Edp Report Learning Worksheet Fundamentals
Edp Report Learning Worksheet Fundamentals
Edp Report Learning Worksheet Fundamentals
Microsoft Excel is an excellent program for organizing, formatting, and
calculating numeric data. Excel displays data in a row-and-column format, with
gridlines between the rows and columns, similar to accounting ledger books or graph
paper. Consequently, Excel is well suited for working with numeric data for accounting,
scientific research, statistical recording, and any other situation that can benefit from
organizing data in a table-like format. Teachers often record student grade information
in Excel, and managers often store lists of data—such as inventory records or personnel
records—in Excel. As you work through this course, you’ll learn how Excel makes it
easy to perform calculations on numeric data and provides dozens of ways to format
data for presentation purposes, including charts and reports.
When you start Excel, a blank workbook, titled Book1, opens by default. A workbook is
a file that can contain multiple worksheets. In turn, a worksheet is a grid of rows and
columns in which you can enter data. For example, you might create four budget
worksheets in a single workbook, with each worksheet containing a budget for one
quarter of the upcoming fiscal year. If you’re a teacher using Excel, you might create
grading worksheets in the same workbook, with each worksheet storing grade records
for a semester of the same class. As you can see, a workbook allows you to assemble
worksheetsthat contain related data. After you create a workbook, you can save it as a
single file on your hard disk.
In this exercise, you start Excel, create a standard workbook, and close the
1. On the Windows taskbar, click
the Start button, point to All
Programs, and click Microsoft
Excel. Excel opens with Book1
ready for you to use.
Many elements in the Excel window are similar to those in windows of other
Windows programs. The graphic on the following page points out the most
important parts of Excel, the last two of which were new in Excel 2002:
The workbook window, the main menu bar, the formula bar, the Standard and
Formatting toolbars, the Ask A Question box, and the task pane.
• Title bar - Identifies the current program and the name of the current workbook.
• Menu bar - Lists the names of the menus in Excel.
• Toolbars - Give you quick access to functions that you use frequently, such as formatting,
aligning, and totaling cell entries. The Standard and Formatting toolbars appear by default.
• Name Box - Displays the address of the active cell.
• Formula Bar - Displays the contents of the active cell.
• Task pane - Lets you open files, paste data from the Clipboard, create blank workbooks, and
create Excel workbooks based on existing files. Ask A Question box Displays the help topics
that match your request, when you type a question in the box.
• Status bar - Displays information about a selected command. It also indicates the status (on
or off) of the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys.
• Scroll bars - Include a vertical and a horizontal scroll bar and four scroll arrows, each of
which is used to display different areas of the worksheet.
• Select All button - Selects every cell in a worksheet.
• Sheet tabs - Let you display worksheets in the open workbook.
• Worksheet - A grid of vertical columns (identified by alphabetic characters) and horizontal
rows (identified by numeric digits). Columns and rows intersect to form cells. Each cell can be
identified by a full-cell reference, or address, consisting of the column and row coordinates of
that cell—for example,B3.
• Active cell -The cell, designated by a thick border, which will be affected when you type or
edit data.
• Minimize button -Minimizes the window to a button on the Taskbar.
• Maximize/Restore Down button -Toggles (switches back and forth) between maximizing a
window and restoring a window to its previous size.
• Close button - Closes the window on which the button appears.
• ScreenTip - A small pop-up box that displays the name of an object or toolbar button if you
point to it with the mouse pointer.
Before you can enter data into a
worksheet, you must identify the cell
(the intersection of a row and a column)
in which you want to put the data. This
is known as selecting the cell. You can
select a single cell, a row, a column, and
groups of adjacent and nonadjacent
A text entry, which is sometimes called a label, is one that contains the
characters A through Z, or any other character that doesn’t have a purely
numeric value. Sometimes a text entry includes numbers, such as in a street
By default, a text entry appears left-justified in a cell. If the entry is longer
than the defined width of the cell, it either “spills over” into the adjacent cell
(if that cell is empty), or it appears in truncated form (if the adjacent cell is
not empty). Internally, however, the text is stored in only one cell and
includes each character originally entered.
After you have entered data in a cell, you can easily change the contents of the cell. However,
you must first double-click the cell or click the cell and click in the Formula bar. Either of these
actions puts Excel in Edit mode, which you can verify by checking that the word Edit appears in
the Status bar. After that, you type and press the Delete or Backspace key to edit the data in the
cell. When Excel is in Edit mode, two buttons appear to the left of the Formula bar: Cancel and
Enter. You can click the Cancel button or press the Esc key to cancel an entry before it is actually
entered in the worksheet. Doing either of these deletes anything you have typed and brings Excel
out of Edit mode. It also restores the previous contents of the active cell, if that cell contained
data. You can click the Enter button to complete an entry.
When you finish entering and editing data in a workbook, you need to name and save the
workbook on your hard disk so that the information will be available the next time you start your
computer. Saving workbook files is similar to saving other types of files in Windows programs.
The first time you save a workbook, you need to name it and specify in which folder you want to
save it. You can save it in a folder on your computer’s hard disk or, if your computer is connected
to a network, on a hard disk in a different computer. You can even create a folder in which to save
the workbook by using tools within Excel. After you’ve saved a workbook, you can just click the
Save button on the Standard toolbar to save any changes you made after the last time you saved.
The workbook will be saved with the same name and in the same place. If you want to save the
workbook with a different name or in a different folder, you can make those changes by
performing the same steps that you performed when you saved the workbook for the first time.
As with any other Windows file, a workbook’s name can be up to 255 characters long, but it can’t
contain any of the following characters: / \ > < * ? “ | : ;
By default, the worksheets in each Excel workbook are named
Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3. Just as giving a unique name to your
workbook helps you remember what is in it, renaming a
worksheet can remind you of its contents.
• In this exercise, you give a worksheet a different name.
• 1 Double-click the Sheet1 sheet tab.
• Sheet1 is selected within the tab.
• 2 Type Directory, and press Enter.
• Directory appears in the sheet tab.
• Keep this file open for the next exercise
You can remove a workbook from the window by closing the workbook or by
quitting Excel. Closing the current workbook leaves Excel running, while
closing quits the Excel program. After a workbook is saved on your hard disk,
you can clear it from the screen by closing the workbook window. If the
workbook has not been saved, Excel will prompt you to save it before closing
the window. When you have finished using Excel, you need to close it using
Excel commands. Never turn off your computer while a program is running.
• In this exercise, you close a workbook and quit Excel.
1. Click the Close button in the top-right corner of the workbook window. The
workbook closes.
2. Click the Close button in the top-right corner of the Excel window. Excel