Effective Lesson Planning

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• A semi-detailed lesson plan is less
Semi- intricate than the detailed lesson
plan. It is having a general game
detailed plan of what you wanted to cover
Lesson Plan for that subject on that particular
Five parts
of semi- Subject Matter
detailed Procedure
plans: Evaluation

• Statement of purpose for the whole
lesson. An objective statement itself
should answer what students will be
able to do by the end of the lesson.

Objectives • The objective drives the whole lesson

, it is the reason the lesson exists .
Care is taken when creating the
objective for each day’s lesson , as it
will determine the activities the
students engage in.
At the end of the class, the students should be able to:
• a. compare the two sets of dialog based on its cultural
and social aspects;
• b. define the 8 key Elements of S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G
• c. justify the examples of the S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G model;
• d. demonstrate cooperation in the discussions and
- A specific topic includes sources
Subject of information, e.g. textbooks and
Matter library references.
The subject matter includes the

Topic – particular lesson Reference/s – usually from Materials – refer to objects or

the book and internet websites. tools that serve as instructional
aids for particular subject.
II. Subject matter

Topic: Exploring Ethnography of Communication

• Hymes, D. H. (1962). The Ethnography of Speaking. In T.
Gladwin & W. Sturtevant (Eds.), Anthropology and Human
Behavior (pp. 13-53). Washington, DC: Anthropological Society
of Washington.
• Copland, F., Creese, A., Rock, F., & Shaw, S. (2015). Linguistic
ethnography: Collecting, analysing and presenting data. Los
Angeles: SAGE.
Instructional materials
• Handouts and PowerPoint Presentation about
Ethnography of Communication
• Visual aids for 8 key elements of S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G
• Jar with students’ complete name
• Semantic map for the word Ethnography and
- The body of your lesson plan, the
way in which you’ll share
information with students and the
Procedure methods you’ll use to help them
assume a measure of mastery of
that material
Detailed Lesson Plan Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

• It provides mastery of what to • In semi-detailed lesson plan

teach , and gives the teacher has only contains procedures
the confidence when teaching or steps to be used in the
. In this plan, both teacher’s lesson proper.
and student’s activities are
A. Daily Routine

Greeting, Prayer,
Classroom management
Checking of Attendance
B. Review

Quick review of previous learning

1. What are the differences of men and women in

terms of conveying their message?

2. How does gender affect discourse?

C. Motivation
Provides the interest/motivation factor
The teacher will show pictures
and will ask the following
1. When does a person do a shake
hand? Say “Hey you!”? Catcall?
2. Can you understand the rationale
behind the gesture/ any
conversation when you are
unaware of the context of
situation behind it?

The body of your lesson plan, the way in which

you’ll share information with students .
E. Collaborative learning
Provides specific activities to assist students in
developing the new knowledge.

The students will get their own partner and analyze the video
clip of a woman’s speech that will be presented by the teacher.
The students will write a short analysis about the video
through the use of 8 key elements of
S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G model.
F. Generalization
Lesson Wrap-up: Leave students with an imprint of
what the lesson covered

The teacher will post terms from the topic discussed and she
will ask the students of what they can say about the given word
in relation to the topic.
1. Ethnography of communication
2. Speaking Model
- It can take the form of formative
test consisting of a 10 item
multiple choice questions after the
day’s lesson to determine the
Evaluation mastery of learning, e.g.. 95% of
the class got 100% correct
IV. Evaluation
I. Matching type: Directions. Match column A to column B and provide a short
justification about your answer. (16 pts.)

1. Setting a. letures ____________________

2. Acts b. At School ____________________
3. Participants c. Students ____________________
4. Instrumentalities d. Dialect ____________________
5. Ends e. Behaviour ____________________
6. Keys f. Message ____________________
7. Norms g. Shouting ____________________
8. Genre h. Goal ____________________

II. Essay: Directions. In at least 3-5 sentences, answer the question below. (4pts)
 What is the importance of Ethnography of Communication in Discourse
- It includes questions , exercises,
and/or a set of practice specified
by the teacher , in order to succeed
in discussing the assignment for
Assignment the following day , a teacher give
focused specific questions for
students to answer .
V. Assignment
Write a short analysis of the short dialogue below through the use of 8
key elements of
S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G model. Write your analysis in a short bond paper. It
can be typewritten or handwritten. Do not put designs and make it
A teacher who is attempting
to teach without inspiring the
pupil with a desire to learn is
hammering on a cold iron.

Horace Mann

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