Unit 4 Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation
Unit 4 Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation
Unit 4 Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation
– When the symbol is changed, then the phase of the carrier is
changed by 180 degrees (it radians).
– Consider for example
– ……..(3)
Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK)
Graphical Representation of BPSK Signal
• As can be seen from Fig. (b), the signal b (t) is NRZ bipolar signal.
This signal directly modulates carrier cos (2fot)
Generation and Reception of BPSK Signal
• Generator of BPSK Signal :-
– The BPSK signal can be generated by applying carrier signal to
the balanced modulator.
– The Baseband signal b(t) is applied as a modulating signal to
the balanced modulator. Fig. shows the block diagram of BPSK
signal generator.
– The NRZ level encoder converts the binary data sequence into
bipolar NRZ signal.
Generation and Reception of BPSK Signal (Cont…)
• Reception of BPSK Signal
• shows the block diagram of the scheme to recover baseband signal from
• Operation of Receiver
– Phase shift in received signal : During the transmission,
the DPSK signal undergoes some phase shift O.
Therefore the signal received at the input of the
receiver is
– Multiplier output : This signal is multiplied with its delayed
version by one bit. Therefore the output of the multiplier is
DPSK Receiver (Cont..)
• Since one previous bit is always used to define the phase shift in
next bit, the symbol can be said to have two bits. Therefore one
symbol duration (T) is equivalent to two bits duration (2Tb).
Symbol duration T = 2Tb
Bandwidth is given as,
BW =2 / T
= 1/Tb
Or BW = fb
1.Bit determination at the receiver is made on the
basis of the signal received in 2 successive bit
intervals. Hence noise in one bit interval may
cause errors to two bit determinations.
2. Error rate and effect of noise is higher than that
of BPSK.
DEPSK: Differentially encoded PSK.
• Transmitter of a DEPSK is identical to the DPSK
• Receiver has an additional EX-or gate after the
synchronous demodulation and detection in BPSK.
• b(t) is applied to one of the inputs of an EX-OR
gate and also to the Delay circuit.
d(t)= b(t) ex-or b(t-Tb).
• Now, if b(t)=b(t-Tb) then o/p of the EX-OR gate
will be 0.
& if b(t)= b(t-Tb) bar then o/p of the EX-OR gate
will be 1.
Block diagram of DEPSK
DEPSK: Differentially encoded PSK(cont’d)
1. DEPSK uses coherent / synchronous type of
detection & so the probability of error is
2. In DPSK demodulator, the delay generating
device has to operate at the carrier freq but in
DEPSK demodulator, the delay device operates
at the baseband frequency fb. This reduces
hardware cost.
1. Complex demodulator is required.
2. Error occurs in pairs. Thus one bit error will give
rise to two errors in d(t).
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
• Principle
– In communication systems we know that there are two main
resources, i.e. transmission power and the channel
bandwidth. The channel bandwidth depends upon the bit rate
or signaling rate . In digital bandpass transmission, a carrier is
used for transmission. This carrier is transmitted over a
– If two or more bits are combined in some symbols, then the
signaling rate is reduced. Therefore the frequency of the
carrier required is also reduced. This reduces the transmission
channel bandwidth. Thus because of grouping of bits in
symbols, the transmission channel bandwidth is reduced.
– In quadrature phase shift keying, two successive bits in the
data sequence are grouped together. This reduces the bits rate
of signaling rate and hence reduces the bandwidth of the
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
– In BPSK we know that when symbol changes the level, the
phase of the carrier is changed by 180'. Since there were only
two symbols in BPSK, the phase shift occurs in two levels only.
– In QPSK two successive bits are combined. This combination of
two bits forms four distinct symbols. When the symbol is
changed to next symbol the phase of the carrier is changed by
n45 (n/4 radians). Table shows these symbols and their
phase shifts
QPSK Transmitter and Receiver
• Offset QPSK (OQPSK) or Staggered QPSK Transmitter
Non-offset QPSK transmitter
QPSK Transmitter and Receiver Cont..
• Step 1 : Input Sequence Converted to NRZ type
– Fig. 5.4.1 shows the block diagram of OQPSK transmitter.
– The input binary sequence is first converted to a bipolar NRZ type
of signal.
– This signal is called b(t). It represents binary “1” by +1 V and
binary ‘0’ by -1 V.
QPSK Transmitter and Receiver Cont..
• Step 3 : Modulation of quadrature carriers
– The bit stream be(t) modulates carrier
and bo(t) modulates
– These modulators are balanced modulator. The two
carriers and are shown in Fig.
– These carriers are also called Quadrature carriers.
– The two modulated signals are,
– Thus se(t) and so (t) are basically BPSK signals and they are
similar to equation following equiv. and equiv of BPSK. The
only difference is that T= 2Tb here.
– The value of be (t) and bo (I) will be +1 V or -1 V. Fig. 5.4.2 (f)
and (g) shows the waveforms of s (t) and s (t).
QPSK Transmitter and Receiver Cont..
• Step 4 : Addition of modulated carriers
– The adder of Fig. adds these two signals be (t) and bo(t). The
output of the adder is OQPSK signal and it is given as,
Ts = NT
• Here N is the number of input successive bits combined. The
baseband power spectral density of QPSK is given as,
Power Spectral Density of M-ary PSK Cont..
• The above equation gives the power spectral density of
baseband M-ary PSK.
• “Ts” is the duration of one bit. Fig. shows the plot of SB(f)
for M-ary PSK.
Bandwidth of M-ary PSK
• The spectrum of the previous Fig. is placed at carrier
frequency after modulation. Therefore the bandwidth
required by the system is equal to the width of the main
lobe i.e.
Transmitter and Receiver of M-ary PSK
• M-ary PSK Transmitter
• Disadvantages:
1. Probability of error increases in the no. of
bits N per symbol.
2. The transmitter and receiver of M-ary
PSK is very complex.
Fig: 4-ary Multiamplitude signal
Quadrature Amplitude Shift Keying
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)