Cholelithiasis • Pathophysiology – Pigment stones (formed from unconjugated pigments in the bile) – Cholesterol stones (Account for most cases of gallbladder disease) – Refer to Figure 50-2 • Risk factors: refer to Chart 50-1
Clinical Manifestations of Cholelithiasis • None or minimal symptoms, acute or chronic • Pain • Biliary colic (Excruciating upper right abdominal pain that radiates to the back or right shoulder) • Jaundice • Changes in urine or stool color • Vitamin deficiency, fat soluble (vitamins A, D, E, and K) • Diagnostic tests: refer to Table 50-1
Nursing Process: The Care of the Patient With Cholelithiasis—Assessment • Patient history • Knowledge and education needs • Respiratory status and risk factors for respiratory complications postoperative • Nutritional status • Monitor for potential bleeding • GI symptoms: after laparoscopic surgery, assess for loss of appetite, vomiting, pain, distention, fever—potential infection or disruption of GI tract
Nursing Process: The Care of the Patient With Cholelithiasis—Diagnosis • Acute pain • Impaired gas exchange • Impaired skin integrity • Imbalanced nutrition • Deficient knowledge
Collaborative Problems and Potential Complications • Bleeding • GI symptoms • Complications related to surgery in general: atelectasis, thrombophlebitis
Nursing Process: The Care of the Patient With Cholelithiasis—Planning • Goals may include relief of pain, adequate ventilation, intact skin, improved biliary drainage • Optimal nutritional intake • Absence of complications • Understands self-care routines
Nursing Process: The Care of the Patient With Cholelithiasis—Interventions • Low Fowler’s position • NG or NPO until bowel sounds return; then a soft, low- fat, high-carbohydrate diet • Care of biliary drainage system • Analgesics, pain management • Turn, cough, and deep breathing; splinting to reduce pain • Ambulation • Self-care education: refer to Chart 50-2
Pancreatitis • Acute: pancreatic duct becomes obstructed, and enzymes back up, causing autodigestion and inflammation of the pancreas • Chronic: progressive inflammatory disorder with destruction of the pancreas; cells are replaced by fibrous tissue; pressure within the pancreas increases, obstructing the pancreatic and common bile ducts • Refer to Chart 50-3
Question What is a major symptom of chronic pancreatitis? A. Recurrent attacks of severe upper abdominal and back pain accompanied by vomiting B. Fever, jaundice, confusion, and agitation C. Ecchymosis in the flank or umbilical area D. Abdominal guarding
Answer A. Recurrent attacks of severe upper abdominal and back pain accompanied by vomiting
Chronic pancreatitis has recurrent attacks of severe upper
abdominal and back pain accompanied by vomiting. Acute pancreatitis presents with fever, jaundice, confusion, agitation, ecchymosis in the flank or umbilical area, and abdominal guarding.
Nursing Process: The Care of the Patient With Acute Pancreatitis—Diagnosis • Acute pain • Ineffective breathing pattern • Imbalanced nutrition • Impaired skin integrity • Refer to Chart 50-4
Collaborative Problems and Potential Complications • Fluid and electrolyte disturbances • Necrosis of the pancreas • Shock • Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome • DIC
Tumors of the Pancreas • Pancreatic cysts • Pancreatic cancer – Risk factors (Smoking, exposure to chemicals or toxins, diets high in fats or meats) – Sites of lesions (May develop in the head, body, or tail of pancreas) – Treatment may be palliative • Chemotherapy • Radiation (limited) • Surgery