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Kuscahyo Budi Prayogo


Phrases Group of words without subjects and verbs

Clauses Group of words with subjects and verbs

Dependent does not express a complete thought, so it is not a sentence by itself.

Independent express a complete thought, so it is not a sentence by itself.
Compound Adjective Clause
Complex Adverb Clause
Compound Noun Clause

Thought Action Verb
Linking Verb
SENTENCE Helping Verb

Sentence Verbal

Simple Sentence: SUBJECT

The SUBJECT of a sentence tells who or what is being talked about in the sentence. Without a
subject, a sentence is not complete.
In the following three sentences, the subject is underlined.
Derek Walcott won the 1992 Nobel Prize in literature.
He was born in St. Lucia.St.
Lucia is an island in the Caribbean.
St. Lucia and Trinidad are Caribbean Islands
Simple Sentence: SUBJECT

The SUBJECT of a sentence tells who or what is being talked about in the sentence. Without a subject,
a sentence is not complete.
In the following three sentences, the subject is underlined.
Derek Walcott won the 1992 Nobel Prize in literature.
SUBJECT – VERB He was born in St. Lucia.St.
AGREEMENT Lucia is an island in the Caribbean.
St. Lucia and Trinidad are Caribbean Islands
To + Infinitive
Noun Clause
Simple Sentence: SUBJECT

Noun Brokers, dealers, and traders buy and sell for investors or organizations.

Pronoun Our shares were issued, and listed for the first time on the stock market.

SUBJECT Gerund Making a quick profit is what speculators usually do in stock exchange.

To + Infinitive To float the company is aimed to generate more capital.

Noun Clause That South Bronx is traditionally home to many financial institutions has
already been well known.
Simple Sentence: SUBJECT. Practice 1: Identifying Subject

A. Underline the subject in each sentence. Then, write S above singular subjects and P above plural
subjects. Remember, compound subjects are plural.
Example: Agritainment introduces tourists to agriculture and entertainment at the same time.
1. Today, tourists can have fun on working farms.
2. In the past, visitors came to farms just to pick fruits and vegetables.
3. Now, some farms have mazes and petting zoos.
4. One farm has a corn maze every year.
5. Sometimes the maze is in the shape of a train.
6. Visitors can also enjoy giant hay-chute slides, pedal go-carts, and hayrides.
7. Working farms start agritainment businesses to make money.
8. However, insurance companies and lawyers worry about the dangers of agritainment.
9. Tourists have gotten animal bites, fallen from rides and machinery, and gotten food poisoning.
10. Agritainment, like other businesses, has advantages and disadvantages.
Simple Sentence: SUBJECT. Practice 1: Identifying Subject

B. Underline the subject of each sentence.

(1) Derek Walcott was born in 1930. (2) His ancestors came from Africa, the Netherlands, and England. (3)
Walcott spent his early years on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. (4) Writing occupied much of his time.
(5) His early poems were published in Trinidad. (6) He later studied in Jamaica and in New York. (7)
Walcott eventually became a respected poet.(8) He was a visiting lecturer at Harvard in 1981. (9) In 1990,
he published Omeros. (10) This long poem about classical Greek heroes is set in the West Indies. (11) In
1992, the poet won a Nobel Prize. (12) Walcott later collaborated with songwriter Paul Simon on The
Capeman, a Broadway musical.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. Who was Derek Walcott?
2. Was he British?
3. Describe him.
Simple Sentence: SUBJECT. Practice 1: Identifying Subject

D. Underline the subject of each sentence.

(1) Financial centers are places around many banks and other financial institutions. (2) London as a
financial center is called the City or the Square Mile, and New York is Wall Street. (3) Financial centers
bring together investors and the businesses. (4) A speculator is an investor, but he/she wants to make a
quick profit, rather than invest over a longer period of time. (5) Brokers, dealers, and traders buy and sell
for investors and in some cases, for themselves or the organizations they work for.

E. Answer the following questions.

1. What is financial center?
2. Is financial center important? If so, why?
3. Use your own knowledge; describe who they are; (a) speculator, (b) broker, (c) dealer, (d) trader.
Simple Sentence: VERB_ACTION VERB

The VERB of a sentence tells what the subject does or connects the subject to words that describe or
rename it. Without a verb, a sentence is not complete.

1. An action verb tells what the subject does, did, or will do.
Nomar Garciaparra plays baseball.
Renee will drive to Tampa on Friday.
Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic.
2. Action verbs can also show mental and emotional actions.
Travis always worries about his job.
3. Sometimes, the subject of a sentence performs more than one action. In this case, the sentence
includes two or more action verbs joined to form a compound predicate.
He hit the ball, threw down his bat, and ran toward first base.
Simple Sentence: VERB: Practice 2: Identifying Action Verb

A. In the following sentences, underline each action verb. Some sentences contain more than one
action verb.

1. Many critics see one romance novel as just like another.

2. The plot usually involves a beautiful young woman, the heroine, in of danger.
3. A handsome stranger offers his help.
4. At first, the heroine distrusts him.
5. Then, another man enters the story and wins the heroine’s trust.
6. Readers, however, see this man as an evil villain.
7. Almost too late, the heroine too realizes the truth.
8. Luckily, the handsome hero returns and saves her from a nasty fate.
9. Many readers enjoy the predictable plots of romance novels.
10. However, most literary critics dislike these books.
Simple Sentence: VERB: Practice 2: Identifying Action Verb

B. In the following sentences, underline each action verb. Some sentences contain more than one
action verb.
“I'm Lisa. I have an account at my local branch of one of the big high-street banks. I have a current
account for writing cheques, paying by debit card and paying bills. It is a joint account with my
husband. Normally, we are in the black, but sometimes we spend more money than we have in the
account and we go into the red. This overdraft is agreed by the bank up to a maximum of £500, but
we pay quite a high interest rate on it. I also have a deposit account or savings account for keeping
money longer term. This account pays us interest (but not very much, especially after tax!).
We have a credit card with the same bank too. Buying with plastic is very convenient. We pay off
what we spend each month, so we don't pay interest. The interest rate is even higher than for
overdrafts! Like many British people, we have a mortgage, a loan to buy our house.”

C. Answer the following questions.

1. What type of bank account do you prefer? Why?
2. Which one do you prefer, paying cash or plastic? Why?
Simple Sentence: VERB_LINKING VERB

A LINKING VERB does not show action. Instead, it connects the subject to a word or words that
describe or rename it. The linking verb tells what the subject is (or what it was, will be, or seems to
A googolplex is an extremely large number.
Many linking verbs, like is, are forms of the verb be. Other linking verbs refer to the senses (look, feel,
and so on).
The photocopy looks blurry.
Some students feel anxious about the future.
Some words can be either action verbs or linking verbs, depending on how they are used in a
particular sentence.
ACTION VERB: The dog smelled Jake’s shoes.
LINKING VERB: The dog smelled terrible.
Simple Sentence: VERB: Practice 3: Identifying Linking Action Verb

A. In the following sentences, underline each linking verb..

1. Urban legends are folk tales created to teach a lesson.

2. One familiar urban legend is the story of Hookman.
3. According to this story, a young couple is alone in Lovers’ Lane.
4. The lovers are in a car, listening to a radio announcement.
5. An escaped murderer is nearby.
6. The murderer’s left hand is a hook.
7. The young woman becomes hysterical.
8. Suddenly, Lovers’ Lane seems very dangerous.
9. Later, they are shocked to see a hook hanging from the passenger door handle.
10. The purpose of this legend is to convince young people to avoid dangerous places.
Simple Sentence: VERB: Practice 3: Identifying Linking Action Verb

B. Underline every verb in each of the following sentences. Remember that a verb can be an
action verb or a linking verb.
Example: Infomercials are long television commercials.
The word infomercial comes from the words information and commercial. (2) Like commercials,
infomercials sell products. (3) Unlike commercials, infomercials sell products directly to viewers. (4)
Infomercial hosts are “experts” or celebrities. (5) Some infomercials use talk show or news report
formats. (6) Many infomercial products are available only on television. (7) Famous products include
the Food Saver, Mighty Putty, and the Ginsu knife. (8) Many infomercial products are not good
bargains. (9) Still, television viewers love to buy them. (10) Infomercials earn $ 2 billion every year.
C. Answer the following questions with True, False, or Not Mention
1. Both infomercial and commercial sell products to viewers.
2. Many viewers pay more than they should be.
3. Experts or celebrities are paid a lot of money to be the host of an infomercial.
4. Infomercial is an expensive program broadcast on TV
5. Viewers buy infomercial products, because of the celebrities.
Simple Sentence: VERB_HELPING VERB

Many verbs consist of more than one word. For example, the verb in the following sentence consists
of two words.
Minh must make a decision about his future.

+ VERBS giving information about when the action occurs.
auxiliary VERB DO + VERBS forming questions and negative statements.
MODAL CAN (willingness), MAY (possibility), SHOULD (necessity), MUST (obligation)

Minh should have gone earlier. Minh will work hard.
Did Minh ask the right questions? Minh can really succeed.
Simple Sentence: VERB: Practice 4: Identifying Helping Verb

A. Underline every helping verb in each of the following sentences.

Example: The Salk polio vaccine was given to more than a million school children in 1954.
(1) By the 1950s, parents had become terrified of polio. (2) For years, it had puzzled
doctors and researchers. (3) Thousands had become ill each year in the United States alone. (4)
Children should have been playing happily. (5) Instead, they would get very sick.(6) Polio was
sometimes called infantile paralysis. (7) In fact, it did cause paralysis in children and in adults as well.
(8) Some patients could breathe only with the help of machines called iron lungs. (9) Others would
remain in wheelchairs for life. (10) By 1960, Jonas Salk’s vaccine had reduced the incidence of polio in
the United States by more than 90percent.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. Identify facts that made parents become horrified of polio in 1950s.
2. What the negative impacts polio might bring before Jonas Salk’s vaccine was found?
Simple Sentence: VERB: Practice 5: Identifying Helping Verb

C. Underline every helping verb in each of the following sentences.

Trading had been heavy on the New York Stock Exchange. (2) A very high turnover of one and a
half billion shares was changing hands in a minute. (3) We had seen spectacular gains, especially
among blue chips. (4) This bull market would be set to continue, after yesterday's record high at
the close. (5) Dealers seemed bullish and expected the Dow to go through the 15,000 barrier soon.
(6) There was panic selling on the New York Stock Exchange, because prices had fallen to new five-
year lows. (7) There had been some spectacular declines, with billions of dollars had been wiped
off the value of some of America's best-known companies, and more than 10 per cent of total
market capitalization. (8) The bear market had continued, with prices would be set to fall further
in the next few days. (9) Dealers was bearish, with many saying there was no sign of a rally. (10) If
prices continued to fall, there might be another stock market collapse or crash, like the ones in
1929 and 1987.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Identify facts that had made trading on the New York Stock Exchange heavy.
2. Identify facts that made people became panic on the New York Stock Exchange.
Simple Sentence: VERB: Vocabs

E. Vocabs.
trading = buying and selling of shares ... panic selling = selling shares for any price ...
very high turnover = large number ... new five-year lows = their lowest point for five years ...
changing hands = being bought and sold ... spectacular declines = large decreases ...
spectacular gains = big increases in value ... wiped off.. value = taken off the total share value ...
blue chips = famous companies with history 10 per cent of total market capitalization = the total
of profit in good and bad economic time value of shares listed on the market going down by 10
bull market = rising prices ... per cent ...
high = highest level ever ... bear = falling prices ...
close = end of the working day ... bearish = pessimistic ...
bullish = optimistic ... a rally = prices starting to rise again ...
go through = to pass stock market collapse/crash = very serious drop in the
barrier = the 'round' number of ... value of shares on the market, with serious economic
consequences ...
Simple Sentence: VERB_VERBAL
Do not confuse verbs with verbals. Verbals are verblike words in certain respects, but they do not
function as verbs. They function as other parts of speech. There are three kinds of verbal.

1. An infinitive is made up of the word to and a verb. An infinitive provides information, but, unlike
the true verb, it is not tied to the subject of the sentence. It acts as a noun or de-scribing unit.

He wanted to get a bachelor’s degree.

To get a bachelor’s degree was his main objective.

(The word wanted is the verb for the subject He. The word get follows to; to get is an infinitive.)
Simple Sentence: VERB_VERBAL

2. A gerund is a verblike word ending in -ing that acts as a noun.

Retrieving her e-mail was always an exciting experience.
She thought about retrieving her e-mail.
Retrieving in each sentence acts as a noun.

3. A participle is a verblike word that usually has an -ing or an -ed ending.

Walking to town in the dark, he lost his way.
Wanted by the FBI, she was on the run.
The starved dog barked for food.
The word walking answers the question when. The word wanted answers the question which one. The
word starved describes the dog. Walking, wanted, and starved are describing words; they are not the
true verbs in the sentences.
Simple Sentence: VERB: Practice 5: Identifying Helping Verb

A. Underline every verbal in each of the following sentences.

(1) Now buying and selling can be done over computer networks. (2) Brokers and traders do not need
to be in one place. (3) When speculators want to make money, they do by dealing from a computer in
their living room.
(4) In New York, the area around Wall Street is traditionally home to many financial institutions to do
business, such as the New York Stock Exchange. (5) However, being an expensive area, many of them
have moved to others places to reduce spending. (6) Meanwhile, being Europe's most important
financial centers makes London to be overloaded. (7) Over 500 foreign banks have offices in London,
and its well-known stock exchange is the largest in Europe. (8) More and more financial institutions are
not actually based in the traditional area of the city or Square Mile.
(9) As in New York, they are moving to other areas to get cheaper property. (10) So, will financial
centers continue to be as important in the future as they are now?
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What are advantages and disadvantages of being in the financial center.
2. For some people, working dealing by using computer is effective. Do you agree? Why
To be continued……………….

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