Presentation On " ": Human Resource Practices OF BRAC BANK

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Presentation On

“Human Resource Practices OF BRAC BANK”

Prepared for : Dr. MD Mesbah Uddin
Adjunct faculty
Department of business studies
State university of Bangladesh
Prepared by: MD. Kazi Tanvir Alam
ID: PG15-26-18-020
Batch: 26 (A)
Department OF business studies
 One of the fastest growing bank in the
 Motivated to provide “ best-in the-class”
services to its customers
 Recruits goal oriented , enthusiastic
individuals for various business operations
 Helping to make communities and economy
of the country stronger and people achieve
their financial goals
 Maintaining high level of standards for its
 Standardized management
History Of Brac Bank

 started its journey on July 04, 2001

 It is an affiliate of BRAC ( Bangladesh Rural Advancement
 Bank has disbursed over BDT 14,500 crores of SME loans and has
over 1,200,000 individual customers
 They have grown 81 branches and and 250 ATM sites across the
country so far.
 Share holders

Primary data:
→ Open ended and close ended questions
→ Conducted discussions with Officers of HRD

Secondary data
→ Annual Report of BRAC Bank Limited
→ Website browsing
Human resource division wings and
functions are performed
 Selection and Recruitment.
 Administration
 Training and Development of Employees.
 Recruitment
 Compensation and Benefits Planning.
 Learning & Development
 Payroll benefits
 Promotion Planning.
 Local and Foreign Travel Planning.
 Policy Formulation for Leaves.
 Making Reward and Recognition Policies.
 Policy Formulation for Staff Loans
 Policies for Resignation or Termination from
 Retirement Policy.

a) Direct recruitment : Bank collect and shortlist the CV’s referred by the present
employee for the direct interviews for specific post

b) Advertisement: When direct recruitment doesn’t happen, HRD of the bank advertise of

recruitment in different news papers and website with a minimum

requirement for the post and shortlist the cv’s.

c) Internal job posting: For internal job posting there is a notice board and mail access for
existing staffs other than the temporary or permanent staffs.
Training and development

The bank’s policy is to train the Human Resources to enhance skill and knowledge for better
understanding of job responsibilities. It includes on-the-job and formal training programs.

 Orientation Training
 In-house training
 Job specific training
 Need base local/foreign training
 Peer or Supervisor’s coaching
 E-learning: Online training and evaluation
MIS and strategic planning

• Works process improvement, project management, increasing use of technology

• Employee development program based online training program
• “E-attendance” for employee attendance management
• “E-PM” for employee performance management program
Compensations and benefits

Salaries, E. g. Basic salary, house rent, medical allowance

Festival bonus : bank provide two festival bonuses for the permanent employees for
“eid-ul-fitr” and “eid-ul-azha”. Non confirmed employees are entitled
to get bonus on pro rata basis based on their joining dates

Re-fixation of salary: revised pay scale , inflation etc

Other benefits to be introduced

 Leave Fare assistance (once a year)

 Hospitalization Insurance ( employ dependent spouse or children)
 Travel allowance (Traveling Allowance , hotel rent, daily allowance)
 Security fund:
 Welfare fund (accidents on the job, marriage of children, eduction for children, illness)
Performance appraisal

 The board of directors discretion

 Target achievement
 Based on banks profit
 Criteria set by the management form time to time
 Over time duties

 Make the salary structure attractive to the employee.

 Make succession planning.
 Reduce the extra workload of the employee.
 They should increase the manpower of HR department.
 The Human Resource Division’s control must be structured.
 Arrange co-curricular activities for employee’s refreshment.
 Arrange proper training for the employee.
 The training should be motivational.
 For better training they can go for professional trainers

 locally owned institution providing efficient, modern banking services.

 Prioritizes employees and customers equally
 Created a smooth working environment for all the stuffs present in the
 Conducting modern trends in training which is tending the employees to get the
target achieved within short time
 Recruitment process is so straight forward as they prioritize on-job training rather
than off job training

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