What Is A Corporation?
What Is A Corporation?
What Is A Corporation?
• Creditors – the party who lend to the corporation goods, services or money.
• Employees – the people who contribute their skills, attributes and ingenuity to
the corporation.
Stakeholders of a Corporation
• Government – the apparent interest of this party are the taxes paid by the
• Early Stage Survival - the main objective of an entity especially for those which
has started is the survival during the early years of existence.
• To Offer Vital Services to the Public - corporations offer help in the areas in
which the government has a hard time providing.
• To Offer Goods and Services to the Mass Market – meet the needs of the lower
income class group by offering affordable goods.
Shareholders, Bondholders and Directors
• The other players of the corporation, complete the cast for the corporation to
• Bondholders – will be having a claim in the form of interest earned via long term
• Directors – will be having a claim on their salaries, incentives, stock oprions and
• Will receive a regular interest payments during the life of the bond
Board of Directors
• Another concern for TNCs is their ability to use foreign subsidies to minimize tax