French Revolution
French Revolution
French Revolution
The French Revolution is one of the greatest political
revolutions in human history .It gave a severe blow to
absolute monarchy in France ,established a republic
,catalyzed violent periods of political turmoil and
finally culminated in a constitutional monarchy under
Napoleon Bonaparte. It evolved the most modern
political ideologies and had far reaching impact on
human race. Globally it accelerated the rise of
republics and democracies .It stands comparable with
Russian Revolution in regards to its inner philosophy
and effects in the political history of mankind..
Causes of the Revolution
Political Cause
Social cause
Economic causes
Intellectual causes
External influences
Political Cause
Monarchical despotism
Oppressive administration
Corrupt court
Voluptuous Palace
No uniform code of laws
Unjust Officialdom
Social Cause
Social Classes- Three Estates
“The nobles fight, clergy pray , the people pay”
Fault of the nobility
Fault of the clergy
Fate of the common people
Rise of Bourgeoisie
Economic Causes
Wrong Economic Policy
Cost of Versailles
Cost of Foreign Wars
Empty treasury
Growing economic distress of the people
Famine in 1788 and severe winter in 1789 led to food
Intellectual Causes
Jean Jaques Rousseau
Other Thinkers-D’ Alembert,Quesney, Diderot,D’
He exposed the vices of the time through his pen
Through satire, criticism, and humour he described
the conduct of the King, and of the ministers,
courtiers, nobles and priests
Was a great critic of the age of enlightenment
He wrote his political doctrines regarding better form
of government
His famous book was” The Spirit of laws” in which he
advocated about the theory of separation of powers
and of its exercise by three branches of government-
the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary.
It became fundamental principle of democracy
Jean Jacques Rousseau
His pen directed against the established society,
government, religion, and education
He was a devotee of nature and once said in agony”
Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”
Gave a clarion call of “Liberty, equality and
fraternity” for the regeneration of a rotten society
In his book, “The Social Contract” he has said,
“The state is a product of social contract, not
divine will.”
“Sovereignty lay in the hands of the people, and
General Will was the source of law.”
Rousseau’s doctrines came like the birth -cry of
modern democracy
External Influences
American war of Independence(1776-1783)
Course of the Revolution
Meeting of the Estates General
National Assembly
Oath of the Tennis Court
Fall of Bastille
March of Women to Versailles Palace
Declaration of Rights of man and of the Citizen
Constitution of 1791
Fight of the King and Queen
Foreign intervention
Rise of French Nationalism
Execution of King and Queen
Reign of Terror
War with Europe
Constitution of 1795
Age of Directory (1795-99)
Rise of Napoleon to power in 1799
End of French Revolution
Leaders of the Revolution
Abbe Sieyes
Marie Antoinette and Louis-XVI
Although people
were starving
and the country
was broke, the
royal family
flaunted their
wealth and
Estates General meets
The part of the French
Estates General
representing the third
estate left and declared
themselves the
National Assembly of
Fall of Bastille
Bread riots
People were hungry;
the country was in
great financial crisis
This picture is from
an all-women bread
Marie Antionette said
“let them eat cake”
Effects of the French Revolution