Blue Law RP

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Learning Objectives:
 Identify the blue laws in Philippine legal landscape;
 Discuss the salient features of the blue laws and penal
 Prepare a case digests on identified judicial decisions;
 Apply the blue laws to the identified environmental issues;
 Laudato Si is the first encyclical issued by Pope Francis in
his papacy. Interestingly, he gives importance on our
concern for our common home. Responding to the signs of
the time, he saw that we need to take actions on the current
situations of our common home.. He encourage us to
participate by means of doing simple actions that will
benefit our common home. Whatever harm that we can
put on it, it will return to us because we are situated in one
place, the Earth, our common home.
The BLUE Environment


R.A. 8550
Approved on February 25, 1998 Providing for
the development, management and
conservation of the fisheries and aquatic

a. to achieve food security as the overriding

consideration …in order to provide the food
needs of the population.
b. to limit access to the fishery and aquatic
resources for the exclusive use and enjoyment
of Filipinos;
 c. to ensure the rational and sustainable
development, management and conservation of the
fishery and aquatic resources in Philippine water
including the EEZ
 d. to protect the rights of fisherfolk, especially of
the local communities in the preferential use of the
municipal waters.
 e. to provide support to the fishery sector, primarily to the
municipal fisherfolk, women and youth sectors, through
technology and research, post-harvest facilities, marketing
and others.
 f. to manage fishery and aquatic resources, in a manner
consistent with the concept of an Integrated Coastal Area
Management (ICM
g. to grant the private sector the privilege to
utilize fishery resources under the basic
concept that the grantee, licensee is an active
par participant and partner of the Government
in the sustainable development, management,
conservation and protection of the aquatic
resources of the country.

All Philippine waters including other waters

over which the Philippines has sovereignty and
jurisdiction, and the country's 200-nautical
mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and
continental shelf;
all aquatic and fishery resources whether
inland, coastal or offshore fishing areas,
including but not limited to fishponds, fish
all lands devoted to aquaculture, or businesses
and activities relating to fishery, whether
private or public lands.
Municipal Waters…
 Section 4(58) of RA 8550 defines municipal waters as those which
“include not only streams, lakes, inland bodies of water and tidal
waters within the municipality, which are not included within the
protected areas as defined under Republic Act No. 7586 (the
NIPAS Law), public forest, timber lands, forest reserves, or fishery
reserves, but also marine waters included between two (2) lines
drawn perpendicular to the general coastline from points where the
boundary of the lines of the municipality touch the sea at low tide
and a third line parallel with the general coastline including
offshore islands and fifteen (15) kilometers from such coastline”.
 Where two (2) municipalities are so situated on
opposite shores that there is less than thirty (30)
kilometers of marine waters between them, the third
line shall be equally distant from the opposite shore
of the respective municipalities.

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