Wind Power Systems: Muhammad Arif

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Wind Power Systems

Muhammad Arif

Muhammad Arif
Source of slides
1. Renewable Energy and Efficient Electric Power System by Gilbert M Masters
2. Wind and solar power systems : design, analysis, and operation / Mukund R.
Patel, 2nd ed
3. Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction by Muhammad Arif (Draft Ver.)
Wind Energy

 All renewable energy (except tidal and geothermal power),

ultimately comes from the sun
 The earth receives 1.74 x 1017 watts of power from the sun
 About one or 2 percent of this energy is converted to wind
energy (which is about 50-100 times more than the energy
converted to biomass by all plants on earth
 Wind turbines converts the kinetic energy of the wind into
mechanical energy first, and then into electricity if needed.
Wind Turbine Technologies: Drag Type

Power generation Technologies: An Introduction (Draft Ver) by M Arif

Wind Turbine Technologies: Lift Type

Vertical Axis Lift-Force Turbines (VAWT)

Power generation Technologies: An Introduction (Draft Ver) by M Arif

Wind Turbine Technologies: Lift Type

Vertical Axis Lift-Force Turbines (VAWT)

Wind Turbine Technologies: Lift Type

Horizontal Axis Lift Force Turbines (HAWT)

Introductory Power generation Technologies (Draft Ver) by M Arif

Wind Turbine Design: Lift Type

Horizontal Axis Lift Force Turbines (HAWT)

Wind Turbine Components

Source: Introduction to Wind Turbine Technology by Cy Harbourt, GE EnergyGE Energy

Wind Turbine Components

Most wind turbine drive trains include a gearbox to increase the speed of
the input shaft to the generator. Small wind turbine rotors turn at speeds on
the order of a few hundred rpm. Larger wind turbines turn more slowly. Most
conventional generators turn at 1800 rpm (60 Hz) or 1500 rpm (50 Hz).
Source: Introduction to Wind Turbine Technology by Cy Harbourt, GE EnergyGE Energy
Brief History of Windmills
 First use of wind power was to sail the ships in Nile by ancient
Egyptians. First known historical reference to windmills is from Hero
of Alexandria (1st Century AD). He describes a device that provides air
to an organ by a windmill.
Brief History of Windmills
 Al Masudi, the famous geographer of 9th century, mentions the use of
windmills in Seistan province of Iran.
 Seistan’s windmills have continued to be used till recent times.
 They were drag type, vertical axis and inherently inefficient
Brief History of Windmills
 Windmills made their first recorded appearance in Europe (England)
in 12 Century). The idea may have been brought to Europe from
Seistan by Vikings.
 They were considerably different from the Seistan Windmills in
 Horizontal axis type
 Were driven by lift-force
 Used for water pumping, grinding grain, sawing wood, and powering
 Major source of energy prior to industrial revolution in Europe.
 Began to disappear due to their
 Non-dispatchability
 Non-transportability.
Brief History of Windmills

An Example of European Windmill

Brief History of Windmills
 When European wind mills were entering their final years, another type
of windmills came into widespread use in USA for pumping water. These
mills had
 Multiple blades also known as fan type
 Effective regulating system
Early Wind Generation of Electricity
 First wind turbine to generate electricity was developed in 1888 in USA.
 By the middle of last century around 6 million windmills were in
operation in USA for mechanical power and decentralized electricity.
 When the central grid reached every farm, at the beginning of 20th
century in USA, the use of electricity produced by the windmills reduced
 In Denmark between 1891 and 1918 more than 100 electricity generating
turbines of 20-35kW size were built. The electricity generated was used
for the production of hydrogen as fuel.
 Just after world war-II, 200 kW Gedser turbine with three blades was
erected in Denmark. It used aerodynamic stall for power control
replaced the synchronous generator with induction generator.
Early Wind Generation of Electricity
 A two blade turbine (Smith-Putnam Machines) of diameter 53.3 meter
with power rating of 1.25 MW was developed in 1930s. It suffered a
blade failure in 1945 and the project was abandoned.

Smith-Putnam achine
Danish Gedser
The Re-emergence of Wind Energy
 In late 1960’s global warming concerns and continued apprehension
about Nuclear power resulted in a strong demand for wind generation.
 Field of wind energy blossomed in 1970’s after oil crisis with large
infusion of research money in USA, Denmark and Germany to find
alternative sources of energy.
 By the early 1980s the incentives for alternative sources of energy
vanished in USA. But with the continued investment until recently,
Europe led in terms of technology and wind capacity installations.
 The twenty first century has seen some of the major European suppliers
of wind turbines have established their manufacturing facilities to
China. India, and USA.
 In recent times the size of wind turbines has increased from 25kW to 6
MW with machines up to 10MW under design.
The Re-emergence of Wind Energy
Increased size, improved performance and technology innovation
Wind energy now cost competitive with conventional fuels

From ~60 cents/kWh
down to 5-6 cents/kWh
for the period

1981 1985 1990 1996 1999 2001 2005 2010+

Rotor Dia. (m)10 17 27 40 50 71 88 125+
KW 25 100 225 550 750 1,500 2,500 7,500+

Source: Introduction to Wind Turbine Technology by Cy Harbourt, GE EnergyGE Energy

The Re-emergence of Wind Energy
Aerodynamics of Wind Turbine Blades

Power generation Technologies: An Introduction (Draft Ver) by M Arif

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbine Blades

 Lift Force:
 Perpendicular to the direction α = low
of motion.
 We want to make this force
 Drag Force α = medium
 parallel to the direction of <10 degrees
 We want to make this force
α = High
Aerodynamics of Wind VAWT Blades

 Increasing the angle of attack too much can result in a phenomenon

known as stall. When a wing stalls, the airflow over the top no longer
sticks to the surface and the resulting turbulence destroys lift. When an
aircraft climbs too steeply, stall can have tragic results.
Aerodynamics of Wind VAWT Blades

With lift force (FL) and drag force (FD) perpendicular and along the direction of
resultant wind VR respectively, the resultant force will now be FR. The component
FM of FR in the plan perpendicular to axis of rotation will cause the rotation of the
blade about the hub.
Power generation Technologies: An Introduction (Draft Ver) by M Arif
Power in the Wind

 The KE of a packet of air with mass m moving with velocity v is

given by

 Power represented by mass of air moving with velocity v through

an area A is given by

 Power
Power in the Wind
 Mass flow rate

 Combining above equations we get

 For horizontal wind turbines power is proportional to square of the

 Bigger machines are cost effective as cost of turbine increases in
proportion to blade dia while power increases by the square of dia.
 Specific Power or Power Density: Power per square meter of
cross section area
Power in the Wind
Temperature Correction for Air Density
 Air Density at 1 atmosphere pressure and 15 C0 = 1.225 Kg/m3
 For other conditions, we can use the ideal gas equation to determine
the air density,

Where P is absolute pressure (atm)

V is the volume in m3
n is the mass in moles
R is ideal gas constant (8.2065x10-5 m3.atm/mol/K)
T is absolute temperature = 0C+273.15
1 atm pressure is equal to 101.325 kPa and one Pa is equal to I
Temperature Correction for Air Density
 Let M.W is the molecular weight of the air then air density is
given by


 As air the mixture of gases and the equivalent molecular weight

of the air is taken to be 28.97.
 At 30 0C the air density will decrease by 5 % . Consequently the
power will also decrease by 5%.
Temperature Correction for Air Density
Altitude Correction for Air Density
Altitude Correction for Air Density
Impact of Tower Height

Effect of Ground drag Wind Speed Versus Height

Ground Clutter and Turbulence

Impact of Tower Height
 Power in the wind is proportional to the cube of wind speed. Even
modest increase in wind speed can be significant.
 A few hundred meters above the earth surface, the wind speed is
greatly affected due to the resistance of earth surface (high
irregularities of buildings and trees).
 Above the calm sea surface, the wind speed does not change
significantly with altitude.
 Impact of the roughness of earth surface can be characterized by

Where Ho is often taken to be 10 m, alpha is coefficient of friction, v

is wind velocity at height H and v is wind velocity at height H
Impact of Tower Height
Impact of Tower Height
 The power law in previous slides, is used in USA. In Europe the
following formula is generally used,

Where z is called roughness length.

Impact of Tower Height
Rotor Stresses

What will be the specific power in the wind at the highest point that rotor blade
tip reaches and the lowest point that it falls to?

Alpha = 0.2

The power in wind at the tip is 45% more than it is

when the tip reaches the lowest point. This may
increase the noise generated and may contribute in
the blade fatigue ultimately causing the blade failure.
Maximum Rotor Efficiency

Power extracted by the blades:

Maximum Rotor Efficiency
Maximum Rotor Efficiency

Maximum theoretical efficiency is called Betz efficiency or Betz law.

Modern wind turbines under best conditions can approach 80% of the
above limit i.e. 45 to 50 % efficient in converting wind energy into
power of rotating generator shaft
Maximum Rotor Efficiency
Tip Speed Ratio (TSR)
 For a given speed the efficiency of the wind turbines depends on
the speeds at which the rotor turns.
 If rotor turns too slowly, the efficiency drops.
 If rotor turns too fast then turbulences created by the blades reduce
the efficiency as well.
 Efficiency of the turbine can be presented in terms of TSR defined

Where v is wind speed (m/sec) upwind of the turbine

Tip Speed Ratio (TSR)
Speed Control for Maximum Power

Modern wind turbines operate best when TSR is in the range 4-8
Speed Control for Maximum Power

Efficiency of turbine is given in Figure 6.20 and assume that the

efficiency of generator and gear is 70%
Power vs. Wind Speed
Average Power in the Wind

 Speed of turbine needs to be adjusted with speed of wind to get

maximum power under given conditions. This is achieved by
incorporating speed control system with wind turbines and to run
rotor at high speed with high wind and low speed with low wind.

 For stand-alone generators, the variations in the speed of the

turbine is not an issue as the voltage is usually converted into

 For grid connected generators, speed of the generator should be

kept constant.
Average Power in the Wind
 Average speed of the wind does not give the average power
due to nonlinear relationship between power and speed.
 Average Power

 (v3)Avg can be computed from the discrete histogram using

Average Power in the Wind
Average Power in the Wind
Wind Power Probability Density Function
Weibull and Raleigh Statistics

 Weibull Probability Density Function

Where k and c are called shape and scale parameters.

 k changes the look of the pdf.
 For a fixed c = 8, and k = 1, the density looks like a decaying
exponential function. The site would not be a good one to install a
wind turbine, since most of the winds are at lower speeds.
 For k = 3 the shape resembles the bell-shaped curve and site is one
where almost always the wind blows.
Weibull and Raleigh Statistics

The middle one for k = 2 is the

most realistic for likely wind
turbine site
Weibull and Raleigh Statistics

 For shape parameter k = 2, the density function is known as

Raleigh probability density function given by

 For large scale factor parameter c, the curve is shifted towards

higher wind speeds.
 The average wind speed and the scale factor is given by the
Average Power in Wind with Raleigh Statistics
Average Power in Wind with Raleigh Statistics

 Collect enough site data with the help of anemometer to find the
average wind speed.
 Coupling average wind speed with the assumption that the wind
speed distribution follows Raleigh statistics, the average power in
the wind can be estimated using the expressions
Estimate of Wind Energy

Power generation Technologies: An Introduction (Draft Ver) by M Arif

Estimate of Wind Turbine Energy
 Highest possible efficiency: 59.3%
 In optimum conditions, modern rotors will deliver thee fourth of
that power.
 In order to avoid overpowering of generators, rotor will spill
some of energetic high speed winds. Low speed winds are also
neglected. should be spilled.
 Generator and gear box deliver about two-thirds of the shaft
 Combining all these factors the overall efficiency turns out to be
around 30%.
Idealized Wind Turbine Curves
Optimizing Rotor Diameter and Generator Rated Power

In areas with relatively higher wind speeds, higher rating generators may be used and
in areas with lower wind speeds turbines with larger diameters may be called for.
Power Control of Wind Turbines
 Wind may not have enough energy to overcome friction of drive train and rotate
the turbine

 Even if it rotates, the power generated may be less than that needed for the field
winding of the generator

 Cut-in Wind Speed: Minimum speed Vc needed to generate power

 Since no power is generated below wind speed Vc the portion of wind’s energy
is wasted.

 Above cut-in speed power delivered by wind generator increases as the cube of
wind velocity

 At Rated Wind Speed VR the generator delivers maximum power it is designed

Power Control of Wind Turbines
 Cut-out or Furlong Speed: When wind is too strong and
exceeds VF, the machines must be shut down. This is
accomplished by:
 For pitch controlled and active stall controlled machines, the blades are
rotated along their longitudinal axis to create stall.

 For stall Controlled machines, the spring-loaded tips of blades a are

rotated by hydraulic mechanism at an angle of 90 o out of wind. The rotor
stops after few rotations.

 Once rotor stops rotating, mechanical breaks lock the shaft.

Power Control of Wind Turbines
 Above rated wind speed, the wind is shed in order to avoid the damage
to generator. There are three common methods:
 Pitch Controlled Machines: Output power of the generator is monitored. If
it exceeds the specs. Pitch of the turbine blades is adjusted to shed some of
the wind. The strategy is to reduce the angle of attack when winds are high.
The pitch mechanism can be operated using hydraulic systems. But in most
cases, individual electric drives are used to actuate control of blades,
Power Control of Wind Turbines
 In a pitch controlled wind turbine, the electronic
controller checks the power output of the turbine
several times per second. When the power output
becomes too high, it sends an order to the blade
pitch mechanism which immediately pitches (turns)
the rotor blades slightly out of the wind. On the
other hand, the blades are turned back into the wind
whenever the wind drops again.
 During normal operation (below or around rated
wind speed) the controller generally pitches the
blades a few degrees every time the wind changes in
order to keep the rotor blades at the optimum angle
Pitch Controlled Machines
in order to maximize output at all wind speeds.
Power Control of Wind Turbines
 Stall Controlled Machines: Passive stall controlled wind turbines have the
rotor blades bolted onto the hub at a fixed angle.The blades are carefully
designed such a way that the efficiency reduces when the speed of the wind are
excessively high. In the case of stall controlled wind turbines, it is important
that the blade is built such that it will stall gradually from the blade root and
outwards at high wind speeds.Modern large wind turbines use this passive stall
controlled technique
 The main advantage of stall control is that it avoids moving parts in the rotor
itself, and therefore a complex control system since they do not have the same
level of mechanical and operational complexity as pitch-regulated turbines. In
this way, stall-regulated turbines are often considered more reliable than pitch-
regulated ones.
Power Control of Wind Turbines
 On the other hand, stall control represents a very complex
aerodynamic design problem, and related design challenges
in the structural dynamics of the whole wind turbine.
 Around two thirds of the wind turbines currently being
installed in the world are stall controlled
machines.technique .
 For stall Controlled machines, the spring-loaded tips of
blades a are rotated by hydraulic mechanism at an angle of
90 o out of wind. The rotor stops after few rotations.

Turnable tip used as an

aerodynamic brake and activated
by the centrifugal force
Power Control of Wind Turbines

 Active Stall Controlled Machines: Technically the active stall machines

resemble pitch controlled machines, since they have pitchable blades. For
large machines above 1 MW, the angle of attack is increased to introduce
stall at high wind speeds. One of the advantages of active stall is that one
can control the power output more accurately than with passive stall

 Yaw Control: To ensure the wind turbine is producing

the maximum amount of electric energy at all times, the
yaw drive is actively controlled to keep the rotor facing
into the wind as the wind direction changes. This is
accomplished by measured the wind direction by a
wind vane situated on the back of the
Power Control of Wind Turbines

Power curve for pitch- and active stall-regulated turbines

Wind Farms (Wind Parks)

 Clustering wind turbines at a give site

 Reduce the site develop cost

 Simplified connection to transmission lines

 Centralized access for maintenance and operation

 How many turbines can be installed at a given site?

 When turbines are too close the power available to downwind
machines will decrease due to decrease in velocity of the wind.
 Theoretical studies with square arrays with uniform, equal
spacing have shown degradation in performance when turbines
are too close together.
Wind Farms (Wind Parks)

Recommended spacing
Wind Farms (Wind Parks)
Wind Speed Measurement
Wind Speed Measuring Instruments
 Cup anemometers
 Propeller anemometers
 Sonic anemometers
 Acoustic Doppler sensors (SODAR)
 Aacoustic Doppler sensors (LIDAR).

anemometer for
Maximum cup measuring three
anemometer wind velocity
Wind Rose
 Compass is divided into 8, 12 or 16 sectors
 This unique graph shows how often
winds blow from various directions
and the percent energy of the wind for
various directions.
 The wider white bars represent the
percent of total energy from different
directions and the narrower, shaded
bars illustrate the percent of total time
from each of the sixteen different
direction sectors
The Wind Rose
Number of Blades-One

 Rotor must move more rapidly to capture

same amount of wind
 Gearbox ratio reduced
 Added weight of counterbalance negates
some benefits of lighter design
 Higher speed means more noise, visual,
and wildlife impacts
 Blades easier to install because entire
rotor can be assembled on ground
 Captures 10% less energy than two blade
 Ultimately provide no cost savings

Source: The KidWind Project

Number of Blades- Two

 Advantages & disadvantages

similar to one blade
 Need teetering hub and or
shock absorbers because of
gyroscopic imbalances
 Capture 5% less energy than
three blade designs

Source: The KidWind Project

Number of Blades- Three

 Balance of gyroscopic forces

 Slower rotation
 increases gearbox &
transmission costs
 More aesthetic, less noise,
fewer bird strikes

Source: The KidWind Project

Number of Blades



0.4 1 Blade
2 Blades

0.3 3 Blades
4 Blades
0.2 Ideal


0 5 10 15
 = Tip Speed Ratio
Source: From slides by Cy Harbourt, GE Energy
Capacity Factor
 Capacity Factor:

Capacity factor for the NEGMicon

1000/60 assuming Rayleigh wind
statistics. For sites with average
winds between about 4 and 10 m/s
(9 to 22 mph), CF varies quite
linearly with average windspeed.
Rayleigh statistics are assumed.
Electrical Generators

 The main electrical grid has a constant frequency, e.g. 50 or 60 Hz, and a
constant phase angle. Therefore, a wind energy turbine must produce
electricity with the same constant values in order to integrate with electricity
in the main grid.

 A constant-speed turbine cannot

extract peak power at different
wind speeds
 A variable-speed turbine that
tracks peak power at different
wind speeds will deliver higher
overall power output.
Electrical Generators

 To supply electrical energy the wind rotor is coupled, generally via a

gear box, with an electrical generator in form of an induction machine
or a synchronous machine
 Wind energy systems may be operated according to the following
 Constant speed (as for mains fed synchronous machines), or
almost constant speed (mains fed induction machines),
 variable speed
 In variable speed systems, power electronic equipment is used to
decouple voltages and frequencies of generation and grid side.
Electrical Generators: Synchronous Generators

 A synchronous generator can both generate and consume reactive power.

 Permanent magnets can also be used to excite the synchronous generator.
In this case, reactive power cannot be controlled.
 Power electronic components such as thyristors usually convert the three-
phase current of the mains to the desired DC that determines the excitation

Synchronous Generator with Direct Mains Coupling

Electrical Generators: Synchronous Generators
 The disadvantage of synchronous generator directly connected with the grid is
that it runs with a constant speed and operation characteristics in the speed-
power diagram are indicated by an absolutely vertical line.
 The disadvantages can be avoided by connecting the synchronous generator to
mains via a DC link or frequency converter.
 It is possible to vary the speed over a wide range and to run at the optimal speed
to obtain the maximum power use depending on the wind speed.
 A gearbox for adjusting the rotor speed to the generator speed is no longer
Electrical Generators: Induction Generator
Electrical Generators: Cage Type Induction Generator
 A cage type induction generator is dire the connected with the grid and a
gearbox adjusts the speed of the rotor blades to the generator speed.
 The asynchronous generator need not be synchronized with the grid as with
a synchronous generator..
 This system concept appeals with its simplicity.
 However, very large generators can cause high starting currents when they
are connected to the mains.
Electrical Generators: Cage Type Induction Generator
 Two different rotational speeds of generators achieve higher energy gains.
 One concept uses two asynchronous generators that can be coupled to the
rotor one after the other. Another concept applies when stator of the generator
has two separate windings with different numbers of poles. When switching
from one winding to the other the stator speed also changes because the rotor
speed directly depends on the pole pair number

Operating Points for a Wind

Turbine with Two asynchronous
Generators with Different Speeds
Electrical Generators: Wound Type Induction Generator
 A wound-rotor induction machine having its rotor connected to the grid through
a PWM DC-link converter is called a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG).
 A wind turbine driving a DFIG can have three operation modes:
 Super-synchronous operation: Nr>Ns and Pnet = Pr+PS
 Sub-synchronous operation: Nr<Ns and Pnet = Ps-Pr
 Synchronous operation: Nr = Ns and Pnet = Ps (neglecting losses)
Updrift Solar Towers

Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS

Updrift Solar Towers

Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS

Updrift Solar Towers

 The first prototype solar tower of 50 kW was developed near Madrid

(Spain) in 1983 with collector area of 11 acres, chimney height of 195m,
and chimney diameter of 10m.
 It operated for about 8 years without selling electricity and was
decommissioned in 1989.
 A prototype 200kW solar updrift tower has also been constructed in Inner
Mongolia (P R China). Another 200MW updrift solar tower with 7km
collector diameter and 1000m chimney height has been planned in Western

Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS

Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines

 The efficiency of solar towers mainly depends on chimney height and at

present it is less than 2%.
 They are being investigated in several countries around the globe as
possible source of electricity with negligible carbon foot-print.
 The initial investment on the construction of solar towers is currently
prohibitively high leading to higher electricity costs except at locations
where climate is warm and cheap or free land is available.

Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS

Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines

 Positive Impacts
 Emit none of the SOx, NOx , CO, or particulate matter associated
with fuel-fired energy systems.
 No greenhouse gas emissions, wind economics will get a boost if
and when carbon emitting sources begin to be taxed.
 Negative impacts
 Bird kills
 Noise,
 Construction disturbances
 aesthetic impacts
 Pollution associated with manufacturing and installing the turbine.
Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines

Noise from a wind turbines is another objectionable phenomenon, and modern

turbines have been designed to control it. It is difficult to actually measure the
sound level caused by turbines in the field because the ambient noise caused
by the wind itself masks their noise. At a distance of only a few rotor diameters
away from a turbine, the sound level is comparable to a person whispering.
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines

Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS

Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines

Source: Power Generation Technologies: An Introduction(draft Ver) by M Arif, PIEAS

Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines

The windmills are hard

on migrating birds
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines

 People who have never seen modern

wind turbines in person are more
likely to think they will be an
 People may complain that wind
turbines look industrial and take
away from the natural beauty of the
 Though people may support
renewable energy, they may not
want the turbines in their “backyard”
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines
Wind Power in Pakistan

 According to a recent
USAID report Pakistan, has
the potential of producing
approximately 150,000MW
of wind energy
 The first 50MW energy
wind power project started
working in Jhimpir, Sindh in
December 2012.
 The government plans to achieve up to 2,500MW from wind energy by the end of 2015
Wind Power in Pakistan
Wind Power in Pakistan

July 2013, 56.4 MW Jhimpir wind power started selling power to NTDC
Wind Power in Pakistan

Land has been allocated to IPPS and various are at various stages of
Wind Power in Pakistan
I shall make electricity so
cheap that only the rich can
afford to burn candles
—Thomas Alva Edison

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