Wind Power Systems: Muhammad Arif
Wind Power Systems: Muhammad Arif
Wind Power Systems: Muhammad Arif
Muhammad Arif
Muhammad Arif
Source of slides
1. Renewable Energy and Efficient Electric Power System by Gilbert M Masters
2. Wind and solar power systems : design, analysis, and operation / Mukund R.
Patel, 2nd ed
3. Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction by Muhammad Arif (Draft Ver.)
Wind Energy
Most wind turbine drive trains include a gearbox to increase the speed of
the input shaft to the generator. Small wind turbine rotors turn at speeds on
the order of a few hundred rpm. Larger wind turbines turn more slowly. Most
conventional generators turn at 1800 rpm (60 Hz) or 1500 rpm (50 Hz).
Source: Introduction to Wind Turbine Technology by Cy Harbourt, GE EnergyGE Energy
Brief History of Windmills
First use of wind power was to sail the ships in Nile by ancient
Egyptians. First known historical reference to windmills is from Hero
of Alexandria (1st Century AD). He describes a device that provides air
to an organ by a windmill.
Brief History of Windmills
Al Masudi, the famous geographer of 9th century, mentions the use of
windmills in Seistan province of Iran.
Seistan’s windmills have continued to be used till recent times.
They were drag type, vertical axis and inherently inefficient
Brief History of Windmills
Windmills made their first recorded appearance in Europe (England)
in 12 Century). The idea may have been brought to Europe from
Seistan by Vikings.
They were considerably different from the Seistan Windmills in
Horizontal axis type
Were driven by lift-force
Used for water pumping, grinding grain, sawing wood, and powering
Major source of energy prior to industrial revolution in Europe.
Began to disappear due to their
Brief History of Windmills
Smith-Putnam achine
Danish Gedser
The Re-emergence of Wind Energy
In late 1960’s global warming concerns and continued apprehension
about Nuclear power resulted in a strong demand for wind generation.
Field of wind energy blossomed in 1970’s after oil crisis with large
infusion of research money in USA, Denmark and Germany to find
alternative sources of energy.
By the early 1980s the incentives for alternative sources of energy
vanished in USA. But with the continued investment until recently,
Europe led in terms of technology and wind capacity installations.
The twenty first century has seen some of the major European suppliers
of wind turbines have established their manufacturing facilities to
China. India, and USA.
In recent times the size of wind turbines has increased from 25kW to 6
MW with machines up to 10MW under design.
The Re-emergence of Wind Energy
Increased size, improved performance and technology innovation
Wind energy now cost competitive with conventional fuels
From ~60 cents/kWh
down to 5-6 cents/kWh
for the period
Lift Force:
Perpendicular to the direction α = low
of motion.
We want to make this force
Drag Force α = medium
parallel to the direction of <10 degrees
We want to make this force
α = High
Aerodynamics of Wind VAWT Blades
With lift force (FL) and drag force (FD) perpendicular and along the direction of
resultant wind VR respectively, the resultant force will now be FR. The component
FM of FR in the plan perpendicular to axis of rotation will cause the rotation of the
blade about the hub.
Power generation Technologies: An Introduction (Draft Ver) by M Arif
Power in the Wind
Power in the Wind
Mass flow rate
What will be the specific power in the wind at the highest point that rotor blade
tip reaches and the lowest point that it falls to?
Alpha = 0.2
Modern wind turbines operate best when TSR is in the range 4-8
Speed Control for Maximum Power
Collect enough site data with the help of anemometer to find the
average wind speed.
Coupling average wind speed with the assumption that the wind
speed distribution follows Raleigh statistics, the average power in
the wind can be estimated using the expressions
Estimate of Wind Energy
In areas with relatively higher wind speeds, higher rating generators may be used and
in areas with lower wind speeds turbines with larger diameters may be called for.
Power Control of Wind Turbines
Wind may not have enough energy to overcome friction of drive train and rotate
the turbine
Even if it rotates, the power generated may be less than that needed for the field
winding of the generator
Since no power is generated below wind speed Vc the portion of wind’s energy
is wasted.
Above cut-in speed power delivered by wind generator increases as the cube of
wind velocity
Recommended spacing
Wind Farms (Wind Parks)
Wind Speed Measurement
Wind Speed Measuring Instruments
Cup anemometers
Propeller anemometers
Sonic anemometers
Acoustic Doppler sensors (SODAR)
Aacoustic Doppler sensors (LIDAR).
anemometer for
Maximum cup measuring three
anemometer wind velocity
Wind Rose
Compass is divided into 8, 12 or 16 sectors
This unique graph shows how often
winds blow from various directions
and the percent energy of the wind for
various directions.
The wider white bars represent the
percent of total energy from different
directions and the narrower, shaded
bars illustrate the percent of total time
from each of the sixteen different
direction sectors
The Wind Rose
Number of Blades-One
0.4 1 Blade
2 Blades
0.3 3 Blades
4 Blades
0.2 Ideal
0 5 10 15
= Tip Speed Ratio
Source: From slides by Cy Harbourt, GE Energy
Capacity Factor
Capacity Factor:
The main electrical grid has a constant frequency, e.g. 50 or 60 Hz, and a
constant phase angle. Therefore, a wind energy turbine must produce
electricity with the same constant values in order to integrate with electricity
in the main grid.
Positive Impacts
Emit none of the SOx, NOx , CO, or particulate matter associated
with fuel-fired energy systems.
No greenhouse gas emissions, wind economics will get a boost if
and when carbon emitting sources begin to be taxed.
Negative impacts
Bird kills
Construction disturbances
aesthetic impacts
Pollution associated with manufacturing and installing the turbine.
Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
According to a recent
USAID report Pakistan, has
the potential of producing
approximately 150,000MW
of wind energy
The first 50MW energy
wind power project started
working in Jhimpir, Sindh in
December 2012.
The government plans to achieve up to 2,500MW from wind energy by the end of 2015
Wind Power in Pakistan
Wind Power in Pakistan
July 2013, 56.4 MW Jhimpir wind power started selling power to NTDC
Wind Power in Pakistan
Land has been allocated to IPPS and various are at various stages of
Wind Power in Pakistan
I shall make electricity so
cheap that only the rich can
afford to burn candles
—Thomas Alva Edison