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Kelompok 8. 12 Ips 2 (Eng)

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 It can be concluded that dialogue between religious
communities is a dynamic inter-religious communication
both individuals and groups that are full of the spirit of
friendship and service. Friendship in dialogue also means
being open and accepting other people's opinions. by
accepting it is hoped that there will be no debate that
can disturb the relationship between the parties that
have a dialog.
Kind of dialogue between religious people
1. Dialogue of life
This dialogue takes place between adherents of different religions in daily life
which includes all forms of association and social relations. This dialogue can
take place anywhere such as in family communities and workplaces
2. Dialogue of community
Religious people cannot avoid that they are part of the community and
therefore it is hoped that religious people can work together to develop or
advance the community.
3. Expert dialogue
There are two objectives of this expert dialogue, namely to enrich and
deepen each other's religiosity and second is to apply their respective
expertise to the problems that must be faced by humans
The church's attitude towards Muslims according
to nostra aetate
 the third paragraph in the nostra aetate document is dedicated only to
the issue of dialogue with Muslims. This is an exception because the major
religions such as Jewish, hindu, Buddhism do not have a specific part in the
document, but only in the context of a paragraph.
 This paragraph opens with a beautiful sentence, born from the heart of
the sincere Vatican Council and represents the hearts of Catholics
throughout the world. “The church also respects Muslims, who worship the
only living and sovereign God, merciful and almighty the creator of the
heavens and the earth which has spoken to mankind” (NA).
 This beautiful sentence that expresses the worldwide position of Catholics
towards Muslims is followed by theological exposure connected with
adjunct conjunctions and explains the alignment of the status of Muslims
with the theological exposure attached to it which is the reason why
respect is given.
The council realized that the relationship between Catholics and
Muslims was not always intimate, but was often colored by equality,
conflict, and hostility. Such a situation still continues to repeat itself. At
the end of this third paragraph, the council proposes a peace solution
by inviting all, in this case both Catholics and Muslims, to: first, "to forget
what has already been"; second, "to sincerely train themselves to
understand each other"; and third "So that together we defend and
develop social justice for all people, moral values and peace and

Religion is a source of moral inspiration for the common welfare and

goodness. Religion is a dimension of life that can change a bad
situation for the better, because it is true that religion speaks of a good
God with good teachings and brings goodness.
Catholics and Muslims must go through these two important stages:
first, forgetting the already, in the sense of being able to defeat
revenge and be willing to forgive.
Second, learn to respect religious differences and learn to understand

The story of creation in the Genesis clearly describes the diversity of

God's creation. Muslims also read in the Qur'an that humans are
created in various tribes and nations so that they know each other.
in the efforts of the catholic church for world peace and
harmony with this the Catholic church dialogue between non-
Catholic religious communities. On September 25, 2006, Pope
Benedict XVI stated the importance of harmony between religions, so
for the first time he used the term "Magna Carta" to describe the
Vatican Council 2 document which contained statements about the
church with non-Christian religions, namely Nostraetate.

This step is a hardening and message step by repeating words or

expressions that are of the same understanding or understanding so
that the message is more captured, or aims to state the importance of
the message to be conveyed..
 By analogizing Nostra Aetate as the magna carta of the Catholic Church,
the Pope wants to emphasize at least one central pin, that is, the
document Nostra Aetate is a Magisterium text of the Catholic Church
which is issued from the highest authority of the Church to be taught to all
people to be realized in daily life, maintained its truthfulness and not can
be changed. Nostra Aetate is a teaching of the Church that has a
normative and binding force, both in the cognitive order and in the
practical order. Even though Nostra Aetate an sich is an independent
document, it has an internal correlation with two other Vatican Council II
documents, namely Dignitatis Humanae (Statement on Religious Freedom)
and Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church).
 Lumen Gentium explains that the nature of the Church, meaning all
Catholics, can be matched to the nature of the Sacraments, which is to
become symbols, signs, and means in God's hands to save all humanity.
This is the basis that underlies the understanding and activities and initiatives
of the Catholic Church to get out of their environment and meet with
followers of various religions in a climate of brotherhood, mutual friendship,
while believing that the Holy Spirit is present there to open the way and
lead them into cross-encounters. the religion.
 The second theological foundation that encouraged Catholics to dialogue
without suspicion is the noble principle stated in Nostra Aetate (NA), that
"the Catholic Church does not reject anything, which in those religions is
true and holy" (NA, 2). Strictly speaking, it is forbidden for Catholics to
denigrate and insult the teachings of other religions, prophets, or sacred
figures of their religion and houses of worship because that is their religious
instruments which are believed to be truthful and sacred.
 Catholics are prohibited from hurting other religious communities, for
example by forcibly closing their houses of worship, sealing the doors of
their houses of worship, forbidding them to worship inside a house of
worship because they have not or do not have construction permits, and
so on. Catholics are also prohibited from damaging statues or other
religious assets because they are directly related to what they believe to
be true and sacred in their religion. The act of discriminating or chasing
after followers of other religions, even killing them only because they do not
understand, is a grave sin that is not only severely punished by God,
Forgiving, All-Compassionate and Most Merciful, but is also a criminal act
that must receive a fine legal penalty.
 "Appreciate", the word used by the Councils 50 years ago is the most
appropriate word in the context of religious plurality. Religious pluralism is a
natural fact. More than that, it is the will of God the Creator himself.
Humans do not have the right to force others of different religions and
beliefs to deny their own religion and beliefs and follow the religion and
beliefs of others. Also efforts to reduce or compile various teachings to be
represented in a new religious entity are syncretic acts which are idols. The
Skap of Catholics appreciating Muslims is a golden road that has been
realized from the beginning. If all religions in this world respect and respect
one another, then religion will no longer be a monster that frightens people.

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