Human relations are transformed by social systems through changes like the rise of industry transforming socio-political conditions, the growth of new knowledge centralized policymaking and increased social interdependence through modernization and technology which have impacted traditions and created both opportunities and challenges for forming relationships.
Human relations are transformed by social systems through changes like the rise of industry transforming socio-political conditions, the growth of new knowledge centralized policymaking and increased social interdependence through modernization and technology which have impacted traditions and created both opportunities and challenges for forming relationships.
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7.3 Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems..pptx
Human relations are transformed by social systems through changes like the rise of industry transforming socio-political conditions, the growth of new knowledge centralized policymaking and increased social interdependence through modernization and technology which have impacted traditions and created both opportunities and challenges for forming relationships.
Human relations are transformed by social systems through changes like the rise of industry transforming socio-political conditions, the growth of new knowledge centralized policymaking and increased social interdependence through modernization and technology which have impacted traditions and created both opportunities and challenges for forming relationships.
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3 Explain how human
relations are transformed by social systems. Outline A. New knowledge B. Policy Making C. Economic Sphere D. Social Realm E. Technology F. On Friendship (Women’s) Change as a Condition of Modern Life • Industry change socio-political conditions. – People flocked to manufacturing centers. – Factory workers has to work for long hours. – This revolutionary change affects the whole of humanity. – There was an emerging pattern of modernity, from wide diversity of traditional values and institutions, and peoples of all nations are confronted with challenges that defines their attitudes that are worldwide in scope. New knowledge • Phenomenal growth of knowledge in modern age increase our understanding of nature and applied it in human affairs.
• Systems of knowledge in particular field gravely
affect our understanding and behaviour in society.
• Such growth in knowledge is continuing without
any slackening of pace. Policy Making • The most important consequences of the application of this new knowledge to human affairs has been the increased integration of policy making
• There is an increase of centralization in
communications, government functions, legal system, and social organization. Economic Sphere • New knowledge contributed to the technical improvements • Mechanization of labour that resulted in mass production • An increasing division of labour. • Greater quantity of goods available. Social Realm o New knowledge have great impact in traditional way of life.
o Literacy is virtually universalize.
o Health has also greatly improved o Success now is not predominantly inherited but it depends on individual achievement. Social Realm • Modernization has changed power relationships among societies by rapidly strengthening the position of some at the expense of others. • Societies have become more interdependent. • Increasing interdependence has lead to development of more orderly procedures for regulating relations among societies, such as diplomatic practices, conference, and international law. Social Realm • Modernization is seen as part of the universal experience and holds great hope for the welfare of humanity. • But also many respect it leads to destructive process. • It has created mass society, where privacy, individualism, and quality tend to be submerged by standards of taste and administrative process. Social Realm • The rise of global consciousness increase the probability that world will be reproduced as a single system.
• Television tends to be watched by huge,
widespread, and undifferentiated audiences enabling people to see people from the other end of the world. Social Realm • Technology has made homogenizing trend of lifestyle possible among young people everywhere in the world.
• It is facilitated by gadgets, cell phones
computers listening to music, entertainment which is promoting to think, feel, and behave alike. Social Realm • Although the world is becoming more and more unified, it in not becoming more and more integrated.
• We are immersed in paradoxical situation.
Nationalism and regionalism contributed to reinforce the type of individualism that excludes others. Social Realm • Social systems, indeed gravely transform how people relate to each other bring with them the imprints of experiences of the increasing globalized consciousness. Technology • Technology also change the way we look human being and society. • Science has greatly influenced the picture we have of human existence and what is essential to humanity. • Humanity does not live according to the natural cycles regulated by natural rhythms anymore • It is governed by a “second nature” that is an artificial environment characterized by the result of technology. Technology • Technology replace natural cycle itself.
• The presence of a relation between material
and non-material, physical and non-physical, and between heaven and earth tends to be denied or found unacceptable. Technology • Technology has encroached upon all matters that in the past were considered to be the right of God in His creation.
• Modern people cannot isolate themselves and live without
• Science and technology had functioned as the “saviour”
with the power to set us free. It liberated human beings from ignorance, underdevelopment, and poverty.
• Science and technology have become the most distinctive
symbol of human autonomy. Technology • Originally, science and technology were developed to assist people solving their problems.
• What happen is modernization prioritized
materialistic truth over non-materialistic one.
• Technology create complexities and
complications in life that can appear as the destruction of the environment, isolation and loss of sensitivity to human spirituality. Technology • We have los spiritual contact with other people, with their environment, surrounding nature, and with anything that has transcendental characteristics.
• Modern technology has sacrificed humanity
and world together, leading to their destruction. Technology • Science and technology, in a broader sense is the culture itself. • It becomes and ideology. It is the knowledge and consciousness and our powers of abstraction. • Technology has become humanity’s whole attitude towards the human world. On (women’s) friendship • There is a quality of friendship between women offering sympathy, learning, validations, and advices. On (women’s) friendship True Friendship – Female friends are extremely important to our emotional and physical health. – Strong female relationships lead to happiness and healthier lives. Recovery from distress and sufferings become easier. – People with less or no friends at all tends, become overweight, and not exercise. On (women’s) friendship • Miss “not Always Sweet.” – Women’s envy, competition, recrimination, and miscommunication can cause problems to their friendship. – Negative portrayal of a best friend: betrayer – Women may have also negative attitude towards other women but they deny it. – These is due to a cultural bias towards women in terms of gender and echoed to also to women's attitude towards other women.