KM Life Cycle New
KM Life Cycle New
KM Life Cycle New
Rapid Prototyping
The Role of Rapid Prototyping
Knowledge Capture
Design KM Blueprint
Knowledge capture What and whose knowledge should Acquisition of knowledge core
be captured?
Data KM Results,
Manupulation System Solutions,
Answers, and
KM KM Strategy
Focus on Competitive
Quality and Reliability of the
Advantage, Role of IT, and
Infrastructure and IT Staff
enables Level of Creativity and
and Resources
Knowledge Innovation
(2) Form the KM Team
Identify the key stakeholders
(units, departments,
branches or divisions) of the
prospective KM system.
Team success depends on:
Ability of team members
Team size
Complexity of the project
Leadership and team motivation
Not promising more than
can be realistically delivered
(3) Knowledge Capture
Capturing Knowledge involves extracting, analyzing and interpreting the
concerned knowledge that a human expert uses to solve a specific
Explicit knowledge is usually captured in repositories from
appropriate documentation, files etc.
Tacit knowledge is usually captured from experts, and from
organization's stored database(s).
Interviewing is one of the most popular methods used to capture
Data mining is also useful in terms of using intelligent agents that may
analyze the data warehouse and come up with new findings.
In KM systems development, the knowledge developer acquires the
necessary heuristic knowledge from the experts for building the
appropriate knowledge base.
(3) Knowledge Capture
Knowledge capture and knowledge transfer are often carried out
through teams
Knowledge capture includes determining feasibility, choosing the
appropriate expert, tapping the experts knowledge, retapping
knowledge to plug the gaps in the system, and verify/validate the
knowledge base