Presentation: Topic: Information Systems Analysis

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Advanced Educational Programs


1. Han Ngoc Diep
2. Doan Thi Minh Anh
3. Dam Thi Khanh Quynh
4. Hoang Thi Khanh Ly
Steps for System Analysis & Design

Requirements System
Feasibility Analysis Hardware Study Implementation System Modification
Step 1 Step 3 Step 5 Step 7 Step 9

Step 2 Step 4 Step 6 Step 8

Requirements Final Specifications System Design System
Specification Evaluation
- Industry: Retail
- Product: Designed phone cases
and other phone accessories.
- Size: Small
- Number of employees: 50
(Accounting department, Design
department, Sales department,
Printing & Packing department)

ACE Phone Case

Limited Company
Step 1: Requirements Determination
Doan Thi Minh Anh

User Friendly

More Efficient

Latest Security

Step 2: Requirements Specification
Doan Thi Minh Anh
Requirements Specification



Problem and Solution

The basis step
Main reason
- what are the problem that the company
is currently facing
- how is it affecting their business?

Interview Method
- General director, sales manager,
cashier, accountant, designers
- Ask them about the problem that
they were facing in business

Your Client

What is main reason behind

their success in the market ?
Existing problems
Manual Work
The problem that was detected and was Content Here
commonly seen in the answer of interviews was
that all the work was done manually.

Physical Storage
There were a lot of records being generated on Content
papers, which was very insecure if anything
happened to the store all the records would be
destroyed and that would provide the company
in a great loss

No proper security arrangements: Content

Everyone was accessible to the personal Here
records of every individual customer.
A new system
Customer design and Control and manage order
create order by themselves purchases
- Designing tools with the - Control the flow of business
available patterns - Solve the incurred problems
- Approve the order by

Document storage Management report

- Order details support
- Other related document
- Support to prepare report
needed for reports
weekly, monthly, yearly.
- Make decision fast
Step 3 : Feasibility
Han Ngoc Diep
Technical feasibility

• Replace the manually work

• Transform data into computer

form => argument productivity
• Training sessions are required
Operational feasibility

Performance Control
the whole thing would be computerized Top management would have charge
and and the task would be done rapidly to control the system => would
hence augmenting performance levels. decrease pilfering , providing security
every employee would have limited

Information Efficiency
have its own data base through it coup with all sinecures like data
the company can look and see all entry, customer information, billing
the transactions of the customers information resulting efficiency
thus having information about all it among employees eventually
customers satisfying customers .

Economy Services
enhance productivity, thus making the provide augment product or
project economically strong system and upgrading it in
reduce the more workers, thus cutting the future
down the expanses and saving more
Step 4 : Final Specifications
Han Ngoc Diep
Final Specifications

1 2 3 4
All the personal It more reliable, It can generate Introducing this software
records would Fast and user automatic backup would facilitate new
have right of friendly of each customer customer enrolling and
privacy records design cases from us
that will make them
enjoy high profit
Step 5: Hardware Study
Step 6: System Design
Current System of ACE Phone Case
Context Diagram
Data Flow Diagram
Step 7: System Implementation
Dam Thi Khanh Quynh
System Implementation
Document System 3 Running Trial
Customer Orders; Packing Slip; Bill of Lading; System
Invoices; Check; Remittance Advices; What are the advantages and
Management Reports disadvantages?

Creating Database 2
Current Customers Database;
Designed Phone Case Training 4
 Employees: educate them to excel to
the newly proposed system and to
further understand and use the built in
software step-by-step and between
 Customers: How to access new
Writing Program 1 website; Fill in information; Design
their Phone Case; Place Order
Take advantage of Microsoft
Access; Design Mock-up &
POS Software
New System for ACE Phone Case
Step 8: System Evaluation
Dam Thi Khanh Quynh
Satisfaction from Users
Use the system effortlessly
Connecting all the processes; user- friendly  Enable
employees to learn and operate the system easily

Time-saving and Cost-saving

- Replacing manual work and transform all the manually data in
to computerize forms  Save time
- Reducing human resources  Cut down on expenses

Enhance Productivity and Efficiency

Reducing errors in data entry, customer information, billing
information and payment.
 Efficiency among employees eventually satisfying customers.

Management + Internal Control

- All the documents are automatedly synthesized.
- Management Reports are created  Easy to manage and
make decisions.
- Internal Control
Dissatisfaction from Users

Customers Employees

Need Special Designs “Fake” Customers

 Limited Designed Features There are customers orders but when Phone
 Customers want more special features, notes,… Cases are delivered, no one takes those.
 Need direct designers.  Need Confirmation
Step 9: System Modification
Dam Thi Khanh Quynh
Redesigned System for ACE Phone Case
Thank You

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