Science: History of
Science: History of
Science: History of
in the GY
Stone Age
• Core tools • Kinilaw
• Pebble tools • Use of tabon-tabon
• Cobble tools (Hydrophytune
• Flake tools orbiculatum) to
remove the smell of
Era of agricultural revolution
• More polished & • Upland rice farming
specialized stone tools • Discovery of FIRE
(ax- & adz-like) • Burial practices
• Smooth surfaced stone
• Baked clay pots / jars
iron Age
Metal Age
(200 B.C.)
• The National Science and Technology
Authority was replaced by the Department
of Science and Technology, giving S&T a
representation in the cabinet.
• Under the Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan for the years 1987-1992,
S&T’s role in economic recovery and
sustained economic growth was
• In the 1990 SONA, Aquino announced
that S&T development shall be one of
the top three priorities of the
government towards an economic
• In 1988, Aquino created the Presidential
Task Force for Science and Technology
which came up with the first Science and
Technology Master Plan or STMP. The
goal of STMP was for the Philippines to
• Aquino encouraged scientists and
inventors to bring the Philippines to its
former position as second to Japan in
the field of S&T.
• Aquino encouraged the private research
sector to form a stronger bond with
public research to help jump-start the
progress in the area of Philippine
Research and Development.
• Free Public Secondary Education Act of
• The Science and Technology Master Plan
was formulated
• A Research and Development Plan was
also formulated
• Significant increase in personnel
specializing in the S&T field
• 3,500 scholarships were given to students
taking up S&T-related courses - Science
and Technology Scholarship Law of 199
• modernization and update of science
classrooms. Health care services were
promoted through local programs -
"Doctors to the Barrio Program.”
• Magna Carta for Science and Technology
• National Program for Gifted Filipino
Children in Science and Technology
• Science and Technology Agenda for
National Development (STAND)
• Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act
• The Intellectual Property Code of the
• Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic
Act No. 8749)- to protect and preserve the
environment and ensure the sustainable
development of the country’s natural
• Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (Republic
Act No. 8792) which outlaws computer
hacking and provides opportunities for new
businesses emerging from the Internet-
• launch of a full-scale program based on
cost effective irrigation technologies
• Basic health care, basic nutrition, and
useful education
• Speed up the program for establishing
one science high school in every
• Pushed for the advancement of
industries and schools into the Internet
Golden age of sci-tech
• Numerous laws and projects concerning the
environment and science helped push STI
• The term "Filipinnovation" was coined to
promote the Philippines to be an innovation
hub in Asia
• Strengthening the schools and education
system to focus more in science,
conferment of 4 new National Scientist for their scientific
• Gavino C. Trono - extensive studies made
on seaweed species helped families in the
coastal areas.
• Angel C. Alcala - served as the pioneer
scientist and advocate of coral reefs aside
from his contribution in the fields of
systematics, secology and herpetology .
• Ramon C. Barba - all year round
availability of mangoes was made
possible through his studies on the
induction of flowering of mango and
micropropagation of important crop
• Edgardo D. Gomez - steered the
national-scale assessment of damage
coral reefs which led to a national
• 271 new weather stations installed by
Dept. od Science and Technology
• DOST-SEI offers S&T Scholarship for
incoming freshmen college students
• DOST-SEI offers overseas scholarships
for S&T graduates
• Duterte signed the “Balik Scientist Act”
Science and technology in the Philippines. (2019, July 17).
Retrieved August 11 , 2019, from
ogy_in _the_Philippines
S&T Media Service. (n.d.) President Duterte signs Balik
Scientist Law. Retrieved August 11, 2019, from
resources/news/49- 2018/1414-presiden-duterte-signs-