B. Ed (Int.) VII Sem Prepared By: Manoranjan Dash
B. Ed (Int.) VII Sem Prepared By: Manoranjan Dash
B. Ed (Int.) VII Sem Prepared By: Manoranjan Dash
) VII Sem
Prepared By:
Manoranjan Dash
Isan application programme that allows you to
create letters, reports, news letter, tables etc.
Using this you can add pictures, tables, charts to
your documents.
Check spelling and grammar
Word processor is an electronic device or
computer software that performs word
processing; editing, formatting and sometimes
printing of any sort of written materials.
The term coined at IBM’s Boblingen, West
Germany Laboratory in the 1960s.
MS Word is one of the most popular word
processing software today.
Create professional documents
Easily manage large documents using various
features like the ability to create tables of
contents, index and cross references.
Work on multiple documents simultaneously
Mail merge- quickly create merge documents
like mass mailing
Auto correct and auto format features
Print zoom facility scales a documents on
different paper size and allows you to print
out multiple pages on a single sheet of paper.
Export and save your word documents in pdf
Indices of keywords and their page numbers
Tables of content with section titles and their
page number
Footnote numbering
MS Office Button
Quick Access Toolbar
Title Bar
Text Area
Scroll Bars
Status Bar
Minimize Button
Maximize Button
Close Button
Title Bar Menu Bar Toolbars Buttons
In addition to simply typing words into a document, you can highlight, select,
copy, cut, and paste items using either standard Windows shortcut methods,
or buttons in Word.
To select a block of text, click and hold the left mouse button at the beginning
portion of the block you wish to select, and then drag the mouse over the
desired text. You will notice that the text will be highlighted as you do this.
Once you have the desired text selected, release the mouse button.
Note that while clicking on another part of the document while you have text
selected will deselect it.
Working With Text (cont.)
Once you have the desired content selected, you can cut, or copy it to use it in another
To cut the selected content, locate and select the “cut” button in the “Clipboard” portion
of the “Home” ribbon menu. This will remove the selected content from its current
location and allow you to use it elsewhere. (keyboard shortcut: “CTRL” + “X”)
To copy the selected content, locate and select the “Copy” button in the “Clipboard
portion of the “Home” ribbon menu. This will copy the selected content, allowing you to
use it elsewhere without removing it from the document. (keyboard shortcut: “CTRL” +
To paste the text, locate and select the are of the document in which you would like to
paste, then locate and select “Paste” button located in the clipboard portion of the “Home
Ribbon Menu. (keyboard shortcut: “CTRL” + “V”)
Formatting documents
To set margins, locate and
select the “Page Layout” menu.
Select the “Margins” button.
A number of preset margin
settings will drop down in a
menu. You can select one of
those, or select “Custom
Margins” at the bottom of this
menu to specify your own.
A dialog box will appear. The
basic margin settings are
located at the top of this box.
Also note the “Orientation”
portion of this menu.
Formatting – Headers and Footers
Options for headers and footers will be
located in the “Insert” ribbon menu in
the “Header & Footer” section.
To add a header, or footer, press the
“Header”, or “footer” button.
A dialog box will appear which will allow
you to specify the type of header that
you would like to add.
To just add a simple header, select the
“Blank” header.
To navigate to or away from the header,
just double-click on the area of the
document that you would like to move
Formatting – Page Numbers
Page numbers are a very commonly
used header element.
To add page numbers to your header or
footer, first create and select a header
or footer.
After you have created a header or
footer, locate and select the “Page
Number” button located in the “header
and footer” portion of the “insert” ribbon
In the dropdown menus that appears,
select the location in which you want to
place your page numbers.
Proofing the documents
To check your document for spelling
errors, use the spell and grammar check
Select the “Review” menu.
Select the “Spelling & Grammar” button
in the “Proofing” section of the menu.
Alternatively, press F7 to initiate the
In the “Spelling and Grammar” check
dialog box, you can enter corrections
manually in the top text field.
Alternatively, you can select from a list
of “suggestions” located in the lower
half of the dialog box. Make your
desired selection and press the
“Change” button.
Printing Documents
You will find the options related to
printing by selecting the “File” menu,
and selecting the “Print” option. The
Word window will then be populated
with options related to printing.
The most important options are located
at the top of the window.
Make sure that you have the desired
printer, and the desired number of
copies to print selected.
When you are ready to print, press the
“Print” button located in the upper
portion of the screen.
Word Processing helps teachers use preparation time more
efficiently by letting them modify materials instead of creating new
ones. Teachers could make corrections to word processing
documents more quickly than they could on a typewriter or by hand.
Material created with word processing software look more polished
and professional than handwritten or typed materials do. Students
seem to like the improved appearance that word processing gives to
their work.
Materials to be shared easily among teachers on web based word
processing so that the document could be edited and refined by all.
Teachers can exchange lesson plans, worksheets and modify them
to fit their needs.
For teachers it affords an easy method of creating resources which
can then be saved and reused at will.
It encourages pupils to refine and present their ideas
more effectively and in different ways.
Teachers may create lesson plans and schemes from a
template and can create classroom resources that may
be shared with others and customized for individual use.
It allows digitally printed copies of pupils’ work to be
created and displayed throughout the school and it also
allows easy publishing of pupils’ work which is a highly
effective motivational tool.
Teachers can use a word processor to create many
documents for the classroom, such as lesson plans,
worksheets product from your students if you do.
It benefits learning disabled student by removing the
barriers to writing, thus allowing the student to focus on
the content of the paper.