Hernia Scrotalis FIx
Hernia Scrotalis FIx
Hernia Scrotalis FIx
Abdominal muscle
• Ligamentum inguinale
terbentang Spina iliaca
anterior superior –
Tuberculum pubicum
• Pelebaran ligamen inguinal
membentuk banguna segitiga
(ligamentum lacunare=
gimbernati) – berjalan
horisontal melekat pada
pecten pubis. Pada sisi lateral
menjadi batas dari anulus
• Hesselbach’sTriangle -> Hernia
inguinal (direct)
Canalis ingunalis
• Menghubungkan cavitas
abdominopelvicus- cavum
• Berjalan dari anulus
inguinalis profundus-anulus
inguinalis supericial
Anterior = aponeurosis m.obliqus
eksternus + sebagian m.obliqus internus
Medial =fascia transversalis +inguinal falx
Cranial= m. Obliqus internus+m.
Caudal = lig. inguinale+ lig. Lacunare
• Anulus inguinalis
profundus- fascia
transversalis -> fascia
spermatica interna-
pembungkus funiculus
Hernia Scrotalis
Definition :
• A hernia is a protrusion of a viscus or a part of viscus through an
abnormal opening in the walls of its containing cavity.
• The external abdominal hernia is the most common form. The most
frequent varieties are the inguinal, femoral and umbilical.
General features common to all hernias :
• Any condition that increase the intra – abdominal pressure such as a
powerful muscular effort may produce a hernia.
• Whooping cough is a predisposing cause in childhood, whereas a chronic
cough, straining on micturition or straining on defecation may precipitate a
hernia in an adult.
• It should be remembered that appearance of hernia in an adult can be a sign
of intra – abdominal malignancy.
• Obesity is an another factor, fat acts to separate muscle bundles and layers,
weakens apponeurosis and leads to appearance of hernia ( para-umbilical,
direct inguinal and hiatus hernia ).
• Hernia is more common in smokers which is due to acquired collagen
deficiency increasing the risk of hernia
Composition of a hernia:
Hernia consists of three parts : sac, coverings and the contents.
1. Sac :
It is a diverticulum of peritoneum consisting of :
1 – Mouth. 2 – Neck. 3 – Body. 4 - Fundus.
The neck is usually well defined but in some direct inguinal hernias and in
many incisional hernias there is no actual neck. The diameter of the neck is
important because strangulation of bowel is a likely complication when the
neck is narrow as in femoral hernia and para-umbilical hernias.
2. Covering :
Derived from the layers of the abdominal wall through which the sac passes.
3. Contents :
These can be :
– Omentum = omentocele.
– Intestine = interocele ( maily the small bowel but may be the large
bowel ).
– A portion of the circumference of the bowel = Richter’s hernia.
– A portion of the bladder.
– Ovary with or without the corresponding tube.
– A Meckel’s diverticulum = Littre’s hernia.
– Fluid.
Classification :
Irrespective of site, a hernia can be classified into 5 different types :
1 – Reducible. 2 – Irreducible. 3 – Obstructed.
4 – Strangulated. 5 – Inflammed.
Reducible hernia : hernia either reduce itself when the patient lies down
or can be reduced by the patient or the surgeon. Such a hernia (
reducible ) gives an expansible impulse on coughing.
Surgical anatomy :
The superficial inguinal ring is a triangular aperature in the
aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle lies 1.25 cm above the
pubic tubercle.
The deep inguinal ring is a U shaped condesation of the transervalis
fascia and it lies 1.25 cm above the inguinal ligament
An indirect hernia travels down the canal on the outer side of the
spermatic cord. A direct hernia comes out directly forwards through
the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. Whereas the neck of the
indirect hernia is lateral to the inferior epigastric artery, the neck of
the direct hernia is medial to the artery.
An inguinal hernia can be differentiated from femoral hernia by the
ascertaining the relation of the neck of the sac to the medial end of
the inguinal ligament and the pubic tubercle. In the case of an inguinal
hernia, the neck is above and medial, whereas that of a femoral hernia
is below and lateral
Indirect inguinal hernia
It is the most common type of hernia. It is more common in the
young while the direct type is more common in the old. In the first
decade of life, inguinal hernia is more common on the right side in the
male. This is associated with the later descent of the right testis and a
higher incidence of failure of closure of the process vaginalis.
Clinical features :
We start examining the patient in standing position with asking the
patient to cough and feel the cough impulse. Then examiner should
now :
* Is the hernia is right, left or bilateral.
* Is it inguinal or femoral.
* Is it direct or indirect.
* Is it reducible or not.
* Is it complete or not.
* What are the contents
The patient complains of pain in the groin or pain referred to the
testicles when performing heavy wok or taking strenuous exercise. In
large hernias there is a sensation of weight and dragging on the
mesentery which may produce epigastric pain.
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