Solar Hybrid System
Solar Hybrid System
Solar Hybrid System
Now a day’s electricity is very important facility for
the human being. All the conventional energy
resources are changing day by day. So we have to
move from conventional to non-conventional
energy resources. So we move toward solar
energy. This process converts the sustainable
energy resources without damaging the nature.
Solar energy converted into electricity by using
solar panels. This electrical power can utilize for
various application. Generation of electricity will
be takes place at low cost. Without damaging the
nature balance.
Solar energy systems come in various
configurations, and the choice is yours
whether you go off the grid or stay on the
grid. This paper discusses the advantages of
a Solar hybrid system, grid tied solar system
and standalone solar systems (or Off-Grid
solar systems). Grid-tied, on-grid, utility-
interactive, grid intertie and grid back
feeding are all terms used to describe the
same concept – a solar system that is
connected to the utility power grid.
A.Grid-Tied Solar System
Grid-tied, on-grid, utility-interactive, grid intertie and grid
back feeding are all terms used to describe the same
concept – a solar system that is connected to the utility
power grid.
As it does not require battery banks and
other standalone components, it is
relatively cheaper than Off-Grid or hybrid
It facilitates you to take advantage of net
A. PV-diesel-hybrid-power plants
PV-diesel-hybrid-power plants without storage have rather low
capital requirements. In the picture there is an option to connect
the plant to the grid, which is applied in regions with an unstable
grid. In the typical off-grid solution, the electricity from the solar
power plant is used with priority, the diesel gensets generate the
missing gap between the solar output and the load from the mine
Uganda Presently, hybrid systems in the 5 kWp range have been implemented at
rural district headquarters and at a few industries. The deployment of this
technology is still at the infant stage. The Rural Electrification Strategy and Plan
established in 2011 aims to connect over 500,000 new electricity customers to the
main grid, independent grids, and to solar PV systems, with the support of local
institutions (Rural Electrification Fund, Rural Electrification Board and Rural
Electrification Agency). These institutions are willing to promote PV / diesel hybrid
technology. REA has budgeted for feasibility studies in 2011-2012 for hybrid solutions
in Koome and Buvuma Islands (hybrid systems with wind, solar and diesel sources).
Kenya In 2011, a PV / diesel hybrid power plant was implemented (10 kWp PV, 80
kVA diesel).
It was the first of its kind in the country, with the implementation managed by KPLC.
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso’s Fund for the Development of Electrification has initiated
a project in 2012 to add a solar PV component to existing diesel power plants in the
Sahel region. A previously installed PV array at the diesel plant in a remote locality in
Sahel will soon be connected to the main grid. Madagascar In 2010, two hybrid
systems based on PV were implemented: One funded by the government (7 kWp PV,
12 kW diesel) and one by the African Development Bank (8 kWp PV, 100 kW diesel).
Among the three options that are available, the grid tied captive systems are the most prevalent in
India. These are available up to a capacity of 100 kW, and typically do not use batteries. At the same
time, stand alone/captive based power plants in India are evolving fast. Globally, most people do not
run their entire load solely off their PV system. The majority of systems use a hybrid approach by
integrating another power source. The most common form of hybrid system incorporates a gas or
diesel powered engine generator, which can greatly reduce the initial cost. Meeting the full load with
a PV system means the array and batteries need to support the load under worst-case weather
conditions. This also means the battery bank must be large enough to power large loads. These
requirements will make the system unviable owing to the high costs of battery storage.
Hence, a diesel-solar PV generator provides the optimal power supply source for India as well, as the
generator provides the extra energy needed during cloudy weather and during periods of heavier
than normal electricity use, and can also be charging the batteries at the same time. A hybrid
system provides increased reliability because there are two independent charging systems at work.
Another hybrid approach is a PV system integrated with a wind turbine. Adding wind turbine makes
sense in the locations where the wind blows when the sun does not shine. In this case, consecutive
days of cloudy weather are not a problem, so long as the wind turbine is spinning. While in theory
this combination appears good, in practice this combination has not delivered the benefits expected
out of it, primarily owing to the less-than-optimal efficiencies of micro wind turbines. For even
greater reliability and flexibility while using wind and solar, there are experimentations where a third
source – diesel generator – has been included in a PV/Wind system. A generator system will act as a
third charging source for the batteries. This three-source hybrid is in its nascent stages in India.
The hybrid system will bring enormous benefit to the rural and
remote areas of India where there is severe crisis of reliable
supply of electricity. The study clearly shows that the optimized
wind-PV-diesel hybrid system is more cost effective in terms of
Cost. The system will reduce the CO2 emission by several
percentage thus bringing a local as well as a global carbon
benefit. The potential of the system will promote socio-
economic development to the local people by getting longer
hours of electricity supply after sunset which will help the
students to study more as well as local businessman to earn
more. Technology transfer and capacity building have also been
developed in implementing combined renewable-fossil fuel
power plants. However, the effectiveness of the hybrid system
is promising enough that further analysis can be made to
collect the additional data to perform a more detailed analysis.