Assuming A Target SNR of 20 DB

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Assuming a target SNR of 20 dB,

1. A SISO technology can offer a

data rate up to 0.5 Mbps ,
2. A 2 transmit and 1 receive
technology can offer a data rate
of 0.8 Mbps.
3. A 4 transmit and 4 receive
system can reach up to 3.75
• This can be achieved by single
transmit and receive system ,
but it needs 105 times higher
SNR or transmit power
compared with a four-transmit
and four receive antenna
Why multiple antennas in wireless?
Array Gain :
• Array gain refers to the average increase in SNR at the receiver that
arises from the coherent combining effect of multiple antennas at
the receiver or transmitter or both.
• The average increase in the signal power received is proportional to
the number of receive antennas.
Diversity gain:
• Diversity is used in the wireless to combat fading .
• Diversity is characterized by the number of independently fading
branches, also known as the diversity order and is also equal to the
number of receive antennas in multiple output channels.
Spatial Multiplexing:(SM OR SMX)
• It is a transmission technique in MIMO wireless
communication to transmit independent and separately
encoded data signals, so-called streams, from each of the
multiple transmit antennas. Therefore, the space dimension is
reused, or multiplexed, more than one time.
• Increases the transmission rate for the same bandwidth and
with no additional power requirement.
• This improves the system reliability.

Interference reduction:
• When multiple antennas are used ,the differentiation between
the spatial signatures of the desired signal and co-channel
signals can be exploited o reduce the interferences.
Schematic diagram of ST wireless communication
MIMO model development
T received samples across ‘t’
x1 receive antennas, the related ‘t’
dimensional vector is given by:



It is a ‘t’ dimensional receive

MIMO model development
R received samples across ‘r’ y1
receive antennas, the related ‘r’
dimensional vector is given by: y2



It is a ‘r’ dimensional receive

Overall model


‘t’ dimensional transmit vector ‘r’ dimensional receive vector

MIMO channel

• hij → i, jth coefficient, ith row and jth column.

• hij →channel coefficient between ith and jth transmit antenna.
• Total number of channel coefficient= r × t.
• In general (r × t) system

• Symbol received on lth receive antenna.

Special cases
• When t=1 the channel model will be as shown below. Having
multiple outputs and single input it is called as SIMO(single
input multiple output)

• When r=1 (number of receive antenna=1) the channel model is

shown below having single output for multiple input. Its called
as MISO channel.

Channel vector

• Where


When r=1 and t=1 then the channel is called SISO(single

input single output)
Y= h x + w
h -> fading channel coefficient.
w-> white Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance σ2.
Sampled Signal Model
Assumptions – before modeling,
1. Signals, channels and noise are assumed to be normalized for both the
absolute and the comparative performance of communication systems.
2. Energy of average channel element (SISO link) is assumed to be
normalized i.e., E{|hi,j|2}=1.
3. Assume in the SISO and SIMO cases that the average transmit symbol
energy is Es.
4. Similarly for MISO and MIMO the average transmit energy per symbol
period is assumed to be the energy per symbol per antenna is Es/MT.
5. Noise is assumed to be ZMCSCG.
SISO Sampled Signal Model

Frequency Flat Channel

• For a frequency flat channel h[k] = 0 for

(assuming no sample delay) and denoting
h [0] by h, the input–output relation for the
channel simplifies to,
Frequency selective channel
• For the frequency selective case, the channel
is given by where
L – channel length.
The received signal sample at time index k is
given by
• The input-output relationship for frequency
selective fading can be alternatively expressed
To-eplitz matrix
SIMO sampled signal model
Frequency selective channel

MISO sampled signal model

Frequency selective channel


T contiguous samples of received signal can be stacked and written as,

MIMO sampled signal model

Frequency selective fading

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