Generation Y: Presented by Nikhil Chourasia
Generation Y: Presented by Nikhil Chourasia
Generation Y: Presented by Nikhil Chourasia
Presented By
Nikhil Chourasia
•Generation Y, also known as Millennials and Nexters,
are the children of Baby Boomers who are born between
1980 and 1995.
•This generation is confident, independent, and goal-
oriented. Although, technology advances began in the
Gen X era.
•Generation Y was born into technology and often knows
more about the digital world than their teachers and
1. Tech/Web Savvy:
Generation Y prefer to communicate more quickly and
effectively via email, social networks or text messaging
as opposed to traditional means of communication. The
generation are also attracted to organisations where
technology is are the forefront of the companies ethos.
Traditional companies are less of an attraction for the
millennial generation. Technology needs to be part of
this generations day to day life.
2. Family Orientated: