of, or delay in, seeking

health care;

• Abandonment; expulsion from

the home or refusal to allow a
runaway to return home; and

• Inadequate supervision.
Educational Neglect

• Allowance of chronic truancy,

• Failure to enroll a child of

mandatory school age in
school, and

• Failure to attend to a special

educational need.
Emotional neglect

• Marked inattention to the

child's needs for affection;

• Refusal of or failure to provide

needed psychological care;

• Spouse abuse in the child's

presence; and

• Permission of drug or alcohol

use by the child.

• Numbers overall depend on definitions

• 160,000 severe injuries annually
• 1,000 to 2,000 children die annually
• Future consequences include increased
risks of substance abuse, mental health
problems, criminal activity, and abuse of
their own children and spouse
Who are the children? : Age

ages 0- 4

ages 4- 7

above 7
Child Sexual Abuse:Facts you need
to know!
• 1 in 3 girls are sexually abused before the age of 18.
• 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18.
• 30% of sexual abuse is never reported.
• Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on
adults) occur to children age 17 and under.
• 90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some
• 38% of the sexual abusers of boys are female.
(Statistics found on Lauren

Armed with
Who are the children? : Gender

 
 
Who are the children? : Race

Who are the abusers?
Parents and Family (75-85%)

Under age 40 (80%)

Substance abuse (50-80%)

Both male and female (though varies by

type of abuse)

Anyone can abuse a child

Child Sexual Abuse Laws :
 I.P.C. (1860) 375- Rape
 I.P.C. (1860) 354- Outraging the modesty of a woman
 I.P.C. (1860) 377- Unnatural offense
The IPC could not effectively protect the child due to various
loopholes like:
 IPC 375 doesn't protect male victims or anyone from sexual acts
of penetration other than "traditional" peon-vaginal intercourse.
 IPC 354 lacks a statutory definition of "modesty". It carries a
weak penalty and is a compoundable offense. Further, it does
not protect the "modesty" of a male child.
 In IPC 377, the term "unnatural offense" is not defined. It only
applies to victims penetrated by their attacker's sex act, and is
not designed to criminalize sexual abuse of children.
Black and White
wrong or right.
There must be
Grey- there can't interaction of
be just one way
From two many factors
extremes I lost
my dreams. They
hid away inside
these walls
of Grey

 High crime rate

 Lack of or few social services

 High poverty rate (Poverty is

the most frequently and
persistently noted risk factor
for child abuse)

 High unemployment rate

Parental Characteristics

• History of abuse or violence

• Youth, Emotional immaturity, poor
parenting skills
• Single parent or few social
• Poor coping skills, Low self-
• Substance abuse
• Unwanted pregnancy; multiple
young children
Child Characteristics

• Immaturity

• Low birth weight

• Handicap
Perfectionist Adaptable Social Confident
Achiever Independent Charming Responsible
Leader Go-between Outgoing Perfectionist
Responsible Peoplepleader Uncomplicated Center of attraction
Motivated Rebellious Manipulative Mature for their age
Controlling Feels left-out Seeks attention Seek approval
Cautions Peacemaker Self-centered Sensitive
Reliable Social Fun Leader
Child Abuse & Neglect

 Any physical injury, sexual abuse,

or emotional abuse of child

 Other than by accidental means

 By those responsible for the

child’s care, custody and control,

 Except reasonable discipline

Neglect : failure to provide
• Proper or necessary support,
• Education as required by law,
• Nutrition or medical, surgical or
• Any other care necessary for
well being
• By those responsible for the
care, custody, and control of
the child
Protecting Yourself
Staff should always abide by the following:

• Actively avoid being alone with a child.

• Always stay within view of other people.

• Never pat, brush against or touch a child anywhere near a

private area.

• Never physically punish a child, even by ordering strenuous

activity (such as push-ups).

• Never allow a child in a private staff area, including personal


• Never discuss romantic life with a child (yours or theirs).

• Report ANY suspicious, inappropriate or uncomfortable activity

Can Change
Hurt into
Hope !!!
References Used

• Lauren
• Child

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