Requisites of protest
1. How made
a. The protest must be annexed to the bill or must contain a copy thereof.
b. It must be under the hand and seal of the notary making it.
c. It must specify the following:
i. The time and place of presentment.
ii. It must be under the hand and seal of the notary making it.
iii. The cause or reason for protesting the bill,
iv. The demand made and the answer given, if any, or the fact
that the drawee or acceptor could not be found.
2. By whom made
Protest may be made by –
a. A notary public, or
b. Any respectable resident of the place where the bill is
dishonored, in the presence of two or more credible witnesses.
3. When made
The protest must be made on the day of its dishonor unless delay is
excused. When a bill has been duly noted, the protest may be
subsequently extended as of the day of noting. (Sec.155)
“Noting” means the notary public writes a note on the bill, or on a
paper attached thereto, or in his notarial register, consisting of his initials,
the month, day and year, the matters required to be included in the
protest together with the noting charges.
Delay in noting or protesting is excused when delay is caused by
circumstances beyond the control of the holder and not imputable to his
default, misconduct or negligence. When the cause of delay ceases to
operate, the bill must be noted or protested with reasonable diligence.
4. Where made
A bill must be protested at the place where the bill is dishonored.