Powerpoint Presentation of Weather Clutter & Detection of Target in Clutter
Powerpoint Presentation of Weather Clutter & Detection of Target in Clutter
Powerpoint Presentation of Weather Clutter & Detection of Target in Clutter
Target in Clutter
What is weather?
A weather station
makes continuous
measurements of
different aspects of the
Temperature is
recorded using
thermometers housed
inside a Stevenson
Sunshine is traditionally
measured using a
sunshine recorder
In summer it gets
warmer the further
south you go
In Britain temperature is
affected by latitude
and the sea
Temperature: Latitude
Temperature: Summer &
In winter the northern hemisphere is tilted away from
the sun so the s u n ’ s rays are weaker
In summer the northern hemisphere is tilted towards
the sun so the s u n ’ s rays are stronger
Temperature: Summer &
During the course of
the year the Earth tilts
towards and away from
the sun
Common on hot
summer days inland
Hot air rises quickly and
condenses to form
Water freezes at the top
of the cloud forming hail
Associated with
Fair Weather
Anticyclones cause
heatwaves in summer
and frosty/foggy mornings
in winter
Forecasting the Weather
Modern forecasts use
computers to simulate
the likely weather
based on careful
observations from 100s
of weather stations
round the world
Satellite images and
radar give a better
picture of the weather
over a wide area
A Radar Image
Cyclonic rainfall
moving in from the
The brighter the
colour, the heavier
the rainfall
Mountains intensify
the rain such as over
the Scottish