This document provides definitions for 50 vocabulary words that may be useful for the IELTS exam. Some of the words defined include: aberration, acquiesce, alacrity, amiability, appease, arcana, avarice, brusque, candor, chide, circumspect, clandestine, coerce, coherent, complacency, confidant, connive, cumulative, debase, decry, deferential, demure, deride, despot, diligent, elated, eloquent, embezzle, empathy, enmity, erudite, extol, feral, flabbergasted, forsake, fractious, f
This document provides definitions for 50 vocabulary words that may be useful for the IELTS exam. Some of the words defined include: aberration, acquiesce, alacrity, amiability, appease, arcana, avarice, brusque, candor, chide, circumspect, clandestine, coerce, coherent, complacency, confidant, connive, cumulative, debase, decry, deferential, demure, deride, despot, diligent, elated, eloquent, embezzle, empathy, enmity, erudite, extol, feral, flabbergasted, forsake, fractious, f
This document provides definitions for 50 vocabulary words that may be useful for the IELTS exam. Some of the words defined include: aberration, acquiesce, alacrity, amiability, appease, arcana, avarice, brusque, candor, chide, circumspect, clandestine, coerce, coherent, complacency, confidant, connive, cumulative, debase, decry, deferential, demure, deride, despot, diligent, elated, eloquent, embezzle, empathy, enmity, erudite, extol, feral, flabbergasted, forsake, fractious, f
This document provides definitions for 50 vocabulary words that may be useful for the IELTS exam. Some of the words defined include: aberration, acquiesce, alacrity, amiability, appease, arcana, avarice, brusque, candor, chide, circumspect, clandestine, coerce, coherent, complacency, confidant, connive, cumulative, debase, decry, deferential, demure, deride, despot, diligent, elated, eloquent, embezzle, empathy, enmity, erudite, extol, feral, flabbergasted, forsake, fractious, f
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Panaceathe goddess of healing incisivedemonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
aberrationa state or condition markedly different from the norm indolentdisinclined to work or exertion abhorfind repugnant ineptgenerally incompetent and ineffectual acquiesceagree or express agreement infamya state of extreme dishonor alacrityliveliness and eagerness inhibitlimit the range or extent of amiablediffusing warmth and friendliness innatepresent at birth but not necessarily hereditary appeasemake peace with insatiableimpossible to satisfy arcanerequiring secret or mysterious knowledge insularrelating to or characteristic of or situated on an island avaricereprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth intrepidinvulnerable to fear or intimidation brazenunrestrained by convention or propriety inveteratehabitual brusquerudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner jubilantfull of high-spirited delight cajoleinfluence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering knellthe sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death callousemotionally hardened lithemoving and bending with ease candorthe quality of being honest and straightforward luridglaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism chidescold or reprimand severely or angrily mavericksomeone who exhibits independence in thought and action circumspectcareful to consider potential consequences and avoid risk meticulousmarked by precise accordance with details clandestineconducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods modicuma small or moderate or token amount coercecause to do through pressure or necessity moroseshowing a brooding ill humor coherentmarked by an orderly and consistent relation of parts myriada large indefinite number complacencythe feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself nadirthe lowest point of anything confidantsomeone to whom private matters are told nominalrelating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name conniveform intrigues (for) in an underhand manner novicesomeone new to a field or activity cumulativeincreasing by successive addition nuancea subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude debasemake impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance obliviouslacking conscious awareness of decryexpress strong disapproval of obsequiousattempting to win favor from influential people by flattery deferentialshowing courteous regard for people's feelings obtuseof an angle, between 90 and 180 degrees demureshy or modest, often in a playful or provocative way parodya composition that imitates or misrepresents a style deridetreat or speak of with contempt penchanta strong liking despota cruel and oppressive dictator perusalthe act of examining or reading carefully diligentquietly and steadily persevering in detail or exactness plethoraextreme excess elatedexultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits predilectiona predisposition in favor of something eloquentexpressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively quaintattractively old-fashioned embezzleappropriate fraudulently to one's own use rashimprudently incurring risk empathyunderstanding and entering into another's feelings refurbishimprove the appearance or functionality of enmitya state of deep-seated ill-will repudiaterefuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid eruditehaving or showing profound knowledge rifeexcessively abundant extolpraise, glorify, or honor salientconspicuous, prominent, or important fabricateput together out of artificial or natural components serendipitygood luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries feralwild and menacing staidcharacterized by dignity and propriety flabbergastedas if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise superfluousmore than is needed, desired, or required forsakeleave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch sycophanta person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage fractiouseasily irritated or annoyed taciturnhabitually reserved and uncommunicative furtivesecret and sly or sordid truculentdefiantly aggressive gluttonyhabitual eating to excess umbragea feeling of anger caused by being offended gratuitousunnecessary and unwarranted venerableprofoundly honored haughtyhaving or showing arrogant superiority vexdisturb, especially by minor irritations hypocrisypretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not have vociferousconspicuously and offensively loud impeccablewithout fault or error wantona lewd or lascivious person impertinentimproperly forward or bold zenith implacableincapable of being appeased or pacified impudentimproperly forward or bold
IELTS General Training Reading Practice Test #12. An Example Exam for You to Practise in Your Spare Time. Created by IELTS Teachers for their students, and for you!
Ielts Writing Success. The Essential Step by Step Guide to Writing Task 1. 6 Practice Tests for Comparing Data in 2 Charts. w/Band 9 Model Answer Key & On-line Support.
John Leather v. Michael Ten Eyck, Individually, Thomas Lindert, Individually, Carmine Restivo, Jr., Individually, Daniel Stevens, Individually, Robert Thoubboron, Individually, and the County of Putnam, New York, 180 F.3d 420, 2d Cir. (1999)