Itsdi: IT For Fashion - ZARA Case
Itsdi: IT For Fashion - ZARA Case
Itsdi: IT For Fashion - ZARA Case
Submitted By:
UM18116 - Saurabh Kumar Agarwal
UM18118 - Saurav Gera
UM18119 - Sawan Kumar Achary
UM18120 - Sayan Bose
UM18121 - Sayantan Bhattacharya
UM18122 - Sayantani Chakrabory
Men Women
20% 60%
Information Systems:
• Highly customized information system is used to prepare orders, distribute them over internets &
collect them
• Factories had simple applications which provided information about order & due dates
• Distribution center had largest automation with complete tracking of SKU’s
• Stores used PDA’s which communicate to La Coruna via modems every night
• PDA’s were upgraded constantly while POS terminals remained same for over decade
• POS used DOS as operating system(not supported by Microsoft from 2003 onwards)
• DOS installation & maintenance was very simple
• No real time feedback from stores to Zara’s headquarters
• Transmission required copying into floppy disc & then sending it using internet which happened at
the end of the day
• No dialogue between PDA & POS inside store or between two stores
SWOT Analysis
Exclusive and uniquely
S W • Generalized collection
designed products • Limited customer base
• Vertical integration of major Strengths Weaknesses • Lack of advertising
processes • Low Safety Stock
• Strong and efficient
distribution network
• Globalization & Liberalization • High PPP
• Low Switching Cost • Low Switching Cost
• Standardized, Less • New Fashion/Product line
differentiated raw materials
Comparatively high due to outsourcing. As Zara is vertically integrated lead times as well as time for
Design to Market
Industry average is 6 months new product launces are less(2-4 weeks)
Sales Forecast It is done to match demand Not done and respond “on the fly”
2% of revenue as IT applications are outsourced 0.5% of revenue as in-house applications were developed
IT Spending
to vendors
Root Cause Analysis
People Technology
No real time sales
updation: manual
Store managers unable Withdrawal of tracking and ordering
to track inventory in Microsoft support
from 2003 onwards Heavy reliance
nearby stores
on DOS for
POS terminals Lack of information
sharing between/
among stores
Product mangers help Store managers need to call
in relocating the slow the other store managers to POS machines gets
moving items get the info (Time upgraded to new OS
consuming and ineffective)
Process Environment
Issues Faced
No Online Sales.
Sales Sales Reporting (POS)
Outdated OS in POS
IT Strategy Development Lack of Structured IT Department
Factors that have impacted the Decision Making Process
• Real time and Accurate availability of Inventory data across the stores
Issues: Inaccurate Sales Reporting, POS compatibility, Inventory Management, Information Sharing.
POS terminal machine upgradation to a latest Operating System like Windows/Unix/Linux. In a
Pilot basis (in a phased manner). This will reduce the transitional inconveniences, and we can learn
from the new issues (if any) before applying this throughout.
With upgradation comes advanced features like real time and accurate availability of Inventory
Data that all stores and La Coruna can access anytime.
Intra store machines can stay connected with one another, allowing information sharing avoiding
manual information sharing by floppy disks.
Introduction of an integrated Logistic Information Management System thereby doing away with
the manual counting of replenishment quantities and stock level
Solution (contd.)
Issues: Designing a proper system so that data flows from stores till the production center
Recording of the sold items and inventory at the stores in proper IT system
Data can be accessed by commercial, product manager and production team at La Coruna
The data can be used by the distribution center team to accurately forecast and stock the apparels
The system at the DC will help in comparing the supply and demand, and plan production
The data must be entered from defined point, stored at a single point and shared across different
Solution (contd.)
A proper predictive analytics based Marketing Strategy would ensure proper estimation of demand
across geographies, which in turn helps in making proper logistic decisions. (E.g. Setting up of
new stores at correct locations).
Setting up more Internet foot-print with a well designed website and also setting up online selling